ADVR 3100 Survey of Promotion Winter 2014 Syllabus Dr. John

ADVR 3100
Survey of Promotion
Winter 2014 Syllabus
Dr. John King, Professor
East Tennessee State University Department of Communication
Course Purpose
Survey of Promotion is an introductory course providing an overview of the
convergence of the communication professions of public relations and advertising
focusing on Integrated Marketing Communications; its specialized vocabulary and
jargon; the creative, managerial and sales emphasis, the ethical and political marketing
climate, as well as its marketing and communication functions.
Course Goals
Students will research and critically analyze specific communication issues, learn to
present findings and then make a campaign plan and a persuasive Powerpoint
presentation. The ability to critically think about, discuss and articulate the concepts will
be stressed. Oral and written communication will be part of the class as we learn to
work in groups for class presentations. Really this is about finding out where your
personal fit is in this ever-evolving and exciting new age of brand
Course Format
The course is heavily discussion based, and strong student engagement is required.
Students are expected to read, study, take notes and think about the assigned readings
to prepare for online class discussion boards and to find and discuss current real world
examples that relate to the course readings each day.
Books: Required Reading
Launch! Advertising and Promotion in Real Time by Michael Solomon, Lisa Duke
Cornell and Amit Nizan.
This book is available in the bookstore or it can be obtained at a low cost online. It is
imperative that you obtain the textbook quickly and begin reading from day one.
How to find your course textbook online:
1/ go to
2/ click on “Students this way” at the top of the page.
3/ Search using School (East Tennessee State University)
4/ Search for Launch! Advertising and Promotion in Real Time
5/ follow the onscreen prompts to register, gain access, etc.
There will be additional online readings announced periodically.
Learning Objectives
1/ Students will define the various types of advertising/promotion agencies and public
relations firms in today’s marketplace.
2/ Students will explain the process by which an agency/firm makes a pitch for a client’s
3/ Students will explain how the history of U.S. advertising/public relations impacts
modern advertising/public relations and its clients.
4/ Students will discuss the economic rationale for creating, accepting and using
advertising/public relations.
5/ Students will review the ethics of behavioral targeting and appraise its validity.
6/ Students will list the primary government and industry regulatory agencies that
control advertising/public relations industries.
7/ Students will compare and contrast behavioral and cognitive learning theories.
8/ Students will categorize the various group identifications such as reference groups,
subcultures, taste cultures and brand communities.
9/ Students will describe the advantages and disadvantages of standardization versus
localization in global markets.
10/ Students will list and discuss advantages and disadvantages of primary and
secondary data.
11/ Students will differentiate among demographic, geographic, psychographic and
behavioral characteristics of market segments.
12/ Students will describe share of voice in marketing communication campaigns.
13 Students will define and evaluate return on investment.
14/Students will explain the concepts of brand equity and value proposition.
15/ Students will create a promotional plan.
16/ Students will define media mix and media planning.
17/ Students will review how social media can be used to advocate brands and brand
Course Schedule
Week 1
12/18 W
Course Introduction
Explore the D2L site for the course. See the Syllabus under Content for information
on course readings, assignments, learning objectives, grading, etc. Read Assignments
under Content as well. Also check out the Discussions (you will need to post and
engage in discussions each day. Be sure to read my announcements/news items
daily to stay up to speed.
12/19 R
Soloman 1/ Meet SS+K: A Real Agency Pitches a Real Client
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
12/20 F
Quiz on chapter 1/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Week 2
12/23 M
Solomon 2/ A User’s Manual: Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Essentials
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
12/24 T
Quiz on chapter 2/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
12/25 W
Christmas Holiday/ no assignments due on this day
12/26 R
Solomon 3/ Advertising and Society
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
12/27 F
Quiz on chapter 3/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Week 3
12/30 M
Solomon 4/ Consumers and the Communications Process: SS+K Gets to Know
Its Consumers
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 4/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
12/31 T
Solomon 5/ Know Your Audience: SS+K Learns All About Inside and
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 5/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Jan 1 W
New Year’s Day Holiday/ no assignments due on this date
Jan 2 R
Solomon 6/ Segment, Target and Position Your Audience: SS+K Identifies the
Most Valuable News Consumer
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 6/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Jan 3 F
Solomon 7/ Decide What You Can Afford to Say: Sets the Budget
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 7/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Week 4
Jan 6 M
Solomon 8/ Create a Strategy: SS+K Puts Its Research to Use as the Agency
Creates the Brief
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 8/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Jan 7 T
Solomon 9/ Choose Your Communications Weapons: SS+K Decides Upon a
Creative Strategy and Media Tactics
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 9/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Jan 8 W
Solomon 10/ Plan and Buy Media: SS+K Chooses the Right Media for the Client’s
New Branding Message
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 10/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Jan 9 R
Solomon 11/ Execute on All Platforms: SS+K Goes Into Production Overdrive
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 11/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Jan 10 F
Solomon 12/ Make the Message Sell: SS+K Ensures that All Components Tell the
Brand Story
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 12/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Week 5
Jan 13 M
Solomon 13/ Launch!’s First-Ever Branding Campaign
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 13/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Jan 14 T
Solomon 14/ ROI: Decides if the Campaign Worked
-read, take notes, think and post your general discussion points on D2L
Quiz on chapter 14/ Post your examples from the real world that relate to this chapter
Jan 15 W
Final Exam
Final Paper and Powerpoint Presentation due
Chapter Quizzes
Chapter Quizzes will be administered for each chapter and related discussions each
week. Be able to discuss the key takeaways throughout the chapter. Take notes and
be able to discuss concepts.
Student Examples from the Real World
Each day, students will research real world examples that relate to each chapter.
The idea here is to apply your new knowledge to real world advertising/public relations
examples. Your professor will provide you some sources to get started including
industry websites, but you should also read major national and international
newspapers for current examples of the concepts and professional practices we are
studying. Some sources:,,,,,,
Final Project/Presentation: A final paper and presentation incorporating the concepts,
terminology, theories and professional practices discussed in class will be required.
These serve as the final. There is considerable weight given to the paper (25% of the
course grade) and the presentation (25% of the course grade).
These will be small group projects (3-4 students in each group). Students will conceive
of a new consumer product, conduct research and formulate an advertising/public
relations plan that would serve as a pitch to a client.
Rules of the group:
Everyone must contribute—research, paper, Powerpoint presentation
(Presentations will be 15-20 slides in length. Complete assignment details will be
available on the D2L site for the course soon.)
Course grades will be based on:
Active engagement in the course and active participation in course discussions (25%)
Chapter quizzes (25%)
Final Paper (25%)
Final Presentation (25%)
All grades are final and are not open to negotiation. Under no circumstances will
grades be changed due to anything unrelated to a student's academic performance in
this course. Students have a responsibility to keep up with assignment dates and
ensure that all work is completed on time. Students who fail to complete assignments
on the assigned dates and at the assigned times will receive a grade of zero, no
Grading Scale
93-100 = A
90-92= A87-89 = B+
83-86 = B
80-82 = B77-79= C+
73-76= C
70-72= C67-69, D+
63-66, D
60-62, D0-59= F
Class location, days and time
online on the D2L site for the course
Deadline Policy
Deadlines must be met on all assignments, including quizzes. Late assignments will not
be accepted. A late assignment is one that is not available when the professor collects
the assignments. Deadlines will not be extended except for extreme circumstances
such as a serious illness or a death in your family (these must be documented). If you
will be involved in a university approved trip, you will need to submit assignments in
advance. It is your responsibility to notify the professor of such circumstances at least
one week prior to the trip. Late assignments will receive a grade of zero.
East Tennessee State University has published specific guidelines for student academic
conduct and expects the highest integrity of you. (See the ETSU Student Handbook). All
work must be your own and must be produced during this term. Any dishonesty will be
referred to student conduct officials.
Course Conduct
As university students, you are all here to study, learn and prepare for a professional
career. Any disruptive conduct which interferes with the goals and objectives of the
course will not be tolerated. Individuals who persist in such conduct will be referred to
student conduct officials, including the Dean of Students.
Attendance Policy
Active participation is expected. Failing to attend class on time will equal an unexcused
absence. Students are allowed three unexcused absences during the semester with no
attendance penalty, however assignments are still due on time on those dates. After
that, a two-letter grade reduction in the entire course grade for each unexcused
absence will be in effect. Students with six unexcused absences will receive an F grade
for the entire course. With an online course such as this one, you will be considered
absent if you do not post your discussion board points each day.
Students participating in university approved trips will be excused, but proper
documentation must be provided to Dr. King at least one week prior to the trip, and the
student must complete all work in advance.
Students with a serious illness will be excused, but documentation from a doctor’s office
or campus clinic must be provided to Dr. King. The student must complete all work
missed within one week after returning.
Students who have a death in their family will be excused to attend the funeral or
memorial service, but documentation (a published obituary) must be provided to Dr.
King. The student must complete all work missed within one week after returning.
Contact Info
The best way to reach me is by e-mail, which is
Please note that I get more than 100 e-mails each day so it may take a little while to
hear back from me via e-mail, especially when the servers are down.
When you send me e-mail, please include Promotion in the subject line so that I can
be reasonably sure that your message is not mistaken for spam or virus attacks.