We will be sending out these emails to ALL children who have

We will be sending out these emails to ALL children who have
registered for any part of the summer. Receiving this email does
not mean that you are registered for any particular week of
camp. To view your registration information or to get receipts
please log in to your account at www.ymcabham.org. If you
need assistance with login information please contact our
business office at businessoffice@ymcabham.org .
Welcome to Summer Day Camp Week 1!! We are so excited for your child to
participate. We are expanding on our learning initiatives this summer; we will be
offering a minimum of one education class per day and 60 minutes of reading time
each day (30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon). We have
books but we are asking that you send your child with a BOOK EVERYDAY. We
are looking forward to all of you encouraging your children to be an active part of that
We will be continuing to have an education day every other week at Vulcan Park.
The museum has a very active education department and we are thrilled to have
partnered with them for the summer again. We will also be visiting Hargis again this
summer. We have hired a coordinator, Matilda, who has tons of outdoor camp
experience; she is looking forward to making the children have the best experience
possible during their time at Hargis. Each week an email detailing and/or reminding
you about key items or events will be sent. Please make sure to read it thoroughly and
contact us with questions. Email will elicit the quickest response. Please allow up to
24 hours for voicemail as we are rarely in our offices. If you missed the parent
meetings, specifics about day to day operations of camp are in the attached parent
survival manual.
Week 1 Flat Stanley
Fieldtrip: McWane Science Center
Movie: Over the Hedge
Specialty Camp: Shopping Diva
Sports Camp: Tennis Camp I- Your child will need a racquet (recommended sizes
are based on age and range from 23” to 25”). We are also requesting that parents send
in either orange or red compression balls- one small pack. These can be purchased at
any sporting goods store or Wal-Mart.
IF YOU ARRIVE AFTER 8:45 am, please park out front and walk your child in the
front door. We are having problems with parents letting their children out the car out
back after car pool is closed. Although the back door may be open, it is only to allow
the children to load the buses. That parking lot is not supervised at that point and the
buses and cars cause heavy, DANGEROUS traffic.
Please make sure you sign up to receive our text messages in case of emergencies and
for reminders/updates. You cannot respond to these but you can email with questions.
5/6 Girls: text @5to6girls to (205) 224-0057
5/6 Boys: text @5and6boys to (205) 224-0057
7/8 Girls: text @7to8girls to (205) 224-0057
7/8 Boys: text @7to8boys to (205) 224-0057
9,10,11: text @9to11kids to (205) 224-0057
Teen: text @gsteen to (205) 224-0057
Sports: @gssports to (205) 224-0057
Specialty: text @gsspec to (205) 224-0057
To make certain your child has a successful week, please remember the
Pack: lunch, snack, bathing suit, sunscreen, and water bottle
Extra's (voluntary):
o Movie day $6 for popcorn, drink and fruit snacks (this $6 is for the first
and last week of camp due to the arrangements made with Carmike.
Every other week will be $4.)
o Wednesday $5 for Healthy Lunch from Newk’s-turkey sandwhich,
grapes and a brownie-must be ordered on Monday so that we can give
Newk’s a head count
o Wednesday $3 for ice cream truck
o Friday $5 for pizza, dessert and a drink
*ALL money will go to Ms. Tyler in the carpool line in the mornings; she will give the
child a ticket to give to their head counselor. Please put the money in a labeled
Wear bathing suit on Hargis Day
 LABEL everything
 Send them in sunscreen every day; we will reapply when necessary
We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
Tanya Hiers
Program Director
Nadin Johnson
Assistant Program Director
Tyler Faush
Summer Camp Director