AM 145 01

AM 145
Spring 2012
Instructor: Ms. Cindy Frank, M.A.
Contact Information: Ph: (775) 445-4274 E-Mail:
OFFICE: WNC Cedar Bldg Room #323
CLASS: Cedar Building Room #316
Class Meeting Times: M/W 1:00 – 2:45
Course Description: This first tier in American Sign Language is the basic Introduction
to American Sign Language. The course will cover basic interpersonal communication
skills in American Sign Language. Cultural, Linguistic and pragmatic aspects of the
Deaf Community will also be discussed.
Required Text:
 Lentz, Mikos, & Smith “Signing Naturally Level I” workbook/video.
 Recommended Test: A Basic Course in ASL
Course Objectives: At the conclusion of the course, students are expected to show
extensive knowledge of:
 Recognize, produce and utilize signs (basic vocabulary) of American Sign
 Recognize, produce and utilize basic sentence structure including: object +
subject + verb, sentences with identifying nouns, using “finish” directional
verbs, and verbs with classifiers.
 Recognize, produce and utilize language functions and grammar of
standard American Sign Language including: confirming information,
correcting information, negative markers, yes/no questions, “Wh”
questions, personal pronouns, spatial referencing and numbering.
 Introductions, exchange personal information, describe surroundings, and
tell where they live.
 Discussing family, activities and corresponding basic vocabulary
Course Comment:
Linguistic research demonstrates that ASL is comparable in complexity and
expressiveness to all spoken languages. It is NOT A FORM OF ENGLISH. ASL has its
own distinct grammar structure, which must be mastered in the same way as the
grammar of any other language. ASL differs in spoken languages in that it is a visual,
“3-D” language. Welcome to the most beautiful language in the world…
Mid-Term Examination
150 points
Final Examination
200 points
150 points
25 points
Term-Paper /Tutoring/Study Group
75 points
Total Points Possible
600 Points
Grades will be calculated according to WNC Policy:
A = 91% – 100% B = 81% - 90% C = 71% - 80% D = 61% - 70% F = >60%
Midterm: The mid-term examination will include all materials covered in the
book, class discussions, videos and hand-outs from the beginning of class until the
mid-term testing date. Date of mid-term will be announced. Due ____2012; 150
Final Exam: The final examination will be COMPREHENSIVE. It will cover
material from the first and second halves of the semester, but will weigh more
heavily on the information presented in the latter half of the semester. I will try
to adjust my testing methods to the students comfort. Final Exam will be given
on _______, 2012; 200 points
Term Paper:
 Topic of your choice – must be related to deafness
 3-5 pages in length, 12 font, typed
 2-3 minute presentation of your topic to class
 Minimum of 2 visual aids required (Pictures, charts, etc.)
 Follow standard term paper requirements (see me, the library staff or
the Academic Skills Center if you need more information)
 Due _______, 2012
 75 points possible
Don’t Care to write a Term Paper? Students who attend at least 25 hours of
mentoring or tutoring will be waived the term paper. Simply attend and have
your tutor/mentor sign off on hours attended! 75 points possible
Attendance/Participation Policy: It is imperative that students are
present to learn. Let’s show up, learn, talk and have fun! Remember, that
language is interactive – those who participate learn more. Your
participation will impact your grade. Please call me if you plan to drop…
if you do not officially drop the class, then you will receive an “F” instead
of a “W.” 100 points
Class Binder: Each student is expected to keep in a Class Binder. Ideally,
your Class Binder should consist of a binder for holding class assignments
and a notebook for journal entries. The Class Binder must contain all class
handouts, vocabulary lists and the syllabus, in short everything that
handed out in class. Written assignments are to be kept in your Class
Binder as journal entries. The Class Binder will be casually checked
throughout the semester.
Class Preparedness: Please come to every class prepared with your class Binder.
If you lose a handout or are absent for any class material, it is your
responsibility to obtain another copy, either by seeing me after class, on break,
or by making a copy from a classmate. It is suggested that students exchange
information with one or two “class partners” so you may help each other cover
information if you are absent. Likewise, if you miss a class it is your
responsibility to catch up on missed material. There are some opportunities to
catch up on missed material, you may visit me during office hours, attend
tutoring, or catch up with other students.
Attendance Policy: Attendance and participation in class is large portion of
your grade. In accordance with Western Nevada College policy, students may
only accrue a maximum of 4 absences in a 4 credit class. Students are expected
to arrive on time and stay for the entire class period. It is imperative that
students are present for the entire class period to learn. You know that, I know
that, let’s show up, learn, sign and have fun! If you are more than 10-15 minutes
late it is your responsibility to make sure you are marked present. Snacks are
always welcome so long as you have enough to share! (Healthy ones are
encouraged!). Please call me if you plan to drop… if you do not officially drop
the class, then I’ll have to give you an “F” and I hate that!
Cell Phones and Games: Please make sure that your cell phones are turned off or
on vibrate, and put away. Please do not text, engage in any sort of activity or
play any type of game during class. If you are not watching the teacher, or
whomever is signing, you are breaking one of the cardinal rules of Deaf Culture
– maintaining eye gaze - and are obviously missing out on ASL acquisition.
Students who engage in texting or any other activities during class time will
receive a “0” for their participation grade for that day without warning.
Extra Credit: Students are informed in class of various events within the Deaf
Community. Students who attend these events should submit evidence of their
attendance and can accrue up to 40 extra credit points.
Western Nevada College Policies: Students are expected to abide by the policies
set forth in the student handbook at all times. Copies of the student handbook
may be obtained in the Student Center.
Class Cancellations: In the event of a class cancellation, I will make every effort
to notify you in a timely manner. However, there may be a time when an
emergency happens and I am unable to notify you myself. If I am unable to
call you personally, an e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address provided when
you registered so please have your correct e-mail information in the WNC
system. Before each class, especially if there is inclement weather or the teacher
has been ill; it is highly recommended that you check your e-mail before leaving
for class.
Academic Integrity Policy: I expect all students to conduct themselves ethically
as outlined in the student handbook. Plagiarism or cheating can result in one or
more of the following actions: a 0 for that test/assignment, a possible failure in
the class, or immediate dismissal from the course. Plagiarism includes not only
copying the works of another, but it also includes using the ideas of another
without citation. Thus, all written assignments that require research are to be
cited and include a works cited page. If you do not know how to cite sources
please visit the Academic Skills Center and they will be happy to help you out!
Code of Conduct: In order for each and every one of us to be successful, it is
imperative to create a positive learning environment. Please treat other
students, teachers, visitors and guests with respect. Be courteous and
supportive to your classmates. We are all in the same boat here. Only give
constructive and respectful feedback to one another, respect the views and
opinions of everyone. We stretch, learn and grow by experiencing diversity.
Disrespect or disruption of class (including but not limited to: sarcasm, cursing
at anyone, arguing with the instructor or classmates, negative gossip,
attending class under the influence etc…), will not be tolerated; any
inappropriate behavior may negatively impact your grade. Severe disrespect
or misconduct may result in immediate removal from the classroom. Violence
or threats of violence in any way will not be tolerated and can result in a
failure in the class, suspension from the college or even expulsion as any and all
of this behavior will be reported.
Four Rules that MUST be followed in this course:
1. Maintain Eye Contact with instructor or signer at all
2. No talking (e.g. side conversations) unless indicated.
3. NO TEXTING, Cell Conversations or Laptops during
4. Maintain respectful citizenship at all times.
LANGUAGE: As with all natural languages, ASL includes signs and phases of
sexual nature as well as curse words. It is encouraged that all students learn
these signs, not for the purpose of using them, but so students are aware of how
NOT to sign unintentionally, and will comprehend people if they use the signs
while conversing with you. If you are uncomfortable with any of the
aforementioned activities, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the
instructor. The vast majority of these signs will be taught outside of official
class times on a voluntary basis.
FERPA- FERPA is the Family Education Rights and Privacy act. I can not
share any information about a student’s academic progress with anyone other
than the student themselves, or privileged staff at Western Nevada College.
FERPA also applies to those who are under 18 and taking college classes, so the
instructor can not discuss any academic progress with parents or guardians.
Please do not have any one other than yourself contact me regarding your
college experience.
Movies and Classroom Material - As this is a college level course, some movies
may be shown in this class that are rated R (e.g.… “Abababa”). If you are
uncomfortable watching an R rated movie, please speak to the instructor as
you may be excused from class and given an alternative assignment.
You will learn as much from your class mates as from me, so please ask
questions! There is no such thing as a “dumb” question. If you have a question,
chances are that others in the class have the same question too. Tell me if you
don’t understand… questions are encouraged!
Welcome… Let’s have a great year!!!!
Student Agreement with Instructor
Course Name:_______________________ Semester:__________________
I agree that I have read and understand the entire syllabus. I am aware that this syllabus explains how my
grade will be determined and also it provides the instructors expectations of students. In, addition, I
understand that as a student at this college, I am expected to follow guidelines for academic integrity and
civility as established in the polices of this institution (Academic and Student policy 3-4-5 on Academic
integrity in addition to Principles of Community as established by the president’s office). I am also
expected to show reasonable community standards in any communication or contact with fellow students
and instructor (even if not explicitly set forth in the course syllabus or in this intuition’s code).
Print Name:_____________________________________________