Social Studies 11: Canada in the Post-War World Reading Guide

Social Studies 11
Unit 1-6
Reading Guide
Name: __________________
___ / 87
Canada in the Post-War World
Resource: Counterpoints: Exploring Canadian Issues, Chapter 6
Who was Igor Gouzenko?
What effect did Gouzenko’s revelations have on how Canadians saw international relations?
The Cold War Begins
Why were the USSR and the US reluctant to engage directly in armed conflicts after WWII?
How did they compete?
Complete the following chart outlining the differences between the US and USSR.
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Why were western countries suspicious of the Soviet Union?
Why were the Soviets suspicious of the west?
How did the Soviets try to protect themselves from invasion?
How did the US try to combat the spread of communism within its own boundaries?
10. List how some Canadian governments responded to fears of communist spying in Canada?
NATO and the Warsaw Pact
11. What was the purpose of NATO?
12. How did the Soviets react when West Germany was admitted to NATO?
13. What was the Soviet response to a revolution in Hungary?
14. Why did the Soviets build a wall around West Berlin?
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15. What was Canada’s commitment to NATO?
The Issue of North American Defense
16. What did the United States build to protect itself from attack by Soviet manned bombers?
17. What technological change countered these defenses?
18. What organization did the US and Canada form to manage the air defense of North America?
19. What steps did the federal government take to protect Canadian citizens from the effects of a
nuclear war?
Planning for Peace: The United Nations
20. Why was the United Nations created?
21. What powers did it have to oppose aggression?
22. What is the Security Council of the United Nations?
23. What special power do the five permanent members of the Security Council possess?
24. Why did they have this power?
25. What non-security goals does the UN have?
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26. Why was the International Monetary Fund created?
27. How has Canada supported the UN?
28. What was the Korean Conflict?
29. What is the Suez Canal?
30. Why did Israel, France and Great Britain attack Egypt in 1956?
31. How did the Soviets respond?
32. How did the USA respond to both sides?
33. What was Lester Pearson’s solution to this dispute?
Towards a More Independent Defense Policy
34. What did Fidel Castro accomplish in 1959?
35. Why did Castro ask the USSR for support?
36. What form did the Soviet support take?
37. How did the United States respond to this?
38. What was Prime Minister Diefenbaker’s response to US President Kennedy’s expectation or
unconditional support?
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39. How did most Canadians see Diefenbaker’s actions?
40. Describe the two points of view of Canada’s conservative governments on the issue of
nuclear weapons in Canada.
Minister of External Affairs:
Minister of Defense:
41. What was the position of the Liberals and Lester Pearson on nuclear weapons in Canada in
the 1963 election?
The Vietnam War
42. What did the United States fear if South Vietnam was taken over by communists?
43. How did the Vietnam War escalate in 1965 and 1966?
44. What was the impact of television on how people viewed this war?
45. How did the war end?
46. Describe two competing views of the war held by Canadians?
47. How did US President Johnson react to Lester Pearson’s criticisms of US actions in
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Trudeau’s Foreign Policy
48. How did Prime Minister Trudeau signify that Canada’s foreign policy would be less
dependent of US approval than in the past?
49. What actions did Trudeau take with respect to nuclear weapons?
50. What actions did Trudeau take with respect to military expenses?
51. What differences existed between the countries of the northern hemisphere and the southern?
52. How did Trudeau hope to bridge the gap between North and South?
53. What restrictions did CIDA put on countries receiving Canadian foreign aid?
54. How much tied aid did Canada’s government give to poor countries by 1984?
55. What was the Columbo Plan?
56. What was SALT?
57. What happened in Afghanistan and Eastern Europe in 1979?
58. What was the response of the west to this in:
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59. How did tensions continue to escalate during the mid-1980s?
60. What was Trudeau’s walk in the snow?
The Mulroney Era: closer Ties with the United States
61. How did Prime Minister Mulroney’s policies toward the US differ from earlier Prime
62. What was the United States’ Strategic Defense Initiative?
63. What was Canada’s official response to it?
64. How was Mulroney’s policy on foreign investment different from that of the Trudeau era?
65. What were benefits of free trade with the US according to those who supported Mulroney’s
ideas on free trade with the US?
66. What were the risks of free trade according to those who opposed it?
67. What is NAFTA?
68. Do you think free trade of NAFTA was good or bad for Canada? Explain.
The End of the Cold War
69. What changes did Mikhail Gorbachev introduce in Russia?
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70. Why did he do this?
71. What is perestroika?
72. What effect did his changes in Russia have in places like East Germany?
73. Discuss the significance of Tiananmen Square.
The New World Order
74. Why did Iraq invade Kuwait in 1990?
75. What was the world response to this invasion?
76. What did Canada do?
77. What change did President George Bush Senior see for the United Nations after the Gulf
78. Why did the UN intervene in Somalia?
79. What crisis did Canadian peacekeepers in the region face?
80. What affect did this crisis have on the Canadian Armed Forces?
81. How did the UN fail the people of Rwanda?
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82. Why do you think the UN and the US chose not to act in Rwanda?
A New Era of Globalization
83. What was Prime Minister Chrétien’s Team Canada?
84. How will globalization improve the lot of people in less industrialized countries?
85. Do you agree? Explain.
86. Some people say globalization will have a negative impact on Canada. Explain how they
think this is possible.
87. Do you think Canada will be able to influence the human rights of citizens in other countries
by restricting or encouraging trade with Canada? Explain.
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