Winter/Spring 2015 Text Only - Options for Independent Living

A Publication of: Options for Independent Living - Serving 17 Counties in
Northeast WI and the Fox Valley: Brown, Calumet, Door, Fond du Lac,
Green Lake, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Marquette, Menominee,
Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Sheboygan, Waupaca, Waushara,
From the Director
By Thomas J. Diedrick, Executive Director
Governor Scott Walker recently released his biennial budget for the State. Many advocates,
those who are older, and interested parties are carefully reviewing the proposed budget to
understand various items the Governor proposed that will impact people with disabilities
throughout the state. A number of items will require additional research and clarification before
sending information out to our readers. Options will be updating you on those issues through
our website and facebook pages. We encourage you to watch these sites for more
In addition, it is likely there will be several public hearings regarding the budget by the Joint
Committee on Finance. We will list those on our social media sites also. These public
hearings give Wisconsin residents an opportunity to present their concerns/issues surrounding
the budget. This Committee has significant input on how the budget will be submitted to the
Legislature for debate.
On another note...July 26, 2015 is the 25th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with
Act (ADA) into law. This is a milestone for a legislation that gave people with disabilities
significant rights in the area of employment, public accommodations, state and local
government and more. While we have come far since the ADA was implemented, there are
still issues that need to be addressed. The important thing is to acknowledge all the positive
aspects of this landmark legislation. To that end, Options and local agencies will be cosponsoring a public event to celebrate the 25th Anniversary. Details have yet to be completed,
so watch our facebook and website for more information.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Options and Wistech will be co-sponsoring an Assistive
Technology Fair on Wednesday September 23, 2015 at the Green Bay Packer Lambeau Field
Atrium. We will be inviting numerous companies to display a wide assortment of Assistive
Technology for people with disabilities and those who are older. Agencies providing services
to these groups will also be invited. Again, watch our website and facebook for more details.
In this Issue:
3. Dementia Care Program and Legislative Visits
4. HOME Program and IL Days in Madison
5. Consumer Spotlights
6. Consumer spotlight continued, Options Fox Valley Update.
Board Update.
7. Facebook, Grassroots Advocacy Groups
8. Act Now and Support Groups
9. Options Staff Receives Award and Winter Recreation
10. Winter Recreation continued and Tech Closet News
11. Wisloan and Telework Loan Programs
12. TeleWork funding source continued, Options Personal Care
13. CenterPoint Going Green, For Sale Items
14. For Sale Items continued, Options Vision and Mission,
Staff directory
15. Staff Directory continued, Board Members, Mark your
113Care Program
Dementia Care Program Focuses on Assistive
AT Home with Dementia: Assistive Technology Support is a unique program
developed to address the home safety needs of individuals with dementia and to assist
their caregivers through the use of assistive technology. Home assessments are
provided free of charge by trained specialists. Specialists come into the home and
assess the needs of the individual with dementia in an effort to: improve or maintain
physical and emotional health; improve safety; improve independence; enhance the
care giving experience by reducing stress; and lengthen the amount of time the person
can safely remain in their own home. The Specialist will then provide
recommendations for the individual and caregiver.
AT Home with Dementia serves those with dementia in Brown, Kewaunee, and
Oconto counties. It is a collaboration among the Aging and Disability Resource Center
(ADRC) of Brown County, N.E.W. Curative Rehabilitation and Options for Independent
Living Inc. For more information contact Stacie Scheibe, Options Dementia Care AT
Specialist at 920-490-8270, ext. 187 or toll-free at 888-465-1515, ext. 187 or LaReina
Tipping, Home Safety Assessment Specialist at N.E.W. Curative, 920-593-3521.
This program is funded through a Basic Needs Giving Grant, a Partnership of the Greater Green Bay Community
Foundation, including the U.S. Venture Open Fund for Basic Needs, the J.J. Keller Foundation, and donors of the
Community Foundation.
Legislative Visits to Options
Options welcomed visits from two newly elected State Representatives in February,
Rep. Joel Kitchens, Sturgeon Bay and Rep. John Macco, DePere. Both toured Options
accessible showcase home and office complex and learned about the services Options
staff provide to their constituents with disabilities.
Options has HOME funds for Home
Accessibility, Rehabilitation, or Repair
Options for Independent Living, Inc. has received federal funding through the State of
Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Housing to administer the HOME
Investment Partnership Program (HOME Loan Program). The HOME Loan Program
provides deferred no payment and no interest loans to low or moderate income persons
with a disability and those who are older for the purpose of making accessibility
improvements and general home improvements or repairs to their single family home.
The loan must be paid back when the property is sold, transferred or ceases to be the
borrower’s principal place of residence.
Types of projects include (but not limited to) ramp construction, bathroom, kitchen and
bedroom modifications, along with general housing rehabilitation and repairs. The
counties served by this program include Brown (outside Green Bay City limits),
Calumet, Door, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette,
Marquette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Sheboygan, Waupaca,
Waushara and Winnebago Counties. Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements
to be considered for a loan. For more information contact Steve LaFrombois at
Options, 920-490-0500 or toll-free at 1-888-465-1515, ext. 122.
IL Days in Madison
Options staff convened with Independent Living staff from across the state on February 3rd to
advocate with area legislators at the Capitol on issues surrounding people with disabilities.
This year was the largest number of staff and Board members from Options to attend.
taff /Board Directory
Consumer Spotlights
A Blessing that is not in Disguise — by Mary Terrien
When you have a severe multi disabled child with huge problems who is sometimes well and
often sick, it is easy to feel alone. The work is huge, the quest to find improvement for a better
life is at times overwhelming, and the isolation that can take place is like none other. From the
day we found Options for Independent Living some of those problems simply no longer exist.
It started the day I applied to be Madeline Rottier’s official care-giver (I am also Maddi’s
grandmother) and for the first time ever I was connected to an organization that was all about
taking care of her and also about caring for me. I was no longer alone in this huge endeavor.
Maddi has a condition called Schizencephally which leaves her unable to walk or talk. She
cannot hold up her head or see. Maddi cannot even eat except for her stomach tube. All the
information given me from the first interview, has been so important to Maddi’s care. In the
months that followed, the information that came to our house in the form of the Centerpoint
newsletter was absolutely fantastic. The articles are right on and I have learned so much about
community help from this publication.
Perhaps though, my most important gift comes in the form of our visits from Options Personal
Care Program nurse every 58 days or so. We are blessed with a nurse who truly cares about
us and who makes us feel so good about what we are doing. This nurse allows us to know
that we are not alone in this difficult task.
Thank you Options for Independent Living for your support, your kindness and your flow of
information. We are not only blessed by caring for an angel (Maddi), and blessed by having
such a great teacher/supporter in our nurse, but are also blessed to have an organization so
committed to improving our lives.
Tammy — by Tammy
My name is Tammy. I am a 48 year old female living with cerebral palsy since birth. I currently
live in the Brillion area, but that was not so a year ago. A year ago I was living in a Community
Based Residential Facility (CBRF) in a different area and was not pleased with my cares and
level of independence; I wanted to be living in the community independently as I did when I
owned my own home. My world had totally changed and my self-worth decreased when I
moved from my home to a CBRF. I knew I needed to change my life. I needed an advocate. It
was then that I contacted Options for Independent Living to help me become a better selfadvocate and assist me in advocating for my right to live in my own apartment in the
I met Mackenzie Egan, an Independent Living Coordinator at Options, who was more than
willing to be an advocate for me and encourage me to be an advocate for myself. Together we
appealed the decision made by Family Care which denied me my right to move back into the
community with personal cares. I worked very hard to explain my rights and my need to live
independently. By making my voice heard, Mackenzie and I were able to win the appeal which
allowed me to move out of the CBRF and have personal care in my OWN apartment! It wasn’t
easy and took a lot of time, but I now successfully live independently in an apartment and
could not be happier! I am a self-advocate and an independent woman thanks to help from
Options for Independent living! Amen! Everyone should know that anything is possible and to
never give up!
Options Fox Valley Office Update
Did you know Options has a branch office in Appleton? It is located in the Thompson
Community Center at 820 W College Avenue. Options has two Independent Living
Coordinators in the office offering all of the same services as our Green Bay office including LEND (a used medical equipment program) and an assistive technology
room loaded with equipment to demonstrate and loan for try-out.
Staff person John Meissner has a great interest in advocating for local and state level
transportation issues. Most recently he received a Relentless Badger award for all of
his amazing advocacy efforts related to the topic he is so passionate about,
transportation! John is the IL Coordinator for Outagamie, Winnebago and Calumet
counties. Please contact John for any information or questions about Options services,
920-997-9999 or email at
Staff person Mackenzie Egan shares a similar passion for advocacy and can be found
traveling her counties daily. Along with her IL Coordinator duties, she is active on local
County Communities on Transition committees, a group of individuals in each county
advocating for youth with disabilities in our local communities. Mackenzie serves Fond
du Lac, Waushara, Marquette, Green Lake and Waupaca counties. Please feel free to
contact her for any information or questions about Options services, 920-882-9309 or
email at
Options Board Welcomes Two New Members
Options Board of Directors recently welcomed two new members. Ann Jadin,
Community Engagement Director-NAMI Fox Valley, and Joyce David, community
volunteer, joined Options Board serving a three year term. For more information about
Options Board or committees contact Tom Diedrick, Executive Director.
Find Options on facebook!!
Options for Independent Living can be found on “facebook.” Check it out for up
to date happenings, news, and information, etc. Then go ahead and like us on
Grassroots Advocacy Groups meet in
Sheboygan and Waupaca
You may be asking, what is a grassroots advocacy group? Well it originates among
concerned citizens, rather than organizations or companies. People come together in a
grassroots advocacy movement when there is an issue which they feel is not being
resolved or addressed appropriately and try to make a change.
Disability Action Advocacy Network (D.A.A.N) –
This Sheboygan County group has been working on employment
barriers and police response to persons with disabilities, especially those with a hearing
loss. D.A.A.N meets the third Wednesday of each month, downtown Sheboygan at 806
North Eighth Street. For more information on D.A.A.N. contact Kitty Barry, Options
Assistant Director, at 920-490-8370, ext. 183 or toll-free at 1-888-465-1515, ext. 183.
Funding from the Independent Living Council of Wisconsin supports the grassroots
advocacy group that meets in Sheboygan.
“People First” Chapter North Central WI/Waupaca Area
The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD) has awarded
a 2014 SPARKS grant to help fund the People First North Central WI Chapter. This
self-advocacy group is for people of all ages, all disabilities, and others with a vested
interest in those with disabilities in our communities! This group plans to identify the
challenges and needs of people with disabilities within North Central WI area
communities and advocate for positive change in areas such as accessible
transportation, housing, employment, and community accessibility. If you would like to
join this “People First” chapter please contact Mackenzie Egan, Options IL Coordinator,
at 920-882-9309 or toll-free at 888-465-1515.
Act Now Disability Advocacy Network
For those of you who want to advocate on a state and federal level, Act Now Disability
Advocacy Network may be for you. Act Now is not a group, there are no meetings. It is a
network of individuals trying to assert positive change for people with disabilities on a state or
federal level. If you join Act Now, you will receive email (or mail) alerts or information on
current legislative issues. Alerts ask you to take action by contacting your legislator, and
information is just that, information on legislation or issues surrounding people with disabilities.
It is simple to join. Just contact Sandy Popp at Options (888-465-1515, ext 179) for more
information. Please join the many voices coming together as one to make positive statewide
change for people with disabilities!
“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and
lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.”
~William Faulkner~
Support Groups Meeting at Options
Options for Independent Living hosts several support group meetings:
NEW Multiple Sclerosis Support Group— Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month
at Options from 6:30—8 pm. Care partner breakout sessions at most meetings. Contact Lisa
Van Donsel at 920-621-0949 or email her at for more information.
CARE Café – “A place for adults on the spectrum.” This is a social/support group for
adults 18 and over on the autism spectrum. Meetings are held the 2 nd and 4th Friday from 6-8
pm at Options. The meetings are free. For more information contact CARE Café on facebook
or email or You can also request that you
be added to their email roster which will include updates on meeting plans and location, any
meeting changes, etc.
Epilepsy Support Group – Meetings are held at Options every 1st Wednesday of the month
from 6:30 – 8 pm. For more information contact Ann Hubbard toll-free at 1-800-693-2287 or
direct at 715-341-5811 or email her at
ALS Support Group - Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Options from 6
pm—8 pm. For more information contact Carolynne Younk, MS, Care Service Coordinator for
ALS Association WI Chapter Satellite office in Green Bay. Contact number is 920-288-7095.
NEW Tourette Syndrome Support Group - Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of each
month from noon to 2:00 p.m. at Options. Open to all who are interested in learning more
about Tourette Syndrome (TS). For more information, please contact Patti Bani at (920) 2170032 or
Options Staff Receives Relentless Badger
John Meissner, Options Independent Living Coordinator, received the 2015 Restless Badger
Award at the Wisconsin Coalition of Independent Living Centers IL Days on February 3,
2015. Recognized for his tireless advocacy efforts and commitment to the Independent
Living Philosophy. John has been employed with Options for over 20 years. Congratulations
Winter Recreation
Sit-Skiing available at many WI State Parks
State park visitors can enjoy the outdoors year-round, but
cross-country skiing is a favorite among fervent winter
recreationists. "Wisconsin state parks offer opportunities
for everyone," explains Anthonette Gilpatrick, the accessibility
coordinator for the Department of Natural Resources. The State
Park System wanted to have skiing opportunities for people
with disabilities and this was made accessible through sit skis.
Sit skis include a chair on top of the skis which provides more control and balance for
skiers with a disability. The sit skis are available for free at Buckhorn, Governor Nelson,
Harrington Beach and Mirror Lake state parks, at the Lapham Peak Unit of the Kettle
Moraine State Forest and at Richard Bong State Recreation Area. All of the properties
where the sit skis are available also offer easier, groomed trails.
For more information on the sit-ski programs, contact the Department of Natural
Resources at (608) 266-2181 and (608) 267-2752 TTY or toll-free at (888) 936-7463.
You can also check out the website at:
*Note– Reservations for the accessible cabins go quickly. If you have not made your
reservations and want to see what is available contact Anthonette Gilpatrick at 608-267-7490
or email or go online to
Moving Mountains Adaptive Ski Program—Pine Mountain, MI
“Moving Mountains” is a coordinated effort between Pine Mountain Resort, local
interested medical professionals and many highly energized and dedicated volunteers
The program's intent is to provide alpine ski instruction to those with disabilities who
want to enjoy the outdoors and engage in a wonderfully exhilarating winter sport. The
instructors are trained to work with individuals who
have physical disabilities as well as those with intellectual disabilities. Moving
Mountains has two adaptive Junior dual skis and two adaptive adult dual skis for
Lessons are offered by appointment only. Please call (906) 779-3752 to schedule a
lesson or to get more information. Lesson cost is $20 and includes all required
equipment, lift ticket and instructor time. Moving Mountains Adaptive Program is a
501(c)3 organization.
Tech Closet News
Options has a technology closet filled with items that people can try-out before they
purchase them. Options AT Specialist can assess an individual with a disability to
determine the role assistive technology can play in achieving greater independence.
Below are two tech closet items that a person can try-out. If you would like more
information on the items below or how assistive technology can assist you in your goal
of independence, contact Calvin Richtig, Options AT Specialist, at 920-490-8270, ext.
130 or toll-free at 888-465-1515, ext. 130.
Tek Pal Large Button TV Remote Control
Easy to see! Simple to use! With only 6 buttons, the Tek Pal is the easiest to see
and easiest to use large-button remote control. The oversized buttons are easy to push,
illuminate with just a touch, and have characters large enough to be seen without
reading glasses. Great for individuals with vision loss, memory loss or just looking for
a simple remote control.
Key Finder
This remote key finder can help you find lost keys, remotes, purses, glasses, canes and
other easily lost novelties quickly. With just one press of the color-coded button, beep
tones and flashing backlight will lead you to find your misplaced item. The remote also
includes a built in flashlight to help you locate items in the dark. This is a great
inexpensive, simple device to help individuals easily locate misplaced items who have
memory loss, vision loss, or just find themselves in a disorganized house.
Wisconsin WisLoan Program
WisLoan is a state-wide alternative loan program helping Wisconsin
residents with a disability to purchase assistive technology that assists
them in living more independently and productively. Any Wisconsin resident
with a disability over the age of 18 in need of assistive technology or home
modifications is eligible to apply for a loan.
Some examples of assistive technology include wheelchairs, hearing aids, CCTV’s, and
vehicles with modifications. In addition, loans have been approved for home
modifications such as ramp construction and roll-in showers. Loan amounts range from
$500.00 to $50,000.00, but the actual loan amount will depend on the items purchased
and ability to repay.
Current interest rate on a WisLoan is 6.5%. If you have bad credit, including
bankruptcy, your application will still be considered. The focus is on the ability to make
monthly payments to pay back the loan. Reasons for bad credit are taken into
consideration. For more information or to apply for WisLoan call Options at 920-4900500 or toll-free at 1-888-465-1515.
WisLoan is a federally-funded project of the National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation, and a
cooperative service of the WI Dept. of Health and Family Services, IndependenceFirst, and BMO Harris
Telework Loan Program
The Wisconsin Telework program is a statewide, alternative loan program that allows
Wisconsin residents with disabilities to purchase computers and other equipment
needed to work from home or from other remotes sites away from the office, such as
work on the road or at a telework center. Loan funds can be used to purchase
equipment, training to use equipment, extended warranties, and cost of maintenance
and repairs.
You can apply for the amount you need, but actual loan amounts will depend on the
item purchased and your ability to repay the loan. The interest rate is 6.5%. Term
length depends on the amount of the loan and the item purchased. For more
information contact the staff at Options for Independent Living at 920-490-0500 or tollfree at 1-888-465-1515.
This program is made possible through a grant from Rehabilitative Services Administration and
authorized by section (303)b of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended and implemented
by subsequent program regulation 34 C F R Part 373. The Department of Workforce
Development-Division of Rehabilitation received the grant and provides programmatic and
fiscal oversight. IndependenceFirst, a community based and consumer-controlled independent
living center based in Milwaukee, administers the program in partnership with BMO Harris
Bank and WI Independent Living Centers.
Options Medicaid Personal Care Program
Options offers a Personal Care Program for people with permanent disabilities
who are: Medicaid beneficiaries, medically stable, require personal care
services, and have identified an individual to provide personal care.
The program is consumer directed and includes personal care assistance with:
bathing, dressing/undressing, prosthetics, grooming, eating, mobility in home,
toileting, transferring, and incidental services (laundry, light housekeeping, meal
prep). The consumer must agree to responsibly use personal care services and
have back-up support available as needed. Options does not provide emergency
or back-up personal care services.
Consumers utilizing Options Personal Care Program must have chosen an
individual who they are interested in hiring. The Personal Care Worker (PCW)
candidate must be at least 18 years old and, ideally, be trained in the skill(s)
necessary to provide cares to the consumer. The PCW can not be a
parent/guardian of a minor child or a spouse.
If you have a referral or would like more information on Options Personal Care
Program please contact Maia Xiong, HR Manager/Personal Care Program, at
920-490-8270 ext. 114 or toll-free at 888-465-1515, ext. 114 or e-mail at
CenterPoint Going Green!
Just like trying to reuse durable medical equipment, Options tries to be
environmentally conscience as much as possible. Therefore, we would like your
help. Options publishes CenterPoint three times a year. We mail out
approximately 2,500 editions each time. CenterPoint is now available in
electronic form, PDF and Word text formats, through Options website at You can also sign up to receive an email with the newsletter
attachments. Go to the website Home page, scroll down and click on Newsletter
Sign-up tab on the bottom left. Once you sign up, you will receive newsletter via
an email with a PDF and a Word Text attachments. Help us save the cost of
paper, printing and postage by signing up today! Thank you!
For Sale Items
Some items below are listed with pictures on Options website in the classified area.
Sit to Stand Lift— Model Number RPS350-1. Goes up to 300 Pounds. Good condition. For
more info contact 920-676-7819. Oconto area
Sealy Twin Size Wireless Adjustable Bed— Brand new. Head and foot position adjustment
and massage options. Remote control. Mattress is an extra firm Beautyrest. Bed has metal
headboard. Must sell—Best Offer. Contact 920-734-6225. Appleton North area
Jazzy J-6 Power Wheelchair
- 1 year old. Used 2 times. Has new batteries. Excellent
condition. Asking $2000. Contact Gary or Rita at 920–469-0696. Green Bay area
Legend scooter nice shape, has batteries and charger. $500.00; Sliding seat shower
bench, $80.00; Beasy II transfer board like new $100.00; Manual hoyer lift 400lb capacity
like new condition $1000 or best offer. Contact Jim at 920-918-4269. Manitowoc area
2 Dialogue RC200 voice activated phones, one lightly used, one never used. $35 for the
pair. Levo book holder, mounts to wheelchair. In excellent condition. $10 ; Two book stands,
can be used separately or stacked. In excellent condition. $10; Contact Michele at 715-7524557.
Shiocton area
Multifold portable ramp — Durable ramp folds and carries like a suitcase. 8 ft long, 30 inches
wide. Weighs 52 lbs. Anti-slip high traction surface. Will accommodate up to 300 lbs. Original
price $500. Asking $200. For indoor or outdoor use. Contact Julie at 262-719-1500.
Waukesha area, but ramp is located in Green Bay area.
Lynx L-3 Scooter by Invacare - Asking $275.00. This is a small scooter great for travel. Just
bought 2 new batteries within last 6 months. Contact Ivan at 920-632-7097. De Pere area
Other Used Medical Equipment Resources
Options website has a classified tab where you may find other items listed that are not
in the newsletter so keep checking. Check it out at:
Also, Options has a LEND closet that contains donated medical equipment for people
to use, such as walkers, bath benches, toilet seat risers, crutches, etc. If you do not
have medical insurance that will cover these items and are in need of them, please give
Barb at Options a call. We may have what you need in LEND.
IndependenceFirst Mobility Store (Formerly the Wheelchair Recycling Program)
- used medical equipment. Call (608) 243-1785 - Madison area or
(414) 9885333 - Greater Milwaukee area. Website:
Options for Independent Living Inc.
VISION STATEMENT: Options for Independent Living empowers people with disabilities.
MISSION STATEMENT: Options for Independent Living, serving people with disabilities in 17
counties of Northeast Wisconsin, is the pre-eminent non-profit organization of choice to
empower people with disabilities. Options provides opportunities, through advocacy and
education, for individuals with all disabilities and ages, to actively access their communities,
maximize their independence, and connect with the resources and funding available to them.
Staff Directory
Main Office—Green Bay, 555 Country Club Road, Toll Free 1-888-465-1515, Fax 920-490-0700, TTY 920-4900600
To reach staff directly, Call (920) 490-8270, then the Extension:
Executive Director, Thomas J. Diedrick Ext 111,
Assistant Director, Kathryn C. Barry Ext 183,
Accountant, Peggy Maas Ext 142,
Rehabilitation Technology Specialist, Steve LaFrombois Ext 122,
Accessibility Assessment Specialist, Sarah Dunks Ext 132,
Work Incentives Benefits Specialist, Karin Zuleger Ext 106,
Work Incentives Benefits Specialist, Stacy Schultz Ext. 105,
Independent Living Coordinator, Sandra L. Popp Ext 179,
Independent Living Coordinator, Vicky Lasch Ext 113,
Dementia Assistive Technology Specialist/Independent Living Coord., Stacie Scheibe,
Advocacy Organizer, Byia Martin,,
Assistive Technology Specialist, Calvin Richtig Ext 130,
HR Manager/Personal Care Coordinator, Maia Xiong Ext 114,
RN Supervisor—PCA Program, Bonnie Stankevitz Ext 184,
RN—PCA Program, Ann Nelson Ext 181,
Billing Specialist—PCA Program, Annette Nitke Ext 107,
Secretary, Barb Guyes Ext 145,
Certified Peer Specialists, Kathy Gage— 920-609-2142, Gail Herger—920-609-9467, Jacqueline West—920-680-2679
Fox Valley Office—Appleton, 820 W College Avenue
Independent Living Coordinator, John Meissner - Appleton office, 920-997-9999,
Independent Living Coordinator, Mackenzie Egan—Appleton Office, 920-882-9309,
Board of Directors - Mary Burich, President; Mark Merrifield, Vice President; Eric
Stream, Treasurer; Jim Feenstra, Secretary; Steve Boney; Mari Charles; Hugh Danforth;
Joyce David; Ann Jadin; Scott Menzel; Autumn Nordall; Kevin Pitts; Karen Smits .
Mark your Calendars!
Fox Valley Wheelchair Wash and Safety Check, Saturday
May 3, 2015, Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton WI, 8 am—Noon.
This event is free. There will also be assistive technology vendors, food,
and prizes. For more information contact: Teresa at FVTC OTA Program
(920) 735-5662.
Assistive Technology Fair Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Lambeau Field Atrium More information to come.