91 Harvest Road, Englefield Green
Egham, TW20 0QR
Parish priest: Rev Hugh Flower 01784 434280
Deacon: Rev Aidan Lynch 07713 149424
Facebook Group:
Registered Charity No. 252878
Rochester Road, Egham Hythe,
TW18 3HN
Father Hugh writes:
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays - 10.30am and 5.15pm
(when there is aMass)
Masses at EG
Sat 15th Feb
10.00am – The Meade Family Intentions
6.00pm - The Thornton Family
Sun 16th Feb
9.15am – Ron Martin R.I.P
11.00am – People of the Parish
Wed 19th Feb
12 noon – Kelvin Balkarine R.I.P.
Fri 21st Feb
10.00am – Fr Tom Mulvey R.I.P.
1.00pm - Wedding
Sat 22nd Feb
10.00am – Latimer & Galligan Families
6.00pm – Frank Richard Gardiner
Feast days this week: Next Saturday
– The Chair of St Peter.
Archbishop Nichols will be made a
Cardinal on this day.
Ash Wednesday is 5th March.
Sadly many of your homes and our
families are suffering from the flooding.
These are difficult times for you all. St
John’s church, at the time of writing,
has not been flooded but the hall has.
Therefore we have to move all our
activities to The Assumption hall. We
are fortunate that we have two
For this weekend, we shall have all
three Masses at The Assumption as St
John’s is surrounded by flood water.
Next weekend is unpredictable but for
now we will plan to do the same.
However please keep an eye on the
parish website or word of mouth for
further information. This will I know
cause confusion but seems to be the
best solution for now.
It is half term and I hope that it will be
enjoyable for all in spite of so many
difficulties. I am taking a few days
break this week.
Sun 23rd Feb
9.15am – People of the Parish
11.00am – Margaret Croucher R.I.P.
Warmest congratulations to Becki
Livingston and Tom Gray whose
marriage we celebrate on Friday at
Masses at University Chapel
Sun 16th Feb – 7.30pm
Fri 21st Feb – 12.30pm
Sun 23rd Feb – 7.30pm
Sacrament of the Sick
A reminder that if you have a planned
visit to hospital for surgery then we
should celebrate the sacrament with
and for you before you go to hospital –
so that we place all your needs in the
hands of the Lord. By doing this it
ensures that you have received the
sacrament and avoids unnecessary
call-outs for clergy who often live far
-----------------------------------------------------Today is ‘Education Sunday’. There
is a retiring collection for the Catholic
Education Service.
Remember – all the sacraments are
for the living.
They cannot be
celebrated after life on earth.
In spite of the rain, plants are
beginning to come to life. I marvelled
at the Iris Reticulata cultivars in the
Savill Garden this week, and the
wonderful scents on the air from the
winter shrubs. I do hope that Spring
is around the corner and provides
some relief to the flooding. I think the
Lenten ‘Roses’ don’t know that it’s
not Lent yet!
Church furnishings
It may be useful to know that there
should only be one altar in a church,
at which the Mass is celebrated. I
am surprised that after 50 years
since Vatican II how little some of us
know about the arrangements in a
church, and how the liturgy is
prepared. So, for example, there is
no such thing as a ‘High Altar’ but as
the general instruction tells us, the
‘Table of the Sacrifice’ is balanced
with the ‘Table of the Word’. Thus our
decorations of candles and flowers
should highlight these places. There
should be a significant Crucifix in the
church as well as a place for the
minister to preside – which is not a
If you haven’t read the
General Instruction on the Roman
Missal it may be worthwhile –
perhaps for Lent reading. Many will
understand then the minor changes I
made at The Assumption to try and
better focus our celebrations. I hpe
that helps. There is much more to be
said, but not now. Our reading is
With help, I am trying to do some
work on improving the lighting at our
churches without too much cost. We
have at present very expensive
halogen lamps to run. I am grateful
to Lu Pozella for his help here.
Please pray for
The sick:
Kate Emerson,
Madeleine Smith, Rene Dent,
Alicia Aleta, Harvey Hester,
Edith Jedla, Pauline Carter,
Marie Scholes, Pauline Corris,
Gladys Price, Josie Jackson,
Susan Bell, Margaret Spink, Fr
Eric Flood, Jodie Powell, Ann
McCann, John Randall, Mary
Denwood, Paul Griffith, Ray
Davis, Fr Dominic Rolls.
‘Garden Party’
We are planning a work party
on Saturday 1st March (9.3012.30) to tidy, chop and prune
two specific areas of the
grounds at The Assumption.
VOLUNTEERS PLEASE along with your
would be most
appreciated. Please contact
Jim Forkin on 07879 888 863
or if
you can help.
Women’s Day of Prayer
This year, Women’s Day of Prayer
will be hosted by St Jude’s United
Church at 2pm on Friday, 7th March.
The event will be held in The Village
Centre, Victoria Street, as
renovations are taking place in the
church. St Mary’s, Thorpe will host it
in the evening at 8pm. Please
contact Rosemarie during the first
week of March if you would like to
be involved (01784 432431).
The Life of Don Bosco
Tuesday 4th March 7pm to 7.45pm
at Salesians School (Highfield Road
site, Chertsey KT16 8BX)
There will be a short performance on
the life of Don Bosco, written by
Preparation for Baptism
Saturday 22nd Mar, 11.00am
Sunday 2nd Mar, 27th Apr
Michael Burns in Year 8 and performed
Mothers’ Prayer Group
Thurs 20th Feb – 10.15am
will also give a short talk on the work of
Knit and Natter
Tues 25th Feb - 10.30am
by the Year 7s. Some of the 6th Formers
the Salesians in India. No tickets
needed, just turn up on the evening.
Please come and support the students.
Fighting poverty through trade
Open Day Spring 2014
Come and buy from a wide selection of
fairly traded goods and a wonderful
selection of handmade cards, and view the
new Spring Catalogue. Fri 28th Feb, 7pm to
9pm and Sat 1st March – 9am to 5pm at 24
Chandos Road, Staines, TW18 3AT.
(Posters on Church noticeboard)
RHUL Event:
Music, Modernity and
the Sacred
The composer James MacMillan
will give the Chaplaincy Lecture in
the Chapel at RHUL on Tuesday,
18th February at 6pm. All are
welcome. Admission free.
Poverty Amidst Affluence
The changing face of Surrey
and our Christian Response:
15th March 2014, between
The Holy Father’s Mission
9am and 1pm at St Dunstan's, Woking.
Intention for February
The key speaker is Professor Andrew
Bradstock, Secretary of Church &
Please join with the Holy Father in
Society for the United Reform Church.
praying that: Priests, religious and
There will be sessions on Foodbanks and
lay people may work together with
how to set them up, the work of Surrey
generosity in the work of
Credit Union, the impact of social
change and financial difficulties on
An Introduction to Catechesis Domestic Violence which affects people
of all incomes and social classes, and the
A morning for new/recent Catechists to
Salvation Army will take us through
discover the principles of Catechesis,
some of the ways to approach the
and pray/reflect on what it means to be ‘benefits jungle’. Refreshments will be
a Catechist. Led by David Wills,
available throughout the morning and a
Diocesan Adult Formation Adviser on
light lunch will be provided. There is no
Saturday 29th March from 9.30amcharge for the day (although donations
1.30pm at St Michael's, Hayling Rise,
are always welcome). Booking is
Worthing, W Sussex BN13 3AL. For
essential – please contact the Dialogue
more information and to book a place
& Unity secretary Lorraine Burrows on
contact David Wills on 01293 651157 or 01293 651163 or email
Parish Secretary - Cath Bowers: 01784 477620 Monday and Thursday 09.30 – 12.30
Gift Aid Organiser – David Keel: 01784 459495,
Safeguarding Representative - Eamonn Priestley: 01344 844371 David Elfer: 01344 842186
St Cuthbert’s School: 01784 434128
Sick Visits/Holy Communion Co-ordinator: 01784 433818 Link Group or via Deacon Aidan 07713 149424
Jurgens Centre – Danny James: 01784 477620
Newslettter Editor and Pastoral Team Secretary – Julia Rowe: 01784 457060
Website Editor - John Connors: 07785 298473