What are the topics to prepare for the exam?
Compared to the topics listed in the program that is on the website are not to bring the
following topics:
Shift and Share Model of Regional Growth. Points 6
Models for Panel Data: Regression Pooled, Fixed Effects and Random Effects
What are the parts of the books to prepare for the exam?
1) Introduction to econometrics: Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
2) Understanding Economic Statistics. An OECD perspective:
Chapter 2: pp. 42-57
Chapter 3: pp.66-76
Chapter 4 pp. 161-165 and pp.170-172
3) Using Gretl for Principles of Econometrics
Chapters:1, 2,3, 4 and 5
What are the modalities of the examination?
Written exam with three questions about exercises, theory and package Gretl. In
addition there will be three multiple choice questions.
The duration of the written test may vary between 60 and 75 minutes
What should I bring for the written test?
A pocket calculator to perform statistical calculations that are needed
It possible to take notes, lecture notes (slides) during the written test?
Absolutely not!
If I need statistical tables to solve the exercises?
During the written test will be available a copy of tables and a collection of formulas
Usually, the mark your written test will be performed on the same day, starting from
11a.m. in the presence of the student (AULA VERDE, third floor). If the vote is not
less than 15/30 you can request an oral supplementation.
Verbalization will be electronically. You have one week to reject the vote. You can
refuse to vote, but only once!!
The points obtained during the course with the tests can be used only until the
February 2012 session!!