DR CHALLONER’S HIGH SCHOOL EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY POLICY Date written: Autumn 2011 Reviewed by: C&P Committee Review Period: 12 months Next Review: Summer 2012 This policy on Equality and Diversity reflects the school’s legal obligation and duty to devise Equality Schemes for Disability, Race and Gender. This policy is written in the context of The National Curriculum 2000 The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 The Children Act 2004 The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA) Part 5 Gender Equality Duty Code of Practice 2007 Schools Admissions Code 2009 The Equality Act 2010 The school Dr Challoners High School (DCHS) is an 11-18 Girls’ Grammar School of approximately (1060) students, The school became an Academy on August 1st 2011. During the academic year 2011-12 100% of the student population are female 80% of the school staff are female and 20% are male 0% of the student population are physically disabled 0.18% (2) of students in years 7-11 have statements of SEN 0 members of staff are registered as physically disabled 28% of the school’s population come from minority ethnic groups 11.5% of the school staff come from ethnic minority groups 10% of the school population speak English as an additional language DCHS is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for every person in the school community, regardless of sex (including gender reassignment) disability, sexual orientation, religion/belief and race. The Academy acknowledges the value of being multicultural and multilingual. We seek to remove any barriers to access, participation, attainment and achievement. We promote community cohesion at school, local, national and global levels and implement all necessary actions in relation to ethnicity, religion/belief and socio-economic background. Aims and values DCHS aims to provide an environment which stimulates and motivates students an education that realises the full potential of every student an atmosphere in which everyone flourishes, achieves and feels valued a caring and well- behaved student population The values of DCHS are grounded on respect for rigorous academic study and hard work DR CHALLONER’S HIGH SCHOOL diversity of achievement in all aspects of the life of the Academy oneself and each other the community and the environment General Policy The Academy condemns racism, sexism and negative attitudes towards disability, homophobia and discrimination of any kind All students should be helped to develop self esteem and should feel valued as individuals Students will be given many opportunities to discuss and understand racism, sexism, homophobia as well as other forms of prejudice Students will be able to contribute to the development of equal opportunities and other Academy policies through the work of the Student Leadership Group and the School Council. Dealing with discriminatory behaviour, abuse and intimidation is the responsibility of everyone- all students and staff can expect to be listened to and have their complaints investigated. If a student or member of staff feels his or her complaint has not been properly dealt with, he/she may take the matter to the head teacher or chairman of governors. Pupils or staff who have suffered racist, sexist, homophobic or other forms of personal, verbal and physical abuse or intimidation will be supported by the Academy and any person who has committed such offences will be appropriately dealt with. Positive attitudes towards gender, cultural diversity and special needs of all kinds should be included in all curricular, student welfare and staff policy statements. Students should be encouraged to be open minded and to challenge prejudices The Academy’s performance in equalising opportunity will be monitored, including in areas such as the use of resources, examination entries and successes and school leaver destinations. Bully and harassment of any kind will be dealt with swiftly and may lead to exclusion or dismissal when any allegation is proven with no extenuating circumstances. The governing body will monitor and keep under review its recruitment, appointments, promotions, staff training and other staff policies to ensure there is no overt or covert discrimination. The right is reserved for specific appointments to recruit a female member of staff to comply with existing legislation e.g. the supervision of students changing for PE. To meet its duties in respect of Equality Schemes for Disability, Race and Gender, the Academy will therefore aim to provide a secure environment in which all our students can flourish eliminate any unlawful gender discrimination and harassment eliminate any discrimination that is unlawful under the DDA promote positive attitudes toward disabled people encourage participation by disabled people in public life prepare students to be part of a multi-ethnic, diverse society help all students develop a sense of personal and cultural identity that is confident and open to change acknowledge the existence of racism and take steps to prevent it oppose all forms of racism, xenophobia, racial prejudice and racial harassment work with parents and the wider community to promote equality of opportunity for all Responsibilities DR CHALLONER’S HIGH SCHOOL The governing body is responsible for the Academy’s compliance with Equality and Diversity legislation the Academy’s implementation of an admissions policy to ensure that students are admitted without regard to disability, gender or ethnic group being involved when appropriate in dealing with any serious breach of the policy The Head, in conjunction with the senior leadership group, has responsibility for the implementation of the policy, its strategies and procedures ensuring that staff receive appropriate and relevant CPD actively challenging and taking appropriate action in any case of discriminatory practice dealing with any reported incidents of harassment or bullying making an annual report to the Governing Body on the Academy’s compliance with the Equality and Diversity Policy It is the responsibility of all staff to be vigilant in all areas of the Academy for any type of harassment or bullying deal effectively with all incidents of victimisation caused by perceived difference promote an inclusive curriculum and ethos which reflects the diversity of society and challenges bias and stereotyping promote equality and good relations and not discriminate on grounds of age, gender, race, colour, religion, disability or sexual orientation keep up to date with equality legislation, development and issues by attending relevant training challenge unacceptable language Monitoring and Evaluation The Academy will use existing data to monitor the attainment and progress of students by special educational need, free school meals and ethnic group The result of review and evaluation procedures will inform planning, target setting and Academy improvement objectives The site issues relevant within the Accessibility Plan are reported to the Finance and HSSP committees Additional Policy statements for Disability and Racial Equality plus Accessibility plans are attached