ISC, t lb.

Lily White (forcing)
Handsome white variety, having few
leaves, which are small and closely set; comes to maturity in
about 20 days. Skin and flesh pure white. of excell<nt flavor.
Pkt. SC, oz 10C, 2 oz. ISC. ! lb. 2SC, lb. i5C.
�carlet Olive (forcing) The Jargest of the forcmg varieties,
of a pure. deep scarlet col"r, the top being unusually small.
Pkt, 5c. oz. 10C, 2 oz. ISC, ! Ib, 2,:;C lb. 7SC.
Scarlet Globe (forcing)-Hand�ome �h1pe, color briiliant
Pkt. 5C,
red , flesh white and cri�p. mild and of fine fLvor.
oz. I( C. 2 oz. 15c. ! I p. 2SC, Ib 7Sc.
Early Deep Scarlet Turnip-Color of the skin a very dark
red; white tiesh, with very small tap root.
Pkt. 5C, oz. IOC,
2 oz, I St'. ! Ib 20C, lb. 7' c.
Scarlet Turnip, \\ hite TJpped- A st.ndard market variety,
Pkt. !iC. oz. 10C. 2 oz. 'S'" ! lb. zoc, lb. 70c.
French Breakfast-Oval form, color scarlet, white tipped.
Pkt. SC, oz. IOC, 2 oz. 15c, ! Ib 2 'C lb. 7Sc.
Scarlet Olive- "haped Skin fine scar­
let, flesh ro,e coler
Pkt. SC, oz. IOC,
2 oz. ISC,. i lb. 20C, lb. 70e.
White Olive- Shaped -Silme as above
in every respect except c. ,lor. Pkt. SC,
oz. 10C. 2 oz. ISC, ! Ib 20C, lb. 7' c.
White Turnip-Skin and flesh white'
some days later than the scaTiet.
sc, oz. IOC 2 oz. ISC, i lb. 20C, lb. 6.. c.
Half Long O. ep Scarl�t-An early
variety. mtermedi t e in shape hptw�en
the L ng Sc lr et and the Scarh t Olt 'eShaped
Pkt. 9"C. oz. IOC, 2 oz.
t lb.
25C, lb. 7SC.
Long �rightest Scarlet- It resemble,
the old Long ::;carlet in shape al,d size
but in color is verv distinct, being of the
most vivid scar'et imaginable the tip 01 . ..
the roots being pure white.
Pkt. SC, oz
IOC. 2 oz. 15<'. t Ih. 20C, Ih. 70c.
Long" hite Vienna or Lady Finger
-Th;s is the best long white valiety Of
hands.,mp f"rm; skin and flesh pure
white; ,.f very rapid growth, remat kably
Pkt. SC, oz.
crisp. brittle and tenc1er.
lOCo 2 oz
!ic. ! lb. 2SC, lb. 7<c.
Chartier-A 10llg rndi;h, of deer crim­
son color at top, shadtng off li"hter until at the b. ttl om they become white.
The ro Its attain a large si&e
and remain for a long time tender and crisp. Pkt. SC, oz. ro, 2 oz. T5C, ! lb. 20C, lb. 70C.
China, l10se Colored Size medium, flesh firm, rather
piquant. The standa. d winter variety. Pkt. SC, oz. IOC,
20Z 15C, t lb. 25C. Ib 7."oc.
Chinese" hite or "Celestial"-Stump-rooted, very like
Pkt. SC,
Xantt-s Carrot; 6 inch, s Inng; fine for winter.
I -c, 2 oz. 20C, t lb. 30C, lb. $1.00.
Black Round-Large size, skin black, of fine
qua it)'.
Pkt. !ic. 0Z lOC. 2 07; IS C, t lb. 2SC, lb. 7Sc.
Black Spanish Long-Simi1ar to preceding in every respect
P kt. ,c. oz IOC. 2 oz. ISC :lIb 25C, lb. 75c.
except shape.
California Mammoth or White Russian A giant white
It grows from 8 to 10 inches in length
fl�hed • all radbh.
and about 2! in diameter. Pkt. Sc, oz. IOC, 2 oz. ISC, ! lb.
25C, lb. 75C.
Rhubarbe, Fr.
Rhabarber, Gr.
Sow e1rly in spring. in rows twelve inches apart; the fol­
lowing spring tr"nspl nt into rows two feet apart each way;
In raising
manure the ground to t'-e depth of two f, et.
Rhubarb from seed, no reI ance can be placed on their proLon� Hrl�htest Scarlet Radish
ducing the true vantties; the most exp,.Clitious and satisfactory mode to obtain a supply IS to procure roots will produce a moderate supply the first season..
Victoria--Very large, fille fvr cookillg.
Pkt. .,C, oz. 20C. 2 oz. 3Sc, t lb. 60c, lb. $2.00.
Myatt S Linnaeus- Very early and t.. nd ... r.
Pkt. SC, oz. 20C. 2 oz. 3SC, t lb. 60c lb. $2,00.
Rhubarb Root., each 20c, three for 50c, $2 00 per dozen, postpaid.
Crambe Maritime, Fr.
Meerkohl, Gr.
Sow in drils one foot apart and thin nut to four inches in the row. When one year old transplant into hills
eighteen inche, apart and three plants to each hill.
On approach of frost cover about two feet thick with
dried leaves.
Pkt. SC, oz. 2SC, 2 oz. 40c, t lb. 7Sc, lb. $2.50.