The Impact Of Promotional Activities On Bournvita Product (A Case Study Of Cadbury Nigeria Plc In Enugu) 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page II Approval page III Acknowledgement V Abstract VII CHAPTER ONE: 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Statement of problem. 4 1.3 Objectives of study 5 1.4 Research hypothesis 7 1.5 Significance of the study 8 1.6 Scope of the study. 9 1.7 Definition of terms. 10 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Analysis of the various promotional tools. 11 2.2 Nature and importance of promotional activities22 2.3 Promotional objectives 25 2 2.4 Promotional budget 28 2.5 Company’s profile 30 CHAPTER THREE DESIGN OF THIS STUDY OR RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Method of data collection 33 3.2 Sources of data 33 A Primary source of data collection B secondary source of data collection. 3.3 Population of study 34 3.4 Determination of sample size 34 3.5 Research instrument used. 35 3.6 Sampling technique 36 3.7 Method of data treatment and analysis 36 3.8 Limitation of the study 36 CHAPTER FOUR PRESENTATION ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 4.1 Presentation of analysis of data 38 4.2 Testing hypothesis. 49 3 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary of findings. 60 5.2 Recommendation 62 5.3 Conclusion 63 Bibliography 66 4 THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1. THE TOPIC The topic of this proposed research project is “the impact of promotional activities on Bournvita product (A case study Cadbury Nigeria PLC) 2. THE RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The objectives of the research study will be to determine the effect of promotional activities on the marketing of Bournvita product of Cadbury Nigeria PLC. 3. THE HYPOTHESIS Adequate hypothesis will be formulated by the research that will guide him finding the solution is the research topic. 5 4. THE RESEARCH DATA The researcher will make use of both the primary data and secondary sources of data collections for this project. 5. THE LITERATURE REVIEW For the literature review, the researcher hopes to consult past but recent literature materials/works that are related to the proposed research project. 6. THE RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRES The researcher will employ the personal interview and questionnaires for the collection of the primary data. 7. THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this research project, the researcher will make use of the questionnaire as the research instrument. Also concerning the type of data analysis, the researcher intends to adopt the descriptive analysis under this descriptive analysis, the measurement of 6 central tendency or measures of dispersion will be used in the data analysis 7 CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION One of the major pillars of marketing is the provision of goods and services to satisfy the needs and wants of the consumer at a profit to the firm. Thus the provision of product for the satisfaction consumer or customer is the focus thereby making product a of the of marketing fundamental tool of marketing. But Ebue (1990:1) stated that if you product, package it brilliantly, price it, rightly distribute it well and position it to best meet the needs of customer you must have wasted all the marketing skills if nobody knows you have those things. Your customers will only know through promotional activities. It becomes imperative that a firm must not only create high quality goods that meets the expectations of the target market but tell success story. That is 8 disseminate information about the product attributes and benefits to the target market. Adirika, Ebue and Nnolim (1996:35) see promotion as the component used by the organization to inform, educate and persuade the market regarding the company’s offerings:- advertising, personal selling sales promotion, publicity and public relations are the major variable of promotional tools. The myopic thinking in Nigeria, that the money spent in promotional activities is a waste should not crop up at all although, we are operating in a sellers’ market, where companies can sell their goods and services even without adequate promotion. There is no guarantee that such a situation will continue forever. Promotion like distribution is one of the elements of the firm. Marketing mix and it seeks to inform the public of the availability of goods and services and their communication cycle between those engaged in 9 production and those in consumption. The need for product promotion exists in both surplus and scarcity condition. This is because in trying to inform, promotion can often persuade and so can be a useful means to a desirable social change if well utilized. Modern marketing companies are increasing, recognizing the value of an effective communication and promotion Programme for their entire public. This includes Beverage industries. Their product encompasses vegetable commodities that significantly affect our life’s. (According to onah and Nnolim (1988:9) decisions with these components of promotional mix in order to accomplish the objectives of any given organization) the Beverage industry for sometimes now is very lucrative, this has brought so many Beverage leading to industries into their market, thus competition in other to survive the competition beverage industries should pay adequate 10 attention to the issues that involve decision making in designing an appropriate promotion strategies for survival. It is because of the importance of promotion not only as tool for informing the company that the researcher tries to examine the impact of promotional activities on Bornivita products. 1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Here, many consumers do not patronize a company’s product when they are ignorant of its existence. Insufficient and inadequate use of marketing communication tools lead to low sales turnover. Given the competitive pressure attributable to escalating cost, increased industrial concentration as the result of acquisitions and mergers, the threat of product obsolescence inherent in accelerating technological innovation. It is clear that promotional policies have becomes questions of acute importance to the manufacturer as well as the marketer. 11 There has been a sharp increase in the number of Beverage products (both locally manufactured and imported) thus leading to competition and this competition is becoming fierce and cutthroat. Infact, the creation of an effective promotional strategies would be an essential step towards creating a marked. Consumers find it difficult to make repeat purchase of a product whose communication is not motivating and captivating. Improper application of marketing strategies sometimes rob Cadbury Nigeria PLC the opportunity of winning new customers for tom and Bournvita to be precise. The problem goes a long way to hinder the growth of the firm if urgent solutions are not offered to deal with them. 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY These objectives are 12 1. To know how effective each of the promotions has been increasing the beverage’s market shares in the market. 2. To know the impact of each promotion such as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling public relation and publicity on the Bournvita product. 3. To know if the success of the product is due to the dynamism in the company’s promotional Programme. 4. To determine the relationship between promotion and consumers patronage of the product. 5. To determine the impact of promotion in creating consumers awareness on Bournvita product in Enugu metropolis. 6. Promotional activities adopted by Cadbury in Enugu Metropolis in increased profitability. 13 7. To recommend solution on how to effectively use promotion in increasing sales in an organization 1.4 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS The following hypothetical statements are designed to help us in representations in both null and alternative. HYPOTHESIS 1 Ho: Promotional activities of Cadbury Nigeria PLC do not leads to high level demand for the product. Hi: promotional activities of Cadbury Nigeria PLC lead to increase in the demand of the product bought by buyers. HYPOTHESIS 2 Ho: Promotional activities on Bournvita product does not encourage customers patronage. Hi: Promotional activities on Bournvita product encourage customers patronage. 14 HYPOTHESIS 3 Ho: Promotional activities on Bournvita product do not lead to increased sales volume of the company. Hi: Promotional activities on Bournvita product lead to increase sales volume of the company. HYPOTHESIS 4 Ho: Promotional activities on Bournvita impact negatively on the profit of the company Hi: Promotional activities on Bournvita impact positively on the profit of the company 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Promotion is not complete until the product ends up being consumed. The study will be of great benefit to the industry as well as individuals. Their promotional resources the company to their product to still buy. This study will help the research appreciate how to use promotional activities in introducing and increasing sales of any product. it will also help the customers to 15 improve their standard of living as they had been made aware through promotion. it will equally be of great benefit to readers and researcher as it may form a base for further researchers and more over it will widen their scope of understanding and knowledge of promotion. 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study is designed to examine promotional activities of Cadbury Nigeria PLC on the sales of its product Bournvita. This study is restricted to Enugu state. It will cover the management staff and consumers that are been exposed to the product. This study concentrated on the impact of marketing promotion on improving company’s performance with particular interest on Cadbury Nigeria PLC within Enugu Metropolis. The study intends to point out how the promotional tools techniques - Advertising personal selling, sales 16 promotion, publicity and improving the company’s public relation will be used in performance with particular interest on Bournvita product within Enugu metropolis 1.7 DEFINITION OF TERMS. Promotional campaign: this is an inter- related services of promotional activities designed to communicate the target group of people to produce change in behaviour. Product sampling: this is one of the effective means of persuading and encouraging the consumers to try a new product when the product is being introduced. Premium offers: this is the offer of a merchandised item either free or at a substantially reduce rate to stimulate the purchase of the product. Point of purchase display. The points of purchase material act as an inducement to buy the product. it consists of display of materials and sign placed inside a certain product package. 17 *** INSTRUCTIONS *** Please Read The Below Instructions Carefully. ****************************** HOW TO ORDER THIS COMPLETE MATERIAL If you want to order the complete materials (Chapter One to Five, Including Abstract, References, Questionnaires, Proposal (where applicable) ) of the above mentioned topic, please visit and click on “Order” (i.e. ****************************** HOW TO BECOME OUR PARTNER To become our partner, visit and click on partnership. ****************************** TERMS OF USE This Material is for Academic Research Purposes only. On no account should you copy this material word for word. Copying this material “Word for Word” is against our “Terms of Use”. 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