Community Service Learning Project

Community Service
Learning Project
Assignment Details
Grading Rubrics
Revised 7/10/14
Community Service Learning
Group Projects & Oral Presentations
Purpose: Your group will form into a team that will provide a service for the community
that will require at least 5 hours of service per individual outside of class. Your project
should be affiliated with a local, national, or verified charity. You will need to get final
approval for your service project concept from your instructor during an in-class group
meeting time in the future before you actually begin your project.
Deciding on a service project may take some time and you should begin meeting with
your Home group as soon as possible to discuss possible ideas.
You will have 2 presentations to make about your community service learning project:
1. Project proposal
2. Project outcome (requires verification documentation)
Every presentation will include the following:
Group presentation outline-the group outline will be turned in prior to
your presentation. The outline should be typed in 12 pt. standard font in
standard outline form mirroring that of the sample provided on my
website. It should include the speaking order of the individual members
of your group and the topics of each group member’s presentation. No
bibliography is necessary on the group outline. One group grading rubric
(found in your packet) should be attached to the group outline for each
presentation. Please turn this outline in on the day of your presentation
and before your group presents.
Individual speaking outlines- an individual outline will be required for
all oral presentations. The outline should be typed in 12 pt. standard font
in standard outline form and include the introduction, body, and
conclusion of your individual speech in phrase or sentence form and
mirror that of the example provided on my website. You do not need to
script what you will say, but you should make your points clear. You
should attach a bibliography which will include at least references for 2
oral citations for each presentation in proper APA format both in the body
and on the required works cited page. Attach your individual grading
rubric in front of your individual outline. Please turn this outline in on the
day of your presentation and before your group presents.
Visual aids-The first presentation will require at least 1 visual aid. The
final presentation will have at least 2 visual aids. In the final presentation,
one visual aid should be pictures of your group performing the service
they selected in some way visible to your entire audience. The second
Revised 7/10/14
visual aid can be any type that enhances your presentation (poster,
PowerPoint, or flip chart, objects, etc.). At some point during each
presentation all speakers need to interact with a visual aid as part of their
individual presentation. Visual aids may include power point slides (if
technology is available in our classroom). Too many power point slides
can be distracting, so limit them to no more than 5. If you need more than
5 slides for your presentation you should run it by me.
Presentation Formats: Whether you select a forum, symposium, or panel
discussion as your format, there should be clear introductions and
conclusions in the group presentation and the individual presentations. All
group members must participate equally. The group members that give
introductions and conclusions for the entire group may count that time as
part of their individual speaking time as long as it is noted on both the
group and individual outlines. The introductions should be catchy or
clever and engage the audience and give us some reason to listen. The
conclusions should also be creative and dynamic, leaving us with a
memorable idea or thought. If you open your presentation up to the
audience for questions or comments, you should be prepared to handle
them. Questions and answers must remain within the time framed allowed
for the entire group presentation, so watch your time and be prepared to
“fill” or “cut off” depending on the audience response.
Time Requirements-Each individual presentation must meet the time
requirement of “balance” (see the syllabus and individual grading rubrics
for specific time requirements). The time may be broken into segments if
necessary for the continuity of the presentation. The entire group
presentation should be completed within the time requirements (see group
grading rubrics) including any questions or comments from the audience
at the end.
Service verification documentation-Your final presentation will require
documentation verifying proof of your 5 hours of service to the
community for each individual of your group. The verification should be
signed by someone other than a group member, preferably on official
stationary from the charitable organization, by a verifiable volunteer. You
only need one verification note for all members of the group. Attach it to
the group outline before your final Service Learning Outcome
Oral presentations- Each member of the group should put into practice
acceptable standard speaking techniques including clear, audible voices
and good eye contact during their individual presentations. Study the
speaking tips found in your course packet for more information on how to
achieve those goals!
Revised 7/10/14
Proposal Presentation- Group Grading Rubric
Community Service Learning Project
(20 points)
Group Name_______________________
Effort! WellCriteria
4 points
but not
Misses the
mark or needs
Missing or
2 points
0-1 points
Service Proposal
Realistic and researched
service proposal for a
credible charity. Oral
sources cited (at least 2 per
person) are credible.
Project is feasible.
The presentation follows a
logical, understandable
format that clearly defines
and explains the intent and
general plan, expectations,
and approvals needed to
complete. Suggests
possible time line, member
expectations, and “to do”
list for the group.
Audience questions and
responses are handled
Group Outline
Typed in outline form with
labels and names of each
member’s presentation
topics and materials.
Revised 7/10/14
Individual Oral
All members seemed
prepared. Each individual
component of the project
proposal was explained
and made sense. Each
member interacted with
the visual aid, spoke
clearly and audibly, with
good eye contact.
Time: (20-30 min.) One
visual aid was neat, clear,
and added to the
Material & presentation
time balanced equally
among all members.
(out of 20)
Revised 7/10/14
Proposal Presentation- Individual Grading Rubric
Community Service Learning Project
(20 points)
Group Name_______________________
Outstanding Adequate,
Misses the
Missing or
but not
mark or
Well-done. outstandingneeds
4 points
3 points
0-1 points
2 points
A clear and creative
beginning that excited the
audience and previewed
the content.
Material is organized &
substantial, describing in
detail your ideas and
needs for the project. Two
credible sources cited
clearly and smoothly in
the presentation. Some
interaction with the visual
Ending is clear, definite,
and creative- ties back to
the introduction in some
Good eye contact, strong
audible voice, natural
gestures. Meets time
Typed in outline form
with few errors. Labeled
clearly with the
introduction, body,
conclusion &
Revised 7/10/14
Outcome Presentation- Group Grading Rubric
Community Service Learning Project - (50 points)
Group Name_______________________
Outstanding Adequate,
Misses the
Missing or
but not
mark or
Well-done. outstandingneeds
8-10 points
6-8 points
0-5 points
4-6 points
Content of the
The presentation follows a
logical, understandable
format that clearly defines
and explains the
community service
rendered. Explains the
goals of the project;
discusses strengths &
weaknesses of the
experience, etc. The
outcomes and benefits to
the community and
individual group members
are discussed and defined.
Ideas for future service are
Individual Oral
All members seemed
prepared. Each group
member discussed and
described their portion of
the project using at least 2
orally cited sources and
interacted with the visual
Audience questions and
responses are handled
Revised 7/10/14
Group Presentation
Typed in outline form
with labels and names of
each member’s
presentation topics and
Visual Aids
Well designed and clearly
explained. Served to
further our interest or
clarify understanding of
the community service
Time Requirements –
documentation to verify at
least 5 hours of service
per person outside of
class; oral presentation in
class of 50 – 60 minutes
balanced equally among
all group members.
(out of 50)
Revised 7/10/14
Outcome Presentation- Individual Grading Rubric
Community Service Learning Project
(50 points)
Group Name_______________________
Outstanding Adequate,
Misses the
Missing or
but not
mark or
Well-done. outstandingneeds
10 points
8-9 points
6-7 points
0-5 points
A clear and creative
beginning that excited the
audience and previewed
the content.
Material is organized &
substantial, describing in
detail your participation in
the project. Two peer
reviewed scholarly
sources cited clearly and
smoothly in the
presentation. Appropriate
interaction with the visual
Ending is clear, definite,
and creative- ties back to
the introduction in some
Good eye contact, strong
audible voice, natural
gestures, and use of the
visual aid. Meets time
Typed in outline form
with few errors. Labeled
clearly with the
introduction, body,
conclusion & bibliography
Revised 7/10/14