Chinese 4 / AP Chinese Name________________ period ___ Instructor: Mrs. Yan Tel #: (510) 656-5711 ex 46345 (best time to call 12:40 – 1:10 lunch time) E-mail: Curriculum to be presented This year Chinese 4 and AP Chinese will be combined. The materials we will use are Ni Hao 4 - An Introduction to Chinese, Jia You - Chinese for the Global Community, Taiwan Today - An Intermediate Course, selected articles, and instructor edited handouts. It will consist of a strong emphasis on oral communication with reading and writing skills developed from literature, specific skills and content base. Oral presentation and group discussion will be focus on cultural and literary topics. In this combined class, Chinese 4 students will receive college credits (can be transferred to UC), and AP Chinese students will receive AP credits. Requirements a. There will be a donation of $15.00 to cover the copy cost for materials, handouts and homework assignments. Check will be payable to IHS. b. Students are expected to follow all school rules. c. Arrive in class on time with homework and writing materials. d. Complete homework assignments on time. e. Each student will keep a portfolio of work, and will be checked periodically. Expectations a. Follow school rules. b. B.O.S.S. (time management, use of materials, teamwork, initiative, dependability, organization, etc.) will be evaluated through teacher observation of work and attitudes and actions in class. c. Treat individuals with respect. d. No cheating on homework, quizzes, reports, projects, or tests. e. No eating, drinking, or chewing in classroom. Consequences of misbehavior are: a. Record kept by teacher. b. Student - teacher conference. c. Detention and/ or parent contact. d. Office referral 1. Student who cheated on tests/quizzes/projects will receive a zero and office referral. 2. Severe disruptions of class result in an immediate referral to the vice – principal Homework Policy Homework is usually given Monday through Thursday. Class work and class notes need to be written on a spiral notebook and need to be ready to be checked daily. Make-up Policy Assignment missed because of class absence can be made up for full credit within one week of return to class. All missed tests must be made up or a NC grade will result. Grading Policy The class grade will be determined by: a) homework average 20% b) quizzes, portfolio, reports, and group work average 30% c) chapter tests and midterms 30% d) final exams 10% e) classroom participation/ behavior 10% The grading scale for AP class is: A 90% - 100% B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79% Contract 60% - 69% NC 0% - 59% For Chinese 4 is: A B C Contract NC 80% - 100 % 70% - 79% 60% - 69% 50% - 59% 0% - 49% Grade Change Policy for AP Chinese class Second semester grades will be moved up one grade for students who receive a "5" on the AP Chinese Exam. Questions Students' questions can be answered during class time, tutorial period, and after school if teacher is available. Parents' questions can be answered with phones calls, e-mail, conferences or notes. I have read and understand the Chinese information sheet. I will keep it in my notebook for reference and will share it with my parents. Parent Signature Student Signature __________________ ___________________