Messaging refugee services to external partners

Messaging refugee services
to external partners: Beyond
a strengths-based approach
and into a business strategy
Hillary Prag: State of Colorado Refugee
Services Program
Marzia Kaka: Lutheran Family Services
Colorado Dashboard
Demographic Data
Between 1.5%-1.9% of refugees resettling in U.S. come to Colorado.
 1797 in 2012
 2199 in 2013
Current largest populations: Burmese populations, Bhutanese, Iraqis, East and
Central Africans
Refugees are resettled in Denver metropolitan area as well as Colorado Springs
and Ft. Collins.
Employment Data
Entered Employment Rate
 68% in 2012
 72% in 2013
90 Day Retention Rate: 88%
 69.64% of jobs are outside meat packing and hotels
2014 Goal: 75%
2014 Goal: 90%
2014 Goal: 70%
“[Certain Organization]
is always looking for
employers that are willing
to hire refugees.”
“[Certain Organization] helps
our clients find jobs at no
cost to employers. Caritas
assists clients with various
employment services
and maintains a 90%
placement rate.”
“What do refugees have
to offer a business?
Refugee clients who
resettle in the U.S.
typically arrive with no
economic security and
therefore must initially
rely on limited financial
We are a free service to both employer and
employee. We provide pre-screened, readyto-work applicants with a wide range of
skills and abilities from around the state.
[Certain Organization] can help you access a
variety of work incentive programs that can
save your business money.”
We are a free service to both employer and
employee. We provide pre-screened, readyto-work applicants with a wide range of
skills and abilities from around the state.
[Certain Organization] can help you access a
variety of work incentive programs that can
save your business money.”
“It is critical for a refugee to find a
first job. [Certain Organization]
strives to place each employable adult
in a full-time job that pays a living
wage by the end of three months. The
job readiness program... After
completing the program, Job
Placement staff work to place refugees
at companies that accept referrals
from the agency.”
“Finding and hiring the right
employee can be expensive
and time consuming —
no matter the size of your
business. [Certain Organization]
Employment Services
will help you find the
best candidates for your
Our Job Developers’ Rule of
Time Spent
1% 5%
Talking about our
Talking about Refugees
Talking about their Needs
Small Talk
Skills Activity: Objections
• What objections do you hear
from employers or business
• What answers have you been
able to successfully use?
We are selling ourselves as job
developers, our trustworthiness,
our business partnership.
Skills Activity:
Successful/Failed/On the Fence
• Discuss relationships you
have with a business partner
that is or was:
1. Successful
2. Failed
3. On the Fence