River Trail Media Center RESEARCH PATHFINDER The Black Death and the Middle Ages Collaborative Team: 6th Grade Social Studies Ms. Wall, Media Resources **Remember that the Media Center is open each day at 7:30 a.m. for additional research time. Be sure to get a pass from your teacher the day before.** WHERE TO START and HOW TO FIND IT – RESEARCH SOURCES: The Library Catalog will help you locate books in the Media Center. Use the Index volume of the Encyclopedias to find additional information using these keywords: plague black death bubonic plague Middle Ages Medieval Dark Ages BOOKS: (These books on the Black Death (the Plague) and the Middle Ages have been placed on a cart for your use.) 614.4 WAR Epidemic 614.5 CEF The plague 614.5 ELL Medieval medicine and the plague 614.5 MAC The plague and medicine in the Middle Ages 614.5 PET The Black Death 616.9 FAR Invisible enemies : stories of infectious disease 909 MED Medieval world, 10 volumes 909.07 BIN Medieval world 909.07 GAL Archers, Alchemists, and 98 Other Medieval Jobs You Might Have Loved or Loathed 909.07 MCN The Middle Ages 909.07 RIC Life during the Middle Ages 940.1 DAH The Middle Ages; a popular history 940.1 DUN Life during the black death 940.1 HIN Life in the Middle Ages 940.2 PRU Rats, bulls, and flying machines : a history of the Renaissance and Reformation / COMPUTERS: Use the same keywords as mentioned above to access information in the databases listed. To access the following web sites, go to http://www.rivertrailmiddleschool.org then select Media Center. The “Pathfinders” link will take you to The Black Death and the Middle Ages COMPUTERS: www.worldbookonline.com School use: User ID – rivertrail password – wolves Home use: User ID – rivertrailhome password - wolves www.galileo.usg.edu Click on K-12 (top right), then use the following databases and type in your keyword(s) to access encyclopedia, magazine, and newspaper articles: (password for at home use – statehouse) Under Middle School, go to:#2 Compton’s by Britannica Under High School, go to: #8 Encyclopedia Britannica Online www.go.grolier.com For use at home: User name – fultonsd ; password – home. Type in your keyword(s) to access encyclopedia, magazine, and newspaper articles http://www.insecta-inspecta.com/fleas/bdeath/bdeath.html The plague and its causes http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/plague.htm Eyewitness to History http://www.mrdowling.com/703-plague.html The plague http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/middle_ages/black_01.shtml History of the Black Death/BBC http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/schools/springfield/eliz/plague.html The Plague http://www.william-shakespeare.info/bubonic-black-plague-elizabethan-era.htm The Plague during Elizabethan England http://www.william-shakespeare.info/bubonic-black-plague-world-history.htm How the disease spread http://web.ksl.com/dump/news/cc/special/science/plague.htm Current news about the Plague http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,195680,00.html Current news about the Plague