
Student Research Plan
Name Caroline Barker
Period 2
Proposed title (subject to change):
Effect of Music on the Heart Rate
Problem to be posed or question asked:
How do different types of music affect the heart rate?
My hypothesis or hypotheses:
If the tempo of the music is slow, then the heart rate will be slow. If the tempo is fast,
then the heart rate will be fast. This will occur because when the tempo is faster it is more
exciting and a heart beats faster when a person is scared or excited.
Materials I will supply:
-Ipod or radio
Materials to be supplied by Mr. Cushing (think of the equipment you will need):
-Electronic Pulse Monitor
Materials from other sources (explain):
None at this time
List all chemicals that will be used along with any special handling, storage or
Planned procedure:
1.) Bring subject to test room.
2.) Let subjects rest for three minutes in a chair.
3.) Take their pulse.
4.) Subject listens to music for three minutes.
5.) Take pulse for 20 seconds and record.
6.) Let rest for three minutes.
7.) Repeat steps 1-6 with different tempos of music and three different subjects.
8.) Compare and analyze data.
What is your independent variable?
The tempo of the music
What is your dependent variable?
The heart rate
What is your control?
The heart rate at rest
What are your Constants?
-How long the subject rested before listen
-How long subject listened
-Where the pulse was taken
-Number of songs listened to
-Same volume listened to
Please explain the planned timing of your experiment – how long do you expect it to
take and when you will work on it.
My experiment will take only a couple of days and I will work on it before Christmas
Please cite at least five references you have consulted while conducting preliminary
Standolf, Crystal. "The Effect of Music on the Heart Rate."
www.selah.k12.wa.us. N.p., 2002. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
dictionary.com. Merchant Circle, 2010. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
Yahoo! Inc. "Does music affect the heart rate?" ask.yahoo.com. N.p., 2006. Web.
11 Oct. 2010. <http://ask.yahoo.com/20061127.html>.
AllExperts. http://en.allexperts.com. N.p., 2008. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
Bosworth, Katie, and Matthew Williams. "Effect of Music on Heart Rate."
http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu. N.p., 2005. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
Name: Caroline Barker
Project title: The Affect of Music on the Heart Rate
(Do not use this page as part of your final research plan for your research plan
Please circle any of the following that apply to your project.
Unless you have prior approval from me, a project containing any
of these elements will be rejected. Approved projects containing
any of these elements are subject to additional scrutiny, paperwork
and deadlines before experimentation may begin.
Human subjects
Controlled Substances
Non-human vertebrate animals
Recombinant DNA
Pathogenic agents (bacteria)
Human or non vertebrate animal tissue
Hazardous chemicals
Dangerous equipment (welders or lasers)
Radioactive substances
Student Signature