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Curse Title: Project (Thesis)
Curse Code: TE-407
Report on Industrial Attachment at
Sinha Textile Group
Academic Supervisor
Dr. S. M. Mahbub-ul-Haque Majumder
Professor of Textile Engineering & Dean
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Daffodil International University
Prepared by
Farhana Islam Arifa
ID: 091-23-1379
Date of Submission: 20-04-2013
We hereby declare that, this project has been done by me under the supervision of Dr. S. M
Mahbub-ul-Haque Majumder Professor of Textile Engineering & Dean Department of Textile
Engineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka. I also declare that neither this project nor
any part of this project has been submitted elsewhere for achieving award of any degree or
Supervised By:
Dr. S. M. Mahbub-ul-Haque Majumder
Professor of Textile Engineering & Dean
Department of TE
Daffodil International University
Submitted by
Farhana Islam Arifa
ID: 091-23-1379
Department of TE
Daffodil International University
My first gratefulness goes to Almighty Allah to give me the strength and ability to complete the
industrial training and this report. Who has made our life more beautiful, glorious and honored.
A number of people have made significant contributions to the preparation of this report. Their
insights, advice and suggestions helped us a lot.
Firstly, I am very much thankful to Professor Dr. S. M. Mahbub-ul Haque Majumder,Dean,
FSIT, DIU, for his encouragement and valuable suggestions for continual improvement of the
report. My Internship Supervisor who offered me to do internship in the number one industry in
Bangladesh Named Sinha Textile Group. I got tremendous support and guidance throughout the
internship period. Working with him I have earned not only valuable knowledge but also
inspired by innovativeness which helped to enrich my experience to a greater extent. His ideas
and way of working is truly remarkable.
I would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Md. Mahbubul Haque, Head, Dept. of TE, DIU for all
necessary information delivery as well as for many technical help.
I am very thankful to Prof, Dr. Zulhash Uddin, Advisor DIU for his support. I learned many
things from him that can’t be expressed in a single of line.
I would like to thank the Chairman, Managing Director, General Manager, Deputy General
Manager, Manager, Assistant Manager, Senior Production Officer, Production Officer, Assistant
Technical Officer, Technical Officer who gave us scope & helped for doing industrial attachment
in the factory as well as for giving scope to work in their respective section.
Being involved with them we have not only earned valuable knowledge but was also inspired by
their innovativeness which helped to enrich our experience to a greater extent. I believe this
report could not be finished if they did not help us continuously.
I am also very much grateful to Sinha Textile Group authority for giving us opportunity to do our
internship work in their factory.
Finally I want to give thanks for all the workers, supervisors who have assisted, helped &
inspired us to complete this report.
Page No.
Textile technology education is based on industrial ground. Theoretical background is not sufficient so,
industrial training is an essential part of study to make a technologist technically sound in this field.
Industrial training provides us that opportunity to gather practical knowledge.
Sinha Textile Group is a truly integrated undertaking. The textile division has the capability to offer a
complete product range for the export & domestic textile markets. The goal of the textile division is to
become the preferred partner for sourcing high quality fabrics & clothing from Bangladesh. With high
advanced technology & an emphasis on developing local human resources, the textile division has the
potential to make an important contribution to the nation’s growing readymade garments export sector.
The rationale behind the existing structure & future expansion of the textile division is to capture value
added at each stage of the textile manufacturing process. Despite Bangladesh’s lack of indigenous cotton
production capability, STG has leveraged Bangladesh’s labor cost advantage & export competitiveness to
maximum level.
The term ‘Textile’ means originally a woven fabric, but textile & the plural textiles are now also applied
to fibre, filament & yarn. Natural & manufactured & most products for which these are a particular raw
material. This definition embraces, for example fibre- based products in the following categories: threads,
cords, ropes & braids; woven, knitted & non woven fabrics, lace, nets & embroidery; hosiery knitwear &
made up apparels; household textiles, soft furnishing & upholstery; carpets & other floor coverings;
technical, industrial & engineering textiles include geo textiles & medical textiles. Some necessary terms
in textile processing & production are given belowFibre:
Textile raw materials generally characterized by fineness, Flexibility & high ratio of length to thickness.
A product of substantial length & relatively small cross section consisting of fibre(s) and/or filament(s)
with or without twist.
A manufactured assembly of fibres and/or yarns that has substantial surface area in relation to its
thickness & sufficient cohesion to give the assembly useful mechanical strength. Common processes of
fabric manufacturing are weaving, knitting & non woven.
1. Weaving:
The action of producing fabric by interlacing of warp & weft threads.
2. Knitting:
The process of manufacturing of fabric by the intermeshing of loops of yarn.
3. Non-woven:
The process of producing of fabrics by chemical bonding of fibres.
Name of the factory: Sinha Textile Group
Owner of the mi: Mr. Anisur Rahman Sinha
Location of the mill: Kanchpur, Sonargaon, Narayanganj
Head office
: House No.363
Road No.02
New DOHS, Mohakhali
Commercial production: 1997
Total production: 50000-70000 m/day (woven) 15 ton/day (knit).
Business line: Manufacturing & Marketing of high quality yarn & fabric.
Total turnover:
Vision: Building a true marketing led enterprise with motivated workforce, innovative vision, and strong
revenue based product portfolio, customer satisfaction & understanding of global market.
Mission: Each of the activities must benefit & add value to the common wealth of our society. We firmly
believe that, in the final analysis we are accountable to each of the constituents with whom we interact;
namely our employees, our customers, our business associates, our fellow, citizens & our shareholders.
Manpower of Sinha Textile Group
Sinha Textile Group is running with strong manpower in total. At present about 65,000 people involved
here. Every section of STG has sufficient manpower to ensure its smooth running of production in every
As I completed my industrial training on Sinha Dyeing & finishing sector so here I am giving the sectionwise manpower of that sectionTotal manpower of Sinha Dyeing & Finishing sector is 301.
Manpower of SDFL:
Inspection & rolling
Quality control
Testing laboratory
Layout of Sinha Dyeing & Finishing Limited
A- Singeing & Desizing Machine
B- Continuous Scouring & Bleaching Machine
C- Mercerizing Machine
D1- Thermosol Dyeing Machine
D2- Pad Steam Machine
E1- Electrolyte Control Dyeing Machine
E2- Washing Machine
P- Screen Printing Machine
K- Color Kitchen
L- Loop Steamer
S- Stenter Machine
F- Sanforising Machine
I- Brush Machine
H- Peach Machine
R- Calendaring Machine
T- Inspection & Rolling Machine
FFS – Finished Fabric Store
MR – Mechanical Room
ER - Electrical Room
RFS – R&D Fabric Store
GFS – Grey Fabric Store
PS - Printing Section
DR – Design Room
QC – Quality Control Section
TL – Textile Testing Laboratory
CR – Conference Room
DT – Director (Technical) Room
Pr.M- Printing Manager’s Room
DM – Dyeing Manager’s Room
Ad.M- Administration Manager
SPZ – Spare Parts Zone
– Emergency Exit Way
- Fire Extinguisher
ST - Staff Toilet
Daily production of Sinha Dyeing & Finishing Limited:
Woven Dyed Fabric-- 45000m/day
Yarn Dyed Fabric-- 10000m/day
Printed Fabric-- 20000m/day
Process Flowchart
Though Sinha Textile Group is a composite mill. For that reason grey fabrics are come from four weaving
unit (Somet1, Somet2, Toyota & Picanol) in SDFL (Sinha dyeing & finishing limited). Fabrics are
inspected in weaving section & 2nd time inspection is not held. In Sinha Dyeing & Finishing Ltd.
scouring-bleaching is done in one machine.
Process flow chart in wet processing are given below-
For solid dyed fabric……………………………….
Heat setting (for TC/CVC fabric only)
Stenter finishing
Inspection & rolling
For white fabric…………………………..
Stenter finishing
Inepection & rolling
For yarn dyed fabric…………………………..
Inspection & Rolling
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2.2.1Theory of Pretreatment
The term “Pretreatment” covers all operations of preparing textile material for subsequent dyeing,
printing & finishing processes.
The preparation of goods for dyeing & printing is a far important process then the production of white
goods. Textile material to be dyed or printed must have the following properties-
High & uniform dye uptake & absorptivity.
Completely free from husks.
High degree of polymerization of the cellulose.
Adequate degree of whiteness to permit faultless dyeing of pale shades.
Degree of whiteness:
In the past, it was customary to regard the degree of whiteness as the most reliable criterion for judging
the quality of the pretreatment. But now there are other factors governing the results obtained in
subsequent operations. Today, therefore, the object of pretreatment is not full bleach, but only a partial
bleach as necessary to ensure good purity & brilliance of shade in subsequent dyeing or printing.
Hydrophilic properties:
High & uniform absorptivity of the goods is essential. It is the hydrophilic properties that govern the
evenness of uptake of the dyes & chemicals, particularly in cases where these are applied continuously.
Swelling state:
Swelling changes the inner surface of the cotton fibre & consequently its sorption behavior. Maximum,
uniform swelling of the cellulose is therefore, essential for complete & level uptake of dye. This can be
ensured by
Removing the hydrophobic impurities from the fibre.
Treatment with alkali in scouring, bleaching, mercerizing etc.
Full-width, tight-strand passage of the goods during the swelling process.
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Solubilizing & washing out of impurities:
The purer the cellulosic fibre, the greater the assurance that the desired quality & uniformity of the
pretreatment effect will be obtained. When the impurities of the cotton fibre have been solubilized, only
the chemical problem has been solved. The next step is to remove by washing large amount of various
substances in as short a time as possible.
Following processes are held in pre-treatment sectionSingeing
2.2.2 Singeing
Singeing is the process by which protruding fibres are removing from the surface of a fabric.
Since spinning of yarn from short lengths of fibres essentially involves making a bundle of fibres parallel
to each other followed by drawing & twisting, the ends of some of the fibres are likely to protrude from
the surface of yarn while those of the bulk of the fibres may be considered as trapped inside the yarn.
When such yarn is used in weaving, these free fibre ends along with vary short fibre lengths, protrude
from the surface of the fabric, giving it a fuzzy appearance. They destroy the smooth & lustrous character
of the fabric surface. Fabric like satin, sateen’s poplin twill etc, are valued for their smooth appearance.
Therefore, in most of the cases, the protruding fibre has to be removed & this is done by a process called
There are three types of singeing machines1. Gas singeing machine
2. Plate singeing machine
3. Roller singeing machine
Gas singeing machine is used in Sinha Dyeing & Finishing sector. There are two gas singeing machines
in Sinha Dyeing & Finishinig sector. Machines areMachine no.1
Name of machine: Parex-mather
Manufacture: 1995
Origin: Manchester, England
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Air pressure at cabinet/injector: 410mm WG
Gas pressure at inlet to controller: 100-150mm WG
No of burner: 2
Capacity of singeing: Both of face side and face & back side
Flame height: 2-3 inch
Speed of the machine: 70-75m/min
Distance burner to product: 6mm
Process sequence of “Parex-mather” machine:
Picture of “Parex-mather” machine:
Machine no.2
Name of machine: Carbomatic
Origin: Belgium
Number of burner: 2
Number of beater: 2
Capacity of singeing: Only face side singeing
Flame height: 5-7 inch
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Speed of machine: 120m/min (generally used)
Speed of machine: 150m/min (maximum)
Distance burner to product: 6mm
Padder pressure: 2-2.5 bar
Dozing system: Automatic
Process sequence of “Carbomatic” machine:
Picture of “Carbomatic” machine:
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2.2.3 Theory of Gas Singeing Machine
The machine essentially consists of two burners giving continuous flat flames, produced by a mixture of
compressed air & gas. The flame issues from a narrow slit, which is adjustable with to width & thickness.
When the cloth is drawn over the flame at a high speed, the flame impinges on its surface & burns the
protruding fibres without damaging the cloth to any appreciable extent. The speed of transmission of the
cloth through the singeing machine has to be adjusted to suit the amount of the singeing required, without
the risk of burning the cloth.
When the flame impinges on the cloth surface, the fibre ends present in the interstices of the warp & weft
are also singed. Then the singed cloth passed through the desizing bath. So that all the sparks are
extinguished. In order to remove the burns fibres & exhaust gases, a fan is providing over the machine.
Control of the burning is very important in singeing. The burner be a iron pipe with suitable perforations
along its length. This burner is of the slot type with an arrangement for varying the width of the slot so
that gases of different calorific value can be used in the machine. As the fabric passes between two slot
burner & the exhaust chamber, the flame is drawn directly into the directly into the fabric. The singeing
takes place at this stage & the products of combustion are led into the exhaust chamber & taken away
from the machine.
The slot length can be adjusted according to the width of the cloth being singed.
In case of synthetic fibre fabrics, especially those made from thermoplastic fibres such as polyester, nylon
etc problem arise in
singeing. During singeing such fabrics, the protruding fibres melt & recede from the flame form minute
beads. These being disoriented, absorb the dye-faster than the rest of the fabric resulting in specky dyeing.
In order to avoid this differential dyeing character of the singed fabric, singeing operation is carried out
after dyeing,
In case of polyester/cellulose fibre blend, singeing is the best method of controlling piling. It is a critical
operation, since an otherwise satisfactory piece of the blend can be rendered useless by uneven/over
singeing. The polyester fibre ends melt during singeing. If the machine runs too slowly the flame may
become too hot for certain area of the fabric being singed, which then becomes plasticize. Improper
singeing may lead to as much as 75% tensile strength loss in the warp direction.
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2.2.4 Desizing
After singeing fabrics comes for desizing unit. It is necessary to remove the size (i.e. to desize) from the
cloth; other the hydrofobicity of the wax & the fallow hinder the subsequent dyeing & printing processes.
Wax & tallow are removed in the later process (scouring), while the starch is removed during desizing.
Thus desizing is the term usually restricted to the process of removal of starch (of the size) from the cloth.
Chemically starch is poly-alpha-glucopyranose in which straight chain (amylose) & branched chain
(amylopectin) polymers are present.
Both the constituents of starch are insoluble in water, but they can be solubilised by hydrolysis of these
long chain compounds to shorter ones. Thus under suitable conditions starch can be progressively
hydrolyzed to yhe following stagesStarch (insoluble)
Dextrin (insoluble)
Soluble dextrin (soluble)
Maltose (soluble)
Alpha-glucose (soluble)
In desizing, the hydrolysis reaction is carried out up to the stage of soluble dextrin only & no further to
Desizing is a chemical process & the rate of this process i.e. the rate of hydrolysis of starch can be
controlled. For example, if the desizing liquor is stronger, the process can be completed in a short time in
a short time so that the process can be made a continuous one.
If weaker solutions are used, the process is bound to be a batch one.
Classification of desizing methods:
Desizing Methods
Hydrolytic Methods
Rot steep
Enzyme steep
Acid steep
Oxidative Methods
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Another methods of desizing Solvent desizing
 Low temperature plasma treatment
 Desizing by thermochemic alextraction & coronization (glass).
In Sinha Dyeing & Finishing sector “Rot Steep” & “Acid Steep” desizing method is used.
Recipe for rot steep desizing:
Water: 1000 liter
Wetting agent (Felosan RGN): 1gm/ liter
Temperature: 60-800C
When only finfix & wax are used as sizing chemical then in desizing process only wetting agent is used in
rot steep method. But when starch, fat are used as sizing chemical then to remove these chemicals acid
steep method is used.
In case of acid steep method “Heptol EMG” (mild acid) is used as a desizing chemical.
Process control in desizing:
Nature of size: Starch
Wet pick up during desizing: 100 %( adjusted by pressure)
Concentration of desizing agent: 0.8%
Batching time: 6-8 hours
Desizing efficiency: Should be 80%
2.2.5 Scouring
Scouring is almost invariably the first wet process applied to textile materials. The object is remove oils,
fats, waxes, soluble impurities and any particulate or solid dirt adhering to the fibers. The process consists
essentially of treatment with a detergent with, or without, the addition of an alkali. When soap is used a
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good supply of soft water is essential but this is of less importance with the synthetic detergents, which,
now occupy such a prominent position
After the cloth still contains fats and waxes (both natural and added), due to the presence of which the
cloth becomes non-absorbent. These are removed from the cloth by scouring, also called kiering, kierboiling, boiling out etc.
Objective of scouring:
 To remove the natural as well as added impurities as completely as possible to from textile
 To produce hydrolytic characteristics.
 To produce a clean material by adding alkali.
 To make the fabric suitable for the next process.
 To leave the materials in a highly absorptive condition without undergoing physical and chemical
The main purpose of scouring cotton fabrics is to remove natural as well as added chemicals of essentially
hydrophobic character as completely
as possible and leave the fabric in a high absorptive condition without undergoing chemical or physical
damage significantly and also to make the goods suitable for removing the natural coloring matter of
cotton during the subsequent process.
The main processes occurring during scouring are
Saponification of fats into water-soluble soap and water-miscible glycerin under alkaline condition,
Hydrolysis of proteins into water-soluble degradation products,
Dissolution of hydrolysis to ammonic of simpler amino compounds,
Conversion of pectin and into their solution salts,
Dissolution of mineral matter,
Emulsification of unsaponificable oils and waxes, and
Removal of dirt particles from the kier liquor by the detergent present therein.
Scouring process:
1. Batch or Discontinuous process (e.g. Kier boiling process)
2. Continuous process( e.g. Scouring in J-box)
3. Semi- continuous process (e.g. Pad-roller process)
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In Sinha Dyeing & Finishing sector “Continuous Method” is used.
Process sequence of scouring-bleaching:
Chemical padding
In Sinha Dyeing & Finishing sector two machines are used for scouring-bleaching purpose. Machines areMachine No.1
Name of machine: Benninger
Manufacture: 1995
Origin: Switzerland
Speed of machine: 120-130m/min (generally used)
Speed of machine: 150m/min (maximum)
Number of washing bath: 2 (at first stage)
Number of washing bath: 4 (at last stage)
Number of dry cylinder: 24
Name of chemical padding bath: Impacta
Number of chemical tank: 2
Some details about this machine
Number of roller in first washing bath: 24
Number of supporting roller in first washing bath: 6
Number of roller in second washing bath: 18
Number of supporting roller in second washing bath: 6
Number of roller in third washing bath: 17
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Number of supporting roller in third washing bath: 5
Number of roller in fourth washing bath: 17
Number of supporting roller in fourth washing bath: 5
Number of roller in fifth washing bath: 17
Number of supporting roller in fifth washing bath: 5
Number of roller in sixth washing bath: 18
Number of supporting roller in sixth washing bath: 6
Number of dry cylinder in first stage: 12
Number of dry cylinder in second stage: 12
Number of padder: 2
Number of squeezer: 6
Number of winder: 1
Temperature in first washing bath---- 500-700C
Temperature in last four washing baths:
Bath No.1---- 950C
Bath No.2---- 950C
Bath No.3---- 850C
Bath No.4---- 400C
Temperature in steamer---- 1000C
Temperature in dry cylinder---- 1400C
Vapor pressure in steamer---- 650C
Reaction time in steamer---- 20 min
Fabric stored in steamer at a time---- 100 meter
Production capacity per day---- 80,000-1, 00000 meter
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Function of supporting roller:
To maintain tension.
To maintain fabric width.
Function of squeezer:
To squeeze & wash out extra water.
Picture of “Benninger” machine:
Machine No.2
Name of machine: Kuster
Manufacture: 2004
Origin: Germany
Speed of machine: 70m/min (generally used)
Speed of machine: 100m/min (maximum)
Number of washing bath: 2 (at first stage)
Number of washing bath: 5 (in last stage)
Number of dry cylinder: 22
Name of chemical padding bath: Flexnip
Number of chemical tank: 6
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Some details about this machine
Number of roller in first washing bath: 12
Number of roller in second washing bath: 12
Number of roller in third washing bath: 13
Number of roller in fourth washing bath: 22
Number of roller in fifth washing bath: 22
Number of roller in sixth washing bath: 12
Number of roller in seventh washing bath: 6
Temperature in first washing bath---- 450-550C
Temperature in last four washing baths:
Bath No.1---- 950C
Bath No.2---- 950C
Bath No.3---- 950C
Bath No.4---- 800C
Bath No.5---- 400C
Temperature in steamer---- 1000C
Vapor pressure in steamer---- 650C
Fabric stored in steamer at a time---- 80 meter
Temperature in dry cylinder---- 1400C
Reaction time in steamer---- 20 min
Factors involved in scouring:
When cleaning solid surfaces, five variables become involved that interact during scouring and they are as
The nature of the surface to be c leaned.
The nature of the dirt or soil.
The chemicals to be used.
The nature of the water or solvent.
The nature of the detergent or soap.
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Neutralize acidic materials, saponify glycerides (Waxes and
Oils,) and solubilize silicate.
Penetrate and break down lignins in motes.
Reduces surface tension and minimize interfacial tensions.
Emulsify oils, fats, and waxes; remove oil borne stains;
suspend materials after they have been removed.
Deactivate metal ions.
Cause detergents to become increasingly effective.
1. Assist emulsification by dissolving oily materials.
Sodium Silicate
Chelating(Sequestering) agent
Table: chemicals and their purposes
2.2.6 Bleaching
Bleaching is a process, which is designed to produce white fabrics and must be accomplished with a
minimum of damage to the cotton being bleaching. Bleaching is not a cleaning process in the sense of
scouring; bleaching does not remove dirt.
Bleaching is an oxidation process whereby coloring matter is destroyed (not removed) and cotton
invariably is degraded. Production personnel must be aware that degradation is part of the process and
must be regulated in a way so that satisfactory whiteness is obtained while fabric properties are
maintained within customer specification.
The removal of cotton wax, natural fats and added fatty matter (of the size) and others components from
the desired fabric during the scouring process carried out in a kier leaves the material in a more absorbent
condition than the fabric. But the natural coloring matter of the cotton is still present in the cloth.
In order to obtain white cloth (so that pure or pale shades are produced on it either by dyeing or printing),
the normal is to decolorize the natural coloring matter present in the cloth. Bleaching in different ways
does this.
An effective bleaching process must ensure pure and permanent white level dyeing properties (overbleaching and under-bleaching adversely affect the dye absorption properties of the fabric) and the fabric
too should not undergo not chemical damage or degradation during bleaching. A control over the
bleaching agent, the pH, and temperature
of the solution, the duration of bleaching, the presence of catalysts like rust etc. On the cloth during
bleaching should be in order to minimize or prevent any chemical damage of the cloth being bleaching or
wastage of the bleaching agent by self-decomposition.
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Types of bleaching agents:
There are different types of bleaching agents are used-
Reducing bleaching agents
1. Sulphur dioxide
2. Sodium dithionite
3. Sulphoxylates
Oxidizing bleaching agents
Sodium hypochlorite
Hydrogen peroxide
Sodium peroxide
Sodium perborate
Sodium percarbonate
Peracetic acid
Sodium chloride
PH effect in bleaching:
In Sinha Dyeing & Finishing sector PH used in bleaching---10.5-11.8
Perfect PH for bleaching--- 10.5
Fabric in steamer:
Fabric stays in steamer---- 20 min
Maximum time to fabric stay in steamer--- 30 min
In case of rebleach fabric stay in steamer--- 8 min
2.2.7 Mercerizing
Mercerizing require cotton to be treated with concentrated solutions of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda).
Mercerization requires higher concentration of caustic soda (120Be-240Be). Caustic soda solution swells
cotton fibres breaking hydrogen bonds & weak vander wall forces between cellulose chains. The
expanded, free chain rearranges & re-orient & en the caustic soda is removed the chain form new bonds
in the reorganized state. When done tensionless, the cotton fibre swells, the cross-section becomes thicker
& the length is shortened. Because of fibre thickening the fibre becomes denser, stronger & more elastic.
Held under tension, the coiled shape of the fibre is straightened & characteristic lumen almost disappears.
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Object of mercerizing:
To fix dimensional stability of the fabric.
To improve dye uptake of the fabric.
To increase strength of the fabric.
To increase smoothness of the fabric.
To increase luster effect of the fabric.
To remove crease from the fabric.
Process sequence of ‘mercerizing’:
NaOH penetration
Reaction time
Wash out
There are two machines in Sinha Dyeing & Finishing sectorName of machine: Farmer Norton
Origin: England
Speed of the machine: 35-40m/min
Number of chemical bath: 2 (NaOH padding)
Number of wash bath: 9
Number of acid wash bath: 1
Number of timing cane: 12
Number of dry cylinder: 16
Number of padder: 6
Number of dancing roller: 18
Number of band roller: 23
Temperature of dry cylinder: 1200-1400C
Temperature of NaOH padding bath: 150C
Temperature of acid wash bath: 900-950C
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Picture of ‘mercerizing’ machine
Dyeing can be defined as that process in course of which a textile fibre, placed in contact with the
solution/dispersion of a dye absorbs said dye in such a way that the dyed material opposes a certain
resistance to releasing the dye to the bath from which it has been absorbed. Such resistance to release the
dye is a consequence of its bonding energy, which in its turn, depends on the relationship between the
molecular structures of the two substances & the way in which the dyeing was carried out.
Dyestuffs give color to the material onto which they have been anchored by selectively retaining some of
the wavelengths out of the light falling upon the surface.
In Sinha Dyeing & Finishing sector reactive dyes are used maximum.
There are three machines in dyeing sector. Two dyeing machines & one washing machine. There are two
types of dyeing machines here. Machines are Pad-dry-pad-steam
 Pad-dry-thermofix
Machine Details
Type of machine: Pad-dry-pad-steam
Padding zone
Name of machine: Kusters
Origin: Germany
Mnufacture: 1996
Model No: E.u.A Kombi
Drying zone
Name of machine: Monforts
Origin: Germany
Manufacture: 1995
Pad steam zone
Name of machine: Benninger
Origin: Switzerland
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Manufacture: 1995
Model: CH-9240 uzwill
Process sequence of pad-dry-pad-steam
Dryer with gas burner
Wash out
Dry in dry cylinder
Chemical used in pad-dry-pad-steam
In first time padding:
Wetting agent
In second time padding:
Anti-migrating agent
Acetic acid
Wetting agent
Temperature of different zone
First padding bath
-- 35-400C
Second padding bath -- 35-400C
-- 170-1800C
-- 1000C
Dry cylinder
-- 1400C
First wash bath
-- 950C
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Second wash bath
-- 950C
Third wash bath
-- 950C
Fourth wash bath
-- 950C
Fifth wash bath
-- 950C
Sixth wash bath
-- 950C
Seventh wash bath
-- 400C
Others information about pad-dry-pad-steam
Speed of machine: 30 m/min (for lycra) & 25 m/min (without lycra )
Speed of IR: 40 m/min
Water removed by IR: 40%
Number of dry cylinder—15
Number of steaming roller in steamer—48
Reaction time in steamer—1 min
Type of machine: Pad-dry-thermofix
Name of machine: Monforts
Origin: Germany
Manufacture: 2005
This machine is also called “E-control” i.e. electrolyte control. Because of dyeing without
electrolyte it is saying that “E-control”.
Process sequence of pad-dry-pad-steam
Dryer with gas burner
Wash out
Dry in dry cylinder
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Chemical used in pad-dry-pad-steam
Na 2CO3
Wetting agent
Anti-migrating agent
Information about pad-dry-thermofix
Number of padding bath: 1
Number of gas burner: 2
Temperature of dryer: 1000C (maximum)
Tempaerature of dryer: 1200C (minimum)
Percentage of steam used: 30%
Liquor concentration of pad-dry steam: 4:1
Type of machine: Washing machine
Name of machine: Kusters
Origin: Germany
Number of washing bath: 10
Speed of washing bath: 80 m/min (maximum), normally used 45-60 m/min.
Temperature of every washing bath
First washing bath
-- 400C
Second washing bath
-- 500C
Third washing bath
Fourth washing bath
Fifth washing bath
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Sixth washing bath
Seventh washing bath
Eighth washing bath
Ninth washing bath
Tenth washing bath
-- 400C
Without hot water no other thing used in washing bath.
Type of machine: Jigger dyeing
Name of machine: Jig-Matic
Origin: U.S.A
Speed of machine: 900 m/min (maximum), normally 100 m/min is used.
Chemical used in jigger dyeing
Detergent (for soaping)
Temperature of dyeing -- 650C
Temperature of soaping -- 980C
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Various types of finishing areStiff finish
Regular finish
Resin finish
Water repellent finish
Wrinkle free finish
Purpose of stentaring:
To control width of fabric.
To increase smoothness on fabric surface.
For heat setting in case of lycra fabric.
Sometimes topping is also done.
To control moisture of fabric.
Machine Details
Number of machine: 3
Machine No. 1
Name of machine: Monforts
Origin: Germany
Manufacture: 1996
Model: E.u.A Kombi
Used fabric type: Woven
Number of drying chamber: 6
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Number of gas burner: 12
One special roller is used in this machine for removing crease in case of yarn dyed fabric.
Machine No. 2
Name of machine: Monforts
Origin: Germany
Manufacture: 1994
Model: E+A Komb
Used fabric type: Woven & knit
Number of drying chamber: 6
Number of gas burner: 12
Two special rollers are used for removing crease of knit fabric.
Machine No. 3
Name of machine: Icomatex
Origin: Spain
Manufacture: 2007
Model: Terassa
Used fabric type: Woven
Number of drying chamber: 4
Number of gas burner: 8
Temperature of every chamberFirst
-- 800C
-- 1000C
-- 1200 C
-- 1800C
-- 1800C
-- 1800C
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-- 1800C
-- 1400
Chemical used in finishing:
Persoftal BD -- Cationic softener
Adasil SM
-- Anionic softener
-- Non-ionic softener
Softener is used On the basis of buyer requirement.
 On the basis shade.
Speed of machine: 120 m/min maximum & normally 65-70 m/min is used.
Topping is also done by stentaring machine.
Topping temperature is 800C, 1000C, 1200C.
Purpose of sanforizing:
 To control GSM.
 To control shrinkage.
Machine Details
Number of machine: 3
Machine No. 1 & 2
Name of machine: Monforts
Origin: Germany
Manufacture: 1996
Model: Monfortex
Machine No. 3
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Name of machine: Morrison
Origin: U.S.A
Manufacture: 2005
Speed of machine: 40 m/min
Pressure & temperature is used for control shrinkage.
Peach Finish
There are 4 types of peach finish areLight peach
Microsand peach
Normal peach
Heavy brush peach
Features of peach finish areLight peach:
Smoothness or peach effect is low.
Microsand peach:
Smoothness effect is greater than light peach & lower than normal peach.
Normal peach:
By using this type of peach fabric can be smooth much.
Heavy brush peach:
Smoothness effect is more than any other type of peach.
“Sand paper” takes a major part in peach finish.
Varieties grade sand paper is used in peach finish
Name of peach
Sand paper in grade
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Light peach
220, 400, 600
Normal peach
220, 400, 600, 320 (2 times used)
Microsand peach
220, 320, 400, 600
Heavy brush peach
80, 120, 320
“Sand papers” are rapped on sand roller.
Machine Details
Number of machine: 3 (5 peach machines & 1 calendaring machine)
Machine No. 1
Name of machine: Gessner
Origin: U.S.A
Manufacture: 2003
Model: Sander
Speed of machine: 20-25 m/min for both of peach.
Number of sand roller: 4
Number of brush roller: 1
Machine used for: Normal peach, heavy brush peach.
Machine No. 2
Name of machine: Gessner
Origin: U.S.A
Manufacture: 2003
Model: Sander
Speed of machine: 20-25 m/min for normal & heavy brush peach, 20-35 m/min for microsand peach.
Number of sand roller: 4
Number of brush roller: 1
Machine used for: Normal peach, microsand peach, heavy brush peach.
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Machine No. 3
Name of machine: Santex
Origin: U.S.A
Manufacture: 2005
Model: Plurima
Speed of machine: 20-25 m/min for normal peach, 20-35 m/min for microsand peach & 35-40 m/min for
light peach.
Number of sand roller: 4
Speed of sand roller: 1100 m/min
Number of brush roller: 1
Machine used for: Light peach, normal peach & microsand peach.
Both dry & wet peach are held here.
Machine No. 4
Name of machine: Danti paolo
Origin: Italy
Manufacture: 2007
Model: S1000
Number of sand roller: 2
Number of brush roller: 4
Number of dancing roller: 2 (it is used for maintain fabric tension)
Machine No. 5
Name of machine: Lamperti
Origin: Italy
Manufacture: 1998
It is a calendaring machine.
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Machines are-
Picture: Wash Fastness Tester & Quick Wash Plus Machine (one type of wash fastness tester)
Picture: Wash Fastness Tester & Washing Machine
Picture: Light Fastness Tester & Tensile Strength Tester
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Picture: Dryer
Picture: Color Assessment Cabinet & Hygrometer
Picture: Tearing Tester & Crease Recovery Tester
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Picture: Abrasion & Pilling tester, Flammability Tester
Picture: Bursting Tester & Rubbing Fastness Tester
Picture: TPI tester & Perspiration tester
Picture: Stretch & growth tester
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Machines are-
Picture: Dryer & Padder
Picture: Dryer & Padder
Picture: Steamer & Jigger Dyeing Machine
Picture: Mixture of Salt & Soda for padding
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Picture: Stock of dyes in dyeing lab
Picture: Working elements for dyeing in lab
Picture: Color Assesment Cabinet & Spectrophotometer
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The product, which are available in knit dyeing floor are given below:
→ Single jersey / Single jersey with lycra
→ Polo pique, Lacost (Single / Double)
→ Rib - (1x1), (2x2), (8x2), (9x2), (9x1)
→ Lycra rib, Drop needle fabric
→ Interlock
→ Grey mélange
→ Stripe (S/J, rib, interlock, grey mélange)
Raw materials for knitting:
Type of yarn
20S, 24S, 26S, 28S, 30S, 32S, 34S, 36S, 38S, 40S,
70D, 100D, 150D
Spandex yarn
20D, 40D, 70D
Grey mélange
24S, 26S
Ecru melange
24S, 26S, 28S
Cotton mélange (100%)
24S, 26S, 28S
PC (65% polyester, 35% cotton)
24S, 26S, 28S,30S
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CVC (60 % polyester, 40% cotton)
24S, 26S, 28S, 30S
Source of yarn for knitting:
Sinha rotor spinning Ltd.
Arif textile
HK Spinning
Padma Textile
Prime Textile
Kader Synthetic
Shohagpur textile
Jamuna spinning
Shamim spinning
Amber textile
Yasmeen spinning
Square textile
Made in Korea, Type # H-100 (20D)
Raw materials for dyeing:
Raw materials used in the dyeing section are1. Grey fabrics
2. Dyes
3. Chemicals
Grey fabrics:
Following types of gray fabrics are dyed-
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Process sequence of knit dyeing
Fabric receiving
Fabric inspection
Scouring & Bleaching
After treatment & Softening
Dewatering/ Squeezing
Final Inspection
Machine Details
Machine No.1
Brand Name: FONGS
Model:-WINCH GN 18 2T (Atmospheric)
Origin: Hong Kong
Capacity: 600 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 03
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating Presser: .75 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996 Fong’s
Machine No. 02
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Brand Name: FONGS
Model:-WINCH DW 2T (Atmospheric)
Origin: Hong Kong Capacity: 300 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 02
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating Presser: .75 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996 Fong’s
Machine No. 03
Brand Name: FONGS
Model:-WINCH DW 3T (Atmospheric)
Origin: Hong Kong Capacity: 500 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 03
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating Presser: .75 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996 Fong’s
Machine No. 04
Brand Name: Tecninox
Origin: Portugal
Capacity: 1000 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 05
Max. Operating Temperature: 1050 C
Max. Operating Presser: 1.5 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1997
Machine No. 05
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Brand Name: Tecninox
Origin: Portugal
Capacity: 1000 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 05
Max. Operating Temperature: 1050 C
Max. Operating Presser: 1.5 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1997
Machine No. 06
Brand Name: Tecninox
Origin: Portugal
Capacity: 1200 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 05
Max. Operating Temperature: 1050 C
Max. Operating Presser: 1.5 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1997
Dyeing Machine No. 07
Brand Name: GATSON COUNTRY (high temperature high pressure)
Origin: USA
Capacity: 500 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 02
Max. Operating Temperature: 1400 C
Max. Operating Presser: 5 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996
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Dyeing Machine No. 08
Brand Name: FONGS
Model:-WINCH DW 3T (Atmospheric)
Origin: Hong Kong
Capacity: 500 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 03
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating Presser: .75 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996 Fong’s
Dyeing Machine No. 09
Brand Name: FONGS
Model:-WINCH DW 3T (Atmospheric)
Origin: Hong Kong
Capacity: 500 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 03
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating Presser: .75 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996 Fong’s
Dyeing Machine No. 10
Brand Name: FONGS
Model:-WINCH DW 3T (Atmospheric)
Origin: Hong Kong
Capacity: 500 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 03
47 | P a g e
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating Presser: .75 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996 Fong’s
Dyeing Machine No. 11
Brand Name: FONGS
Model:-WINCH DW 3T (Atmospheric)
Origin: Hong Kong
Capacity: 500 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 03
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating Presser: .75 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996 Fong’s
Dyeing Machine No. 12
Brand Name: FONGS
Model:-WINCH DW 3T (Atmospheric)
Origin: Hong Kong
Capacity: 500 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 03
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating Presser: .75 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996 Fong’s
Dyeing Machine No. 13(sample)
Brand Name: tecninox (HTHP)
Origin: Portugal
Capacity: 15 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 01
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Max. Operating Temperature: 1000 C
Max. Operating Presser: .1.5 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996
Dyeing Machine No. 14(sample)
Brand Name: tecninox (HTHP)
Origin: Portugal
Capacity: 15 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 01
Max. Operating Temperature: 1000 C
Max. Operating
Presser: .1.5 Bar
Manufacturing Year: 1996
Dyeing Machine No. 15(sample)
Brand Name: FONGS
Model: Winch GNS 1 T
Origin: Hong Kong
Capacity: 10 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 01
Max. Operating Temperature: 950 C
Max. Operating
Presser: 0.75
Bar Manufacturing Year: 1996
Dyeing Machine No. 16(Washing)
Origin: local
Capacity: 15 Kg
No. of Nozzle: 02
Max. Operating Temperature: 850 C
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Max. Operating
Presser: 1bar
Manufacturing Year: 1998
Picture: Dyeing machine
& Working zone
Picture: Stock of bleached fabric & Stock of pipette
Process sequence of lab dyeing
(Continuous stirring for 30 min)
After 30 min soda is added
After 10 min temperature is raised up to 60-650C
Dyeing in this temperature for 1 hour
Temperature is fall down
Wash off
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Fabric weight=5 gm
Process sequence of yarn dyeing
Grey Yarn
Soft Winding
Batch Preparation
Scouring & Bleaching
Softening & Fixing
Random Winding
Machine Details
Type of machine
Soft winding
SSM, Fadis
Switzerland, Italy
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Batch preparation
Scholl, Galvanin
Switzerland, Italy
Radio Frequency Dryer
Stallam, Strayfeild
England, Italy
Hard Winding
Hard Winding
Switzerland, Italy
Process sequence of dyeing in bulk
Ladiquest+Glauber salt
(300C in main tank 20 min circulation)
500C color dozing for 30 min
600C color dozing gradually for 30 min+migration 30 min+30 min soda dozing+30 min run
Hot wash
Acid wash for neutralization
Wash with detergent
Hot wash
Acid wash
Fixer finish
Dyeing Procedure in lab
Salt at 500C & run 20 min
(Check pH & salt gravity)
Color dozing at 500C for 10 min
Color migration at 700C for 30 min
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Soda ash dozing at 600C for 20 min
Temperature at 600C & run for 30 min
Sample check if ok then wash
Wash-off process in dyeing lab
For light shades:
Cold wash
Hot wash at 500C
Neutralize with acetic acid 0.5 g/l
Soap wash with ladiquest 1 g/l at 950C
Hot wash at 800C
For medium shades:
Cold wash
Hot wash at 500C
Neutralize with acetic acid 0.5 g/l
Soap wash with ladiquest 1 g/l at 950C
Hot wash at 800C
For dark shades:
Cold wash
Hot wash
Neutralize with acetic acid
Soap wash with avolan 2 g/l at 950C
Soap wash with avolan 2 g/l at 950C
Hot wash at 800C
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There are 3 “Effluent Treatment Plant” in Sinha Textile Group”. This are
Process sequence of ETP 1
(Capacity- 150m3/hour)
“It’s a physiochemical plant”
All kind of dyeing water came from different dyeing unit
Rotary screen filter
Equalization tank
Chemical reactor
Flotation unit
Clean water
To river
Step discussions
All kind of dyeing water comes from different dyeing section:
In this segment water comes from different dyeing section. LikeWoven dyeing section
Knit dyeing section
Yarn dyeing section etc.
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Rotary screen filter:
Suspended solid quartz material removed by using this step.
Equalization tank:
To equalize the effluent quantitatively & qualitatively. Material takes approximately 10 hours time to get
clean. Its capacity is 1560 m3.
Flotation unit:
Chemical dozing (Fecl3, polyelectrolyte, decoloring agent).
After flotation unit water goes two sides. One is sludge & another is clean water which is gone into river.
Process sequence of ETP 2
(Capacity- 350m3/hour)
“It’s a biological plant”
Combined effluent from various units
Mechanical bar screen
Collection tank
Equalization tank
Flash mixing tank (by pumping)
Flocculation tank
Primary claritubesetteler tank
PH correction channel
FAB reactor 1
FAB reactor 2
Secondary claritubesettler tank
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Chlorine contact tank
To river
Step discussions
Combined effluent from various units:
In this segment water comes from different dyeing section. LikeWoven dyeing section
Knit dyeing section
Yarn dyeing section etc.
Mechanical bar screen:
To removing the coarse solids.
Equalization tank:
To equalize the effluent quantitatively & qualitatively. Material takes approximately 10 hours time to get
clean. Its capacity is 1560 m3.
Flash mixing tank:
2 nos for rapid or uniform mixing of dosing chemicals with the effluent.
Flocculation tank:
For coagulation & flocculation of solids. Polymer increases the size of dust particles.
Primary claritubesetteler tank:
To remove the inorganic flocs formed.
PH correction channel:
To correct inlet pH by HCl dosing.
FAB reactor:
Treatment of organic matter to reduce BOD/COD aerobically.
Secondary claritubesettler tank:
To remove the biological solid generated.
Chlorine contact tank:
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For polishing & disinfections. Calcium or sodium hypochlorite dosing.
Sludge sump:
To collect the thickened sludge.
For mechanical dewatering of sludge.
Process sequence of ETP 3
(Capacity- 150m3/hour)
“It’s a biological plant”
Rotary screen
Effluent collection tank
Chemical dosing
PH correction channel
Aeration tank
Lamela clarifier 1, 2
Chlorine contact tank
Multigrade filter
To river
Step discussions
Rotary screen filter:
Suspended solid quartz material removed by using this step.
Equalization tank:
To equalize the effluent quantitatively & qualitatively. Material takes approximately 10 hours time to get
clean. Its capacity is 1560 m3.
Chemical dosing:
Lime, Fe (SO4)3, polyelectrolyte are added in this stage.
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PH correction channel:
To correct inlet pH by HCl dosing.
Atmospheric air is blown in this stage.
Chlorine contact tank:
For ploishing & disinfections. Calcium or sodium hypochlorite dosing.
Process Description
The effluent is first passed through a Manual Bar Screen Channel / Chamber to remove any floating
debris. The effluent is then collected is a Equalization Tank where it is equalized with respect to its
characteristics and flow. The content is kept in mixed conditions with the help of air blower.
The equalized effluent is then pumped to flash mixing tank followed by a Flocculation Tank. Chemicals
like lime and FeSO4 are dosed in the flash mixing tank to aid coagulation and color removal. Anionic
Polly-electrolyte (type-1) is dosed in the Flocculation Tank to aid in the agglomeration of the particles.
The flocs formed are removed in the downstream Primary Claritubesttler -1. The effluent will further flow
by gravity to a PH correction tank where requisite quantity of acid will be dosed and PH will be adjusted
as per the requirement.
After the primary treatment effluent flows by gravity to the FAB Rector for reduction of BOD / COD
aerobically. The air is supplied by means of fine bubble diffusion. The generated are removed in the
Secondary Claritubesettler – 11.
The clarified effluent polished and disinfected by dosing sodium hypochlorite in the Chlorine Contact
The disinfected effluent is suitable for disposal.
Chemicals are used in ETP-1:
Ferric chloride
De-coloring agent
As a preservativeNaOH
Chemicals are used in ETP-2 &3:
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Ferrus Sulphate
HCl- 5% solution
Sodium or Calcium hypochlorite- 5% solution.
Process Sequence of WTP
Water from river
Flash mixer
Filter pack
Clarified water tank
Softening plant
Soft water to various units
Step discussions
Water from river:
Water comes from various rivers in water treatment plant.
Flash mixer:
In this segment Al2 (SO4)3, polymer etc are mixed in water.
Softening plant:
In this segment activated carbon are used as a softener.
Soft water to various units:
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After softening of water it is supplied in various units for various purposes.
There are two types of water are prepared in water treatment plant Clarified water for washing purpose.
 Soft water for dyeing purpose.
Chemicals are used in WTP
Aluminum Sulphate
Sodium Chloride
Amount of chemical usedPolymer- .1% solution
Al2 (SO4)3- 10% solution
Lime- 10% solution
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For every person who is fresher in the field of textile, industrial training works is like a learning route.
This course gave me the opportunity to move liberally in every section of the industry to learn the
industrial work & follow the process sequence visually . I came to know practical knowledge not only
dyeing section but also every section of textile industry. Sinha group contain A to Z function in textile
sector .
I learned how to work professionally in job field. I many gathered many technical knowledge working by
my own hend. I worked hard with a great interest. Because I had Interest to learn every new things.
In the production floor the commanding power of the officers, compliance, administration rules
everything is appealing. I hope that this industrial training will help me a lot to work in the future period
wherever I want to develop my career. Finally wishing the best prospect of both the industry & myself I
want to conclude.
Thank you.
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