NORTH FORK HORSE CAMPS REGISTRATION FORM OAKLEY, KS Name_________________________________________Age______________ Boy or Girl Camp Attending:________________________________________________ Camp Dates:___________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ City:________________________ State:__________ Zip:____________ Cell Phone:______________________ Do you text?_________ T-Shirt Size Youth Adult S S M M L L Email Address__________________________________________ If enrolling in rodeo camp or horse show camp, please list credentials to be accepted (Must have 2 years of riding experience in order to enroll in these camps): __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ $100 NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT MUST BE SENT IN WTH REGISTRATION TO HOLD SPOTS (CAMPS LIMITED TO 15 STUDENTS) MAIL REGISTRATION TO: KRISTY EBERLE 425 US 83 Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-0950