IEEE Kuwait Section Report for the 93rd IEEE Region 8 Committee

IEEE Kuwait Section Report for the
93rd IEEE Region 8 Committee meeting in Lisbon, Portugal
April – October 2009
IEEE Kuwait Section is actively involved in different activities in the state of Kuwait and
within GCC Countries (Gulf Cooperation Council) in addition to the worldwide activities
related to the Electrical, Electronic, Information and Computer Engineering Technologies.
Kuwait section participated in the POCO (Panel of Conference Organizers), held in Prague,
Czech Republic, on July 2009.
Innovative Engineering for a Sustainable Environment is the theme of the 5th IEEE GCC
Conference and exhibition, held on March 2009 in Kuwait city, with a participation of over
than 700 Engineers, future Engineers, Experts, and Researchers. On April and May 2009, the
IEEE GCC Countries (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, State of Qatar, Kingdom of Bahrain, Sultanate
of Oman, United Arab Emirates and State of Kuwait) held wrap up meetings to close the
conference Events financially and to approve the final reports from the organizing committee
and the other committees involved in the conference. Appreciation words given to the
committees and a special thanks has been given to the IEEE, as a Technical Sponsor of the
The 6th IEEE GCC Conference scheduled to be held in DUBAI, UAE beginning of year 2011, the
Steering Committee shall have its first meeting in the second half of October 2009 to pinpoint
the key activities and decide on the venue, the final dates and the theme of the conference.
IEEE Kuwait Section is actively involved with the Kuwait society of Engineers in the upcoming
Conference and Meetings in November 2009 to be held in the State of Kuwait, in
collaboration with the WFEO.
Kuwait is hosting the General Assembly of the World Federation of Engineering Organization
(WFEO) from 2-6 November 2009, for the first time in the history of the region.
Engineering Congress on:
"Alternative Energy Applications - Option or Necessity?" shall be organized by the Kuwait
Society of Engineers (KSE), under the aegis of the WFEO World Federation of Engineering
Organizations, and stands under the patronage of H.H. the Amir of Kuwait.
IEEE Kuwait Section Board Members continuously reviewing the Monthly MD Report for Region 8
and use the details to manage the Membership Development activities. And strengthen the efforts to
achieve better results in the 2010 Membership.
IEEE Kuwait Section Cooperating with the IEEE GCC section to develop activities to strengthen the
relation with the Engineers and Industry in the region, to increase the activities and the enrolment
numbers in IEEE.
IEEE Kuwait Section finds opportunities with Kuwait University, through the seminars and joint student
activities for IEEE Membership promotion and recruitment. And also setting up a membership desk to
promote IEEE membership.
IEEE Kuwait Section shall include a future engineer (student from the engineering college) as
a new board member, as well as we have a board member from the industry, to help in
promoting the recruitments in IEEE, and increasing the activities of the section in Kuwait.
Women in Engineering, playing a major role in IEEE Kuwait Section, it is a bright way to
promote IEEE enrolments and activities. The vast social and technical events involving male
and female Engineers from different sectors such as government, private and students,
made it possible.
In addition to all of these events, the section is arranging monthly seminars inviting
speakers from academia, and industry to lecture about hot subjects related to the
environments and its effect on the humans living on earth.
IEEE Kuwait Section Chair, Eng. Abdul Rahman k. Al-Ghunaim and all section board
members, wishing the best and the success to the 93rd IEEE Region 8 Committee meeting
in Lisbon, Portugal .
State of Kuwait
21/ 09/2009