Constitutional Era: match items in column 1 with column 2 Column 1 Another name for Tories who did not want independence from England Turning point of the American Revolution People suspicious of a strong national gov’t who demanded a Bill of Rights Judicial Review Articles of Confederation George Washington Established house based on population and equality Virginia Declaration of Rights James Madison McCullouch v. Maryland Keeps 3 branches equal Ways Congress checks the President Legislature Gibbons v. Ogden Last battle won by the colonists because the French navy beat off the British navy Ben Franklin Ended official relationship between the established church and state Separation of powers Under Articles where most power resided Revolutionary vets attacked the government (taxes) Division of power between the national and state governments Case that created the idea of Judicial Review 3/5 Federalists Limits people’s selection- they choose those who elect the president First 10 Amendments based on documents from VA Under the Articles & Constitution, these powers are given only to the nat’l gov’t Ended the American Revolution People who supported independence Column 2 Treaty of Paris Declare war & foreign policy Bill of Rights Way the Supreme Court checks the power of the president & Congress Branch of government given most power in the state Could not tax, begged for army, hard to amend Chairman of the constitutional convention Father of the Constitution Impeachment, approval of judges Great Compromise Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom Checks and Balances Says that states can’t tax the nat’l gov’t because the bank is an implied power Marbury v. Madison Compromise on how slaves were counted for representation in the House Shays rebellion Basic human rights, which most states protect Anti Federalists States Federalism Saratoga Patriots Loyalists Yorkton Legislature, Executive & Judicial branches People in favor of ratifying the Constitution Says only the National Government is in charge of trade between states Electoral College He convinced the French to ally with the United States in the American Revolution Sol 1-3 The Colonial Period. Fill-in the blank. 1. When Europeans arrived in the new world, they found ___________ of native peoples living here in various groups. 2. After cooperating with each other at the beginning at both Jamestown and Plymouth, conflict arose between the colonists and Indians over the use of the _________. 3. Europeans were often sent by their kings and queens known as _____________ to make their nations stronger by gaining land on the _____________ ___________ and creating colonies. 4. 90% of the native population was killed by European ______________, not guns. 5. The exchange of products between the new world and Europe, such as potatoes and beans to Europe and horses to the New World, is known as the ___________________. 6. The first permanent English settlement was established at _______________ in 1607. 7. The main goal of Jamestown was to find ___________________, but they never did. What saved Jamestown financially, was the growing of _______________ which was developed by John Rolfe, who combined Virginia tobacco with Caribbean tobacco to make it “sweeter”. 8. A group who were being persecuted in England and came to America to have religious freedom in 1620 were known as the ____________ or ___________. 9. They established the colony at ___________ in 1620 and signed the _____________________ on the ship before going on the land. This said that they would abide by the laws decided on by the ______________ vote. 10. Plymouth was a ______________ which means that the minister of the church was also in charge of the government. 11. Those who disagreed with rules and leadership in the Plymouth colony were ____________ or kicked out. 12. One such resident of Plymouth who was kicked out of the colony was Roger Williams who established the colony of ________________. He separated the church from the government and allowed all religious groups to live in the colony. He also did not collect _______ to support the church. 13. Virginia had a harder time getting colonists to come than did the Puritans who came by the thousands to Massachusetts Bay to worship God freely. Virginia thus established the _________________ system which gave 50 acres of land to anyone paying for the passage of people coming to Virginia. Rich people paid for many ___________________ and thus received a lot of land. 14. There were 3 types of colonies established during the colonial period: __________________ colonies created by groups of investors in hopes of making money, _________________ colonies where friends of the king got land to start a colony, and _______ colonies established and controlled by the crown. 15. _______________ was the economic policy of England that created colonies to provide England with raw materials and get colonists by buy the finished products. 16. The colonies established by England were supposed to send all products to England on English ships and buy back products from England. England passed the _____________________ acts to make sure this happened. 17. England competed for land and resources in the new world with their arch enemy in Europe: the ____________. 18. The French were mainly here to trade with Indians and send __________ back to France. They were not interested in land and did not bring a lot of people. 19. The French traveled down the _______________ river and claimed all land on both sides for their king. 20. The English ended up on the ____________ and the French ended up in the interior of America. Eventually, the two had conflict as the English moved west over the Appalachian mountains. 21. They fought the French & Indian War in 1754 over a piece of land known as the __________ River Valley which is today around Pittsburgh. The ___________ won and kicked the French beyond the ________________ river. Later Jefferson buys this land which we call the _____________________ Purchase. 22. The English colonies would eventually number _______, which developed into 3 regions based on their economies. They were the: a. _________________ colonies based on fishing, shipbuilding and subsistence farming. b. ___________ colonies based on growing a variety of foods. . . where people owned at least 50 acres of land. c. ____________ colonies made up of large plantations growing a single cash crop like tobacco or later cotton. 23. Once the British beat the French in the French & Indian War, the British were in lots of _______ and started to tax the colonists. . . like the Sugar Tax, Stamp tax, and the Townsend taxes on paper, paint, tea and lead. Colonists most disliked the ________ tax because they could see the tax. It was a direct tax. 24. When the British passed the tea tax and tried to force the colonists not to buy tea from the Caribbean . . . the colonists reacted by throwing the _____________________ party. Colonists were already angry because according to the ___________________, the colonists had to let British soldiers, known as Redcoats stay in their homes. They had to feed them too! 13 Mercantilism People New England Proclamation Locke Boston Rivers Loyalists French Tax Richard Henry Lee Rhode Island Mayflower Compact Saratoga John Adams Puritans/Pilgrims Jefferson Joint Stock Trenton Depression Louisiana Headright Ben Franklin Navigation Theocracy Lexington & Concord Royal Lafayette Patriots Yorktown Taxes Land Banished Plymouth Washington Disease Millions Jamestown Patrick Henry Guerilla Monarchs Gold Debt Middle George Washington Stamp Common Sense Correspondence Quartering Act Mississippi Southern Eastern coast Columbian Exchange Samuel Adams Indentured Servants Majority Ohio Life, liberty & property British No representation Proprietary Boston Tea Writs of Assistance Thomas Jefferson Tobacco Early National Period 1812 Indians War Doctrine Lewis Liberal France Early Alien Federal Sedition Britain Political Adams Excise Whiskey French Political Bank Cabinet Capitol Judicial Cabinet Tax Jefferson Person Jefferson Unconstitutional Alliances Marshall Educated Farmers Common people Federalist Federal States First Industrial Revolution State government Federal government Roads & canals Us began to industrialize—all production under one roof. Women working; Lowell System Competition with foreign companies who can produce goods cheaper than American businesses= USA can’t compete Trains & paddleboats Cotton gin Erie Canal Most in the Northeast, south= agriculture. Before, most factories were in England= US sent raw materials & England sent back final goods to sell Tariff Panic National bank Henry Clay= construction of roads & canals by the Federal government= National road