SYLLABUS 1. COURSE TITLE HUMAN RESOURCES (Cross Culture Aspect) 2. FACULTY/DEPARTMENT 3. COURSE CODE 4. DEGREE PROGRAMME FIELD OF STUDY ECONOMICS 5. COURSE FORMAT 6. YEAR AND SEMESTER 7. NAME OF COORDINATOR 8. NAME OF THE TEACHER 9. COURSE OBJECTIVES FACULTY OF ECONOMICS DEGREE LEVEL UNDERGRADUATAE MANAGEMENT STUDY MODE FULL TIME 2015/2016 DR BOGDAN WIERZBIŃSKI DR INZ AGATA PIERSCIENIAK The main objective of the course is: - To familiarize students with the operation of the organizations in the area of human resource management, - Gain knowledge in the field of acquisition, maintenance and development of human resource - An understanding of the theory and techniques used in management of human resource. The student will have the opportunity obtain the ability to assess the problems in this area and using their knowledge and pro-active approach to create their own solutions related to the management of human resources in the organization. As part of the exercise will be able to work in a group and improve their skills going into different roles. Active forms of activities will allow every student to speak freely, present his views and complete the assessment criteria. 10. PREREQUISITES Based on the theory organisation and management. 11. LEARNING OUTCOMES KNOWLEDGE: Learning outcome symbols K_W01 Learning Outcomes Reference to the learning outcomes for a given field of study. Define and understand basic concepts in the S1A_W01 field of human resources management area SKILLS: Learning outcome symbols Learning Outcomes Reference to the learning outcomes for a given field of study. K_U02 Apply theoretical economics knowledge in S1A_U01 resolving basic economic issues (HRM area) K_U13 Design presentations of human resources management issues with the use of S1A_U10 multimedia techniques FINAL COURSE OUTPUT - SOCIAL COMPETENCES Learning outcome symbols K_K03 Learning Outcomes Reference to the learning outcomes for a given field of study. Manifest disposition for independent learning process and work organization in management S1A_K03 area 12. COURSE ORGANISATION –LEARNING FORMAT AND NUMBER OF HOURS Workshop- 30 h 13. COURSE DESCRIPTION TUTORIALS/SEMINARS/ WORKSHOPS Content Number hurs of Introduction: Case study: One day from HR department life (identification tasks, problems 3h from this area – (+, -, interesting technique ]) Planning human resources in the organization, job description: why do we need a new 3h employee in your organization ? Recruitment - basic methods and techniques: how can we hire a new employee to work? 3h Selection - choosing the right employee for the right job: CV- my chance for employment 3h Planning human resources – the best useful model 2h Motivation - types and ways to develop appropriate attitudes employee (motivation 3.0) 4h What motivate young people from different country- working in international team ( drama) Employee Training – what is better for organization: sent the new employee for training or find very educated new worker on labor market? (debate – two group with good arguments) Assessment – evaluation the employee to be effective (questionnaire, meeting with boss self assessment) Final class project presentation (individual) 4h 14. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION 15. EQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS 3h 2h 3h TOTAL HOURS 30 H Workshops (discussion, drama, debate, case study, poster presentation, etc) Workshop - project describes the case of employment, motivation and development of an employee who works in organization. 16. GRADING SYSTEM Learning Outcomes Learning format W1 tutorial Evaluation of achievement of learning outcomes PROJECT Group discussion, activity, attendance at workshops, presentation U02 U13 tutorial tutorial K03 tutorial PROJECT Group discussion, activity, attendance at workshops, presentation PROJECT, Group discussion, activity, attendance at workshops, presentation Assessment methods and criteria 40% attendance (2 points for classes, maximum 8 points) 60% of the ocean project (completeness of presentation, the defense of their own ideas, max 12 points) Bonus: max 2 points special tasks, activity A 5 22-20 pkt B 4,5 19-18 pkt C 4 17-16 pkt D 3,5 15-14 pkt E 3 13-12 pkt F 2 11 – 0 pkt 17. TOTAL STUDENT WORKLOAD NEEDED TO ACHIEVE EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES EXPRESSED IN TIME AND ECTS CREDIT POINTS STUDENT ACTIVITY FORM STUDENT WORKLOAD PARTICIPATION IN LECTURES PARTICIPATION IN TUTORIALS/ SEMINARS 30 H PREPARATION FOR TURIALS (REPORT, WRITTEN WORK, PRESENTATION, ETC.) 40 H ADDITIONAL CONTACT HOURS 20 H TIME TO PREPARE FOR GROUP WORK 20 H PREPARING FOR EXAM 10 H PARTICIPATION IN EXAMINATION OR FINAL TEST 5H SUMMARY STUDENT WORKLOAD 125 H TOTAL HOURS OF STUDENT WORK IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE TEACHER (AT LEAST 55 H 50%) MODULE ECTS CREDITS 5 LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION ENGLISH 18. INTERNSHIP 19. MATERIALS ENGLISH PRIMARY OR REQUIRED BOOKS/READINGS: 1. Ewa Matuska (2014) Human resources management in a modern company : the handbook for students of management and human resources practitioners /; Wyższa Szkoła Administracji i Biznesu im. E. Kwiatkowskiego w Gdyni. – Gdynia, 2014. Zorlu Senyucel,(2009) Managing the human Resources in 21 century, Ventus Publishing ApS 2. SUPPLEMENTAL OR OPTIONAL BOOKS/READINGS: 1. Michael Armstrong (2006) A handbook of Human Resources Management Practice, 10, edition Podpis koordynatora przedmiotu Podpis kierownika jednostki