ADVANCED TRAINING PROGRAMME. This programme is based on a three bodypart per workout split . It should be carried out 4 days per week e.g.. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, or any other configuration provided you keep to a maximum of 2 consecutive training days. Day 1 Chest, Back, Biceps and Abdominals. Day 2 Legs, Shoulders, Triceps and Abdominals. Bodypart- Exercise -Alternative -Sets and Reps CHEST Flat bench press or Machine press or dumbbells 1 Light warm-up 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Incline bench press 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Incline bumbbells or Peck deck or Cable crossovers 3 x 12 to 15 reps BACK Lat Pulldowns Back or front, wide or narrow 1 Light warm-up 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Bent over rowing 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Dumbbell rowingor Low pulley rowing 3 x 12 to 15 reps BICEPS Bar curls or Machine curls 1 Light warm-up 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Close grip cables 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Dumbbell curls or Close bar curls 3 x 12 to 15 reps LEGS Leg Press or Squats 1 Light warm-up 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Leg Extension or Hack Squats 3 x 15 downto 10 reps Leg curls or Stiff leg deadlifts 3 x 12 downto 8 reps SHOULDERS Seated press bar or Dumbbell press 1 Light warm-up 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Upright rowing 4 x 12 downto 8 reps Lateral raises or Bent over dumbbell raises 3 x 12 to 15 reps TRICEPS Cable pushdowns or Close grip press 1 Light warm-up 4 x 10 downto 6 reps Dumbbell kickbacks or Dips 3 x 12 to 15 reps ABDOMINALS Bench crunches or Cable crunches 5 x 15 to 20 reps This programme should be carried out at a reasonable pace and you should aim to complete it within 1.25 to 1.5 Hrs. It is important to observe good form whilst performing the exercises never swing or jerk the weights and never try to handle more weight than you can use to comfortably perform the required reps ( struggling slightly to get the final couple ). If you fell any sharp or uncomfortable pain ....STOP . If followed as shown you will see appreciable gains in strength and muscle size quite quickly and as your strength increases you should gradually increase the poudages to compensate. Vary your workouts by using the alternatives suggested and consider teaming up with a partner of about the same standard as this can promote intensity and rivalry which makes the workouts more interesting.