
HAPPY PRESIDENTS’ DAY – Feb 21st/ Feb 22 Washington’s
Birthday – Class ends 9:50
Introduction: Read Current Events Article – Native American
Communities. How does this tie into our current unit?
Review possible quiz dates – see blog.
Slavery Research Paper – Rewrites due Feb 28th.
Reminder: Current Events due next Monday – 3 articles
Four Themes:
 Migration: Continued Westward Expansion, Treatment of
Native Americans, Immigration Issues
 Government Reform
 Big Business, Labor and Government Regulation
 Segregation and Discrimination of African-Americans
For each, study the prime piece(s) of legislation/court case. What
events led to the legislation/court case and what were the
 Dawes Act (1887) / Homestead Act (1862) / Chinese Exclusion
Act (1882) / National Reclamation Act (1902)/ Gentlemen’s
Agreement (1907)
 Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)
 Munn v. Illinois (1877) / Interstate Commerce Act (1887) /
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)
 Jim Crow Laws / Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Homework: Read the assigned Opposite Viewpoint – complete a
document analysis using the OPVL process (review blog post).
Typed, hard copy due next class.