School Business Manager Job Description (Grade PO1 PERSON REPORTS TO The SBM will be responsible to the Head as their line manager PURPOSE OF THE JOB I. To be responsible for strategic planning aspects including all financial implications and ensuring that the school makes the best possible use of resources available. II. To be responsible for Finance, Personnel Management, Site Management, Administration, and all matters within the management of the school which are supportive to, but do not involve, the teaching function. III. To be responsible for effective ‘Risk Management’, for example, in Health and Safety and in the management of any third party service contracts. IV. To be a full member of the Leadership & Management Team (LMT). EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The Council has a strong commitment to achieving equality of opportunity in both services to the community and the employment of people and expects all employees to understand and promote its policies in their work.____________ FINANCE – IMPROVING SCHOOL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: 1. To advise the Head and Governors on financial policy, preparing appraisals for particular projects and for the development of a business plan (long term financial strategy) for the future development of the school. 2. To prepare for approval by the Head and Governors the annual estimates of income and expenditure. To prepare regular management accounts for budget holders and to report on the financial state of the school to the Governors. 3. To maintain the school’s Petty Cash and School Fund accounts and to maintain the school breakfast/dinner money accounts and books. To reconcile these accounts monthly. 4. To use financial management information, especially benchmarking tools, to identify areas of relative spend, assess trends and directly advise the Head Teacher and LMT accordingly. 5. To be responsible for the management of the school accounting function, ensuring its efficient operation according to agreed procedures. 6. To monitor all accounting procedures and resolve any problems, including: (i). The ordering, processing and payment for all goods and services provided to the school. (ii). The operation of all bank accounts, ensuring that a full reconciliation is undertaken at least once per month. (iii). Maintaining an assets register. (iv). Preparation of invoices and collection of fees and other dues, taking legal action where necessary to recover bad debts. 7. To prepare the final accounts and to liaise with the auditors. To provide detailed management accounts for the Governors and Head according to an agreed schedule, reporting immediately any exceptional problems. 8. To work with the Head Teacher to set the school’s annual budget. Y:\Personnel\WP\Schools Job Descriptions NEW\Admin&Finance\Sch Bus Mgr Nursery Grade SO2 – Oliver Thomas Nursery School.doc 9. a) b) c) d) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. To work as the school’s bursar performing the following tasks on a monthly basis: Process the monthly ‘actuals’ using the school’s software package. Delete reconciled items when appropriate. Set up and run the school budget monitoring report in order to ensure commitments are in line with the budget set. Advise the Head Teacher on any areas when monies may need to be vired. To produce a budget monitoring report for governors per term, especially detailing any areas of concern. To prepare all financial returns for the DfES, LEA, and other central and local government agencies within statutory deadlines. To maximise income generation within the ethos of the school. To be the point of contact with central and other agencies with regard to grant applications and other donations. To negotiate, manage and monitor contracts, tenders, and agreements for the provision of support services. To purchase, either directly or indirectly, the school’s energy supplies. To be responsible for seeking professional advice on insurance and advising the Governors on the appropriate insurances for the school, implementing the approved insurances, and handling any claims that arise. To develop income generation opportunities and to ensure that the Centre receives all the income due to it from fee payers. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To set up contracts for new members of staff. To be responsible for ensuring salaries commitments are being met each month. To be responsible for general personnel matters. Ensuring the clearance for new staff has been obtained CRB, list 99, medical checks through liaison with Newham personnel dept. To give advice to Head Teacher and Governors on assessment of salaries, expenses, sickness and maternity procedures, redundancy and other matters relating to personnel procedures. To complete staff absence returns according to Local Authority guidelines. To maintain confidential staff records and to ensure that staff records held in the school by others are kept confidential. To provide leadership and guidance for relevant support staff, including direct line management responsibility (or responsibility for liaising with service provider through SLA) for administrative and clerical, financial, technicians, premises and maintenance, ground staff, cleaners and caterers. To be responsible for maintaining up-to-date staff contracts records and co-ordinate the administration for staff recruitment including teacher recruitment. To advise the Governors on the policy needed to comply with legislation concerning employment protection, equal pay, sex discrimination etc. and the implementation of these policies in the school. Ng4 Y:\Personnel\WP\Schools Job Descriptions NEW\Admin&Finance\Sch Bus Mgr Nursery Grade SO2 – Oliver Thomas Nursery School.doc SITE MANAGEMENT & MARKETING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. To promote the school to different audiences and raise the profile within the local community. To manage the security of the school site. To be responsible for the maintenance of the school site and the buildings, the preparation of maintenance schedules and the efficient operation of all facilities on the property including the purchase, repair and maintain all furniture and fittings. To draw up outline specifications for buildings improvements, obtaining tenders, obtaining planning permission, and liaison with building contractors and the school architect as appropriate and proceed after consultation with and approval by the Head Teacher and Governors. To formulate, monitor and implement the school’s safety policy to comply with the requirements of Health and Safety at Work Act and other legislation. To know about the main health and safety issues specific to the school and how they relate to students, staff, visitors and contractors. To implement risk management and loss prevention strategies in the school. To know what the elements of fire safety are and the associated risks to the school through the process of risk assessment. Ensure the proper maintenance of equipment for protection against and escape from fire & keep records of and to initiate regular fire practices and alarm tests. To ensure emergency procedures are current and timely. To be aware of the importance of a disaster recovery plan and its place within the management procedures of the school and operate the elements linked to the resource management responsibility. WHOLE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. To work as the school’s ICT Co-ordinator ensuring: a) The school has a current ICT policy. b) The classroom computers are of the best specifications appropriate to the environment and are kept in full working order. c) The school’s software is appropriate to the children’s age range. d) A catalogue is set up and maintained detailing all the school’s software. e) ICT training is given to staff where needed. To manage the administrative function including the administrative ICT facilities, school reception, reprographics, records and telephones. To be responsible for the systems and general management of the school’s administrative and financial computer network, the implementation of appropriate Management Information Systems and the administration accounting and record system. Acting as System Manager for the administrative computer network. To provide for the preparation and production of all school records and publications. To maintain Pupil Records including when appropriate the Assessment Process. Y:\Personnel\WP\Schools Job Descriptions NEW\Admin&Finance\Sch Bus Mgr Nursery Grade SO2 – Oliver Thomas Nursery School.doc 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. To attend meetings, where and when directed, in order to take minutes and arrange their production and distribution. To act as correspondent for the Department for Education and Skills and to be responsible for the records and returns required. To be responsible for obtaining the necessary licenses and permissions and ensuring their relevance and timeliness. To keep and maintain a diary for the Head teacher/Deputy Head teacher/SENCO. To be responsible for dealing with all correspondence including e-mails. To book supply staff and manage record keeping of supply staff timesheets and to reconcile timesheets with invoices for payment. And any other appropriate duties relevant to the purpose of the post and within the grading and competency of the post holder, as reasonably required by the Head Teacher. Y:\Personnel\WP\Schools Job Descriptions NEW\Admin&Finance\Sch Bus Mgr Nursery Grade SO2 – Oliver Thomas Nursery School.doc Service Area Oliver Thomas Nursery School Designation School Business Manager Post Number JE Number Factor Level Supervisory Responsibility 1 Comment Points Number supervised 16 Dispersal 0 Creativity & innovation 5 Solutions and responses requiring fresh thinking and ideas 76 Contacts & Relationships 5 Some matters are likely to be contentious or complex where the outcome will have a material effect including care on the school 92 Decisions – Discretion 4 Decisions which lead to the setting of working standards in the provision of operational services across the school 68 Decisions – Consequences 3 Decisions that have significant implications 36 Resources 3 Accurate handling, safekeeping and security of cash, cheques and other financial resources 30 Work Environment – Work Demands 3 Work Subject to changing problems, circumstances and demand 24 Work Environment – Physical Demands 1 6 Work Environment – Working Conditions 1 6 Working Environment – Work Context 1 8 Knowledge & Skills 5 Detailed knowledge and skills in more than one specialist discipline TOTAL POINTS Grade 176 538 SO2 This is the expected grade for duties and responsibilities of this post. Y:\Personnel\WP\Schools Job Descriptions NEW\Admin&Finance\Sch Bus Mgr Nursery Grade SO2 – Oliver Thomas Nursery School.doc SO2