1 HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY 1.1 PROGRAMME FOR ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Strengthening of services for mother and child through improvements in the Management information system on Reproductive Health (As of October 2008) 1.1.3.a.2 A Focal Point B Implementing Agencies C Target Areas & Beneficiaries DDG/PHS Family Health Bureau Health staff involved in MCH /FP programme at periphery Supervisory and programme managers working at divisional, district, provincial and national level Project Summary: Since the establishment of the Family Health Bureau in the late 1960s, a separate section was developed (the Evaluation and Research Unit) to undertake the function of continuous monitoring and evaluation of the MCH/FP programme. Parallel to this a series of returns, records and registers were carefully developed to collect information on MCH/FP activities right from the Public Health Midwife areas through the health information system. A computerized database was developed for MCH/FP information as early as 1979. This was the first computerized database established in the Ministry of Health. Since 1980's a well-established Management Information System (MIS) is existent in Sri Lanka. This system provides vital information on service delivery of Maternal & child health and family planning in all the districts of the country. It yields data on outcome and impact indicators, which are being used by national and international agencies in setting targets, developing policies and strategies and also selecting priorities for donor assistance. The information derived from the system is used by divisional/ district & provincial supervisors and programme managers to uplift the service delivery in deficient areas. This project proposal is developed on strengthening of Management Information System aims at human resource development, improving logistical support, strengthening supervision, monitoring and evaluation of Maternal and Child Health activities at periphery. It also focus on conducting operational research in relation to MCH/FP services with a view to improving service delivery system in Sri Lanka. 1. Justification: Continuous monitoring and evaluation of MCH/ FP programme is important to achieve a reduction in maternal and childhood morbidity and mortality. Therefore, Management Information system presently being implemented needs to be strengthened in order to achieve the above. The contents and forms in the present information system need to be reviewed critically in order to identify any changes that are required to make the system more user friendly. Through this project health personnel will be trained on handling of data, management of information, supervision, monitoring and evaluation in order to improve the quality of data and use of information in programme management. The present system of supervision and monitoring by public health staff has strengths and weaknesses. Therefore new tools for supervision especially self evaluatory stools need to be developed under this project. The health care providers will be able to improve the coverage and the quality of the service delivery through these new inputs. 2. Important Assumptions/Risks/Conditions: The health staff should be in place according to the approved cadre positions. The printed forms required for implementation should be available in required quantities. Logistics system should be streamlined in distribution of forms and other supplies. 3. Project Objectives: Objective To strengthen the implementation of MCH/FP Management Information System at all levels thereby improving monitoring and evaluation of MCH/FP services and supervision with a view to enhancing coverage and quality of RH service delivery Indicators Percentage of returns submitted in time Percentage of supervisions carried out Quality indicators on MCH/FP No. of self evaluatory tools developed No. of review meetings conducted Means of Verification FHB Evaluation unit records MIS forms - Form C Special surveys/ reports Special reports Progress reports/ minutes of meetings 4. Project Output/Product: Outputs Indicators Revised Information system No. of returns and records which is more user friendly in revised place Capacity of Health staff Percentage of heath staff managing and implementing trained MIS improved No. of training programmes held for field staff/ district level and central level managers Quality of information Completeness/ timeliness and submitted in returns accuracy of reporting improved Logistic system of printed Stock outs in MIS forms forms improved at all levels Computerized MIS No. of computers available at established and functioning every level at divisional level percentage of areas sending Information submitted information electronically Means of Verification MIS records Special reports MIS Supervision reports Reports of MO.MCH District reviews Special reports electronically from all the divisions to the central level New supervision tools and New indicators/ targets self evaluatory tools in place revised and used No. of self evaluation tools developed and used No. of supervisory tools developed and in place Regular meetings conducted No. of review meetings to review the progress of conducted programme implementation Percentage of at different levels recommendations implemented Relevant operational research No. of research conducted studies conducted on Family No. of research papers health submitted No. of recommendations implemented Timely reporting of feed back Percentage of reports reports & national statistics published in time 5. Minutes of meetings special reports Research reports and research papers Reports Project Title Health information system – D/Information Relevant Agencies to be Coordinated: Director / Information, Ministry of Health, International agencies – UNFPA,WHO 7. Supervision reports Self evaluation tools Special reports Related Projects : Project No. 1 6. Epidemiological unit Monitoring and Evaluation: Central level – Ministry of Health, FHB MOO.MCH Divisional level – MOH/DDHS, PHNS/ SPHM District level – DPDHS & 1. Who? 2. When? Quarterly/ Annually 3. What actions to be taken based on results of monitoring & evaluation? Plan strategies to improve service delivery Basic and in- services training for the staff 8. Activities: Activities 1 Review existing records and returns used in Reproductive Health MIS and make necessary revisions. Improve skills among managerial and Expected Results Revised MIS records and returns are in place All health staff are Process Indicators No. of returns/ records revised No. of staff trained 2 3 4 5 6 7 operational staff to ensure proper management and use of the MCH/FP information system Supply necessary data processing equipment, records, returns and other facilities to each level of implementation Organize periodic reviews to monitor the performance and to plan strategies to overcome the problems in service delivery Strengthen supervision of divisional grass root health workers by national, provincial health authorities through revised indicators and targets Provide feed back periodically to the grass root level, programme managers, policy planners and international donor agencies on the progress of service delivery and national level health indicators Conduct operational research related to Reproductive Health with a view to determining the progress and the quality of the MCH/FP service delivery system trained in MIS and its use Necessary supplies are in place Service delivery problems are identified and corrected Improved coverage and quality of the service delivery Percent of institutions/ officers with relevant supplies No. of reviews conducted Minutes of the meetings No. of supervisions done Timely reporting of feed back reports Timeliness of publishing of reports Research reports published Recommendations are implemented No. of research conducted Implementation if recommendations