. PAKISTAN PERMANENT MISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS 56 Rue de Moillebeau, 1211 Geneva Tel: (4122) 749 1930 Fax: (4122) 734 8085 PLEASE CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Statement by Lt. General Abdul Quadir Baloch Minister for States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON) 64th Session of the Executive Committee (EXCOM) of the UNHCR Geneva, 01 October, 2013 Statement by Lt. General Abdul Quadir Baloch Minister for States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON) 64th Session of the Executive Committee (EXCOM) of the UNHCR Geneva, 01 October, 2013 Madam Chairperson, UN High Commissioner, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates Madam Chairperson, Pakistan continues to host one of the largest refugee population in the world. As I speak, over 3 million registered and un-registered Afghans are being hosted by the people of Pakistan now for over three decades. In keeping with our rich religious, cultural and traditional hospitality and in accordance with international norms and commitments Pakistanis have provided refuge to our Afghan neighbors. I want the international community to understand that Pakistan alone is not responsible to host Afghan refugees. It was, and is, and needs to be understood, an international refugee problem and, we must all assume our responsibilities to seek its solution, as we are doing for the past 33 years. I urge international community to commit to make urgent and concrete efforts to repatriate Afghans to their homeland, as voluntary repatriation is the only solution for this protracted problem. Madam Chairperson, Ever since assumption of power by the present government, we have given renewed impetus to our efforts towards resolution of this problem. Repatriation of Afghans to their homeland remains a priority on our agenda and we are willing to make sustained and focused efforts to achieve this objective. We have formulated a broad based policy for Afghan refugees. I visited Kabul, and made important deliberations to accord the much needed focus to this issue. My Government has re-extended temporary stay of Afghan refugees on its soil till 31st December, 2015. We have also signed Tripartite Agreement on voluntary repatriation for same validity. My government wants an early repatriation of Afghan refugees and a consistent support for host communities which are overstretched by large scale and long time presence of Afghan refugees in Pakistan. We sincerely believe that return of Afghans must be an integral part of any overall political settlement of the Afghan situation and all international efforts must address this question. Accordingly, we feel necessary to make all out efforts to achieve the objective of repatriation by the Cabinet approved deadline of 31st December 2015. The Cabinet Decision reflects desire of people who because of their own socio-economic problems and hosting-fatigue stretched over 33 years are finding it extremely difficult to share jobs and resources with refugees. I am afraid if we continued to turn a blind eye to their demand, they might start protesting. The impact of refugees’ presence on our economy has also been phenomenal. Let me share with you that due to refugees prolonged presence in Pakistan, we have suffered a tremendous loss of over 200 Billion USD. I listened very carefully to the remarks of the High Commissioner when he spoke about impact on needs of the refugees as well as on the infrastructure of neighboring countries hosting Syria. I have also seen the Statement that we adopted this morning. One thing that struck me is, while we have agreed to provide direct aid to governments or provide financial and in kind assistance to host governments in case of Syria, the same should be done in case of Afghan refugees. I wish to particularly share with you that we have a feeling that Afghan refugee is a forgotten problem which is left on our shoulders alone to deal with. So can’t we give same attention to Afghan refugee problem? Is it really forgotten, if not, then when are we going to adopt such clear, robust and burden-sharing measures for Afghan refugee problem as well. Let me acknowledge and thank High Commissioner for mention of Afghan refugee problem in his opening speech. I wish to emphasize that no matter what my Government or UNHCR do, we will not succeed till you, as international community, help us. We expect the International Community to also come forth and honor it’s commitments towards Afghan Refugee problem. We have worked out Solutions Strategy for Afghan refugees but concrete support is still awaited. We feel that political support and financial contributions are essential both to support host communities and to help Afghans go back to their homeland. Slow pace of development in high return areas and lack of international efforts towards creation of pull factors in Afghanistan is a key concern for us. I am sure we will be able to share our concerns in more details during our consultation session on 2nd October. We must all understand that solution to the protracted Afghan refugee situation lies in Afghanistan during 2014. We eagerly await a much needed peaceful election and transition subsequent to the withdrawal of ISAF. Madam Chairperson, Afghans are a resilient nation. They have proven it beyond any doubt over the last three decades. We assure our full support to Afghanistan. A stable and prosperous Afghanistan is in our national interest as well as regional and global interests. We must all, therefore, make every effort to support the transition in Afghanistan. At the same time, the likely challenges ahead must be recognized and effective support and assistance must be forthcoming for planning and particularly implementation on the ground. More needs to be done in Afghanistan. Concerted efforts of the International Community are required to ensure rehabilitation and development to achieve the much needed conducive environment and pull factors for sustainable reintegration. Madam Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates, The International Community and UNHCR in particular need to intensify and strengthen the pace of work in high return areas with clear goals and timelines. May I conclude with our continuing resolve that Pakistan shall continue to remain an active member of the International Community to address the issues that relate to refugees. May I also thank the International Community and UNHCR, particularly you, Mr. High Commissioner for your support and cooperation extended to us in looking after the world’s largest refugee population. Thank you Madam Chairperson.