Chapters 21

A Speaker's Guidebook: Chapters 21-22
Name: _________________________
Designing Presentation Aids & Using Presentation Software
Define these KEY TERMS
eight-by-eight rule
serif typefaces
sans serif typefaces
1. What are some of the factors to consider when preparing a presentation aid?
2. What are some tips for using color?
3. Discuss the tips for using typefaces, fonts, and sizes effectively.
4. What are your own personal challenges for preparing and using presentation aids?
5. What design techniques do you find most annoying or distracting? What techniques do
you find most helpful and effective?
6. What are the benefits of presentation packages like Microsoft’s PowerPoint?
7. What are some of the presentation options available through PowerPoint?
8. What are potential disadvantages of presentation software? How can a speaker avoid
hiding behind an electronic presentation?
9. What are some common mistakes speakers make when creating transitions and
animation effects in PowerPoint slides?
The Ideal Presentation Aid
Instructions: Decide what the ideal visual aid would be for the following speeches. Consider
the various types of aids (videos, flowcharts, graphs, slides, photographs, etc.) and decide
how you would present them in the context of each speech.
1. an informative demonstration speech that explains how to change a tire
2. an informative speech about the federal budget
3. a persuasive speech that opposes violent content in children’s television programming
4. an informative speech about teenage pregnancy
5. a persuasive speech in favor of multicultural education
6. an informative demonstration speech that explains how to pack for a camping trip
7. an informative speech about the different wineries in the Napa Valley
8. an informative speech on the structure of workers at IBM
9. a persuasive speech in favor of condom use over other forms of birth control
10. an informative speech on how to carve a pumpkin