Essay Topic

Essay Topic
1. The Golden Age of Laurier
4. Internment of 'enemy aliens' in WWI
5. 'Doing your bit'-the home front in Canada, WWI
6. Canadians in Battle-WWI
7. Emily Murphy and the Persons Case
8. Conscription Crisis-WWI
9. Mackenzie King
10. The Winnipeg General Strike
11. The Regina Riot/On-to-Ottawa Trek
12. The Dionne Quintuplets
13. Dieppe Raid, 1942-WWII
14. The CCF
15. Internment of Japanese Canadians
16. Residential Schools and Aboriginal Peoples
17. Gouzenko Affair
18. Diefenbaker and the debate over nuclear warheads
19. Peacemakers-Canada and Peacekeeping (Suez
Crisis, Cyprus, Somalia, Afghanistan)
20. Asbestos Strike, Quebec
21. Teenagers !-Teen life and culture in the 1950s
22. Tommy Douglas
23. Avro Arrow
24. October Crisis/The FLQ, 1970
25. Canada vs. Russia-Summit Series-1972
26. Canadian Entrepeneurship in Business (Joseph
Bombardier, Ted Rogers, Galen Weston, K.C. Irving, B.
Stronach, S. Bronfman, Tom Bata, Heather Reisman,
Possible Research or Inquiry Question
What was special about Laurier's leadership style and method of resolving
problems at the turn of the century ?
Was the internment and treatment of 'enemy aliens' in WWI justified ?
Why was victory in the war in Europe dependent upon the home front ?
Did the role of Canada in the battles of WWI make Canada stronger ?
What was the historical significance of Emily Murphy and the Person's Case ?
Was conscription in WWI necessary ?
Why was Prime Minister Mackenzie King so successful as a Canadian
politician ?
Who or what really caused the strike ? Why ?
Who or what caused the Regina Riot of 1934 ?
Was the settlement received by the surviving quintuplets justified ?
Was the sacrifice made by Canadians at Dieppe worth it ?
What was the special contribution of the CCF to Canadian politics ?
What lesson of history can be learned from this tragedy ?
What lesson of history can be learned from this tragedy ?
How did the Gouzenko affair reflect postwar Canada in the early 1950s ?
Was John Diefenbaker right in refusing to arm warheads with a nuclear tip ?
Should we continue our role as peacekeepers around the globe ? If so, why ?
If not, why not ?
What or who caused the strike ? Was the strike justified ?
What is a teenager and who/what created them ? Why ?
Why do some rank Tommy Douglas as the 'greatest Canadian' ?
Was the cancellation of the Avro Arrow plane justified ?
Was Trudeau justified in calling in the army and using the War Measures Act ?
Why was the Summit Series of 1972 a milestone for Canadian hockey ?
Why was this Canadian business and/or entrepeneur a spectacular success or
failure ?
Key Terms for Research
Bev Mascoll, Bob White, Judy D' Arcy, Gerry Schwarz,
suggest your own Canadian business/person)
27. Canadian-American Relations (Cuban Missile Crisis,
N.A.T.O., N.O.R.A.D., Korea, Vietnam, Star Wars, Cruise
Missile Testing/Protests, 9/11, weaponization of space)
29. Canadian Military in the 1990s and today…
31. The NHL in Decline
32. Pierre Trudeau (CCRF, Bi and Bi, Constitution, Just
33. The Chretien Years
34. Aboriginal Rights, Treaties and Protests (James Bay,
Nisga, Oka, Ipperwash, Burnt Church)
36. Your own topic proposal-check with me.
How did one or more of the following events affect Canadian-American
relations ?
Why is Canada's military in serious decline and what can be done about it ?
Is the state of the National Hockey League in decline ? Why ?
What was Trudeau's most important legacy to Canadians ?
Did Canada become a better place to live under Jean Chretien in the 1990s ?
What can be learned from one or more treaties or protests ?
The question will depend upon the topic.
Student Work Space: (Please use this space to write out rough inquiry/focus questions, rough thesis statements and any brainstorming relevant to your topic.