Fachbereich Volk swirts chaft slehre Le h r stu h l f ü r Ma kr oö ko n o mi e u n d Quantitative W irtschaftspolitik Profess or Dr. Michael Funk e Tel.: 040-42838-4626 Tel.: 040-42838-4674 Fax: 040-42838-5546 E ma i l: fu n ke @e co n . un i - ha mb u r g. d e PROF. DR. MICHAEL FUNKE • UNIVERSITÄT HAMBURG • FACHBEREICH VOLKSWIRTSCHAFTSLEHRE • VON-MELLE-PARK 5 • 20146 HAMBURG Ham burg, den 20. Dezem ber 2009 “Basic Quantitative Methods” 1. Title of the course: Basic Quantitative Methods. 2. Academic term/year: 2nd Trimester, February-March 2010. 3. Course instructors: Michael Funke (Lectures) and Teaching Assistants (Computer Lab Exercises). 4. Course objectives: The introductory course teaches methods of data analysis to students whose primary interest is not in econometrics or statistics. It shows students how to apply statistical and econometric techniques in the context of real-world empirical problems. It adopts a largely non-mathematical approach relying on verbal and graphical intuition and covers most of the tools used in modern econometrics research. It contains extensive use of real data examples and involves readers in hands-on computer work in a computer lab. 5. Learning outcomes for participants: At the end of the course participants will be able (a) to conceptualise the vitals concepts and issues of statistics and econometrics; (b) to apply the concepts to understand and analyse datasets; (c) to be able to read research that uses basic statistical methods; and (d) to aquire methodological foundation necessary for future studies. 6. Reference textbook: Koop, G. (2009) Analysis of Economic Data, 3rd Edition, Chicester & New York (Wiley Sons). The textbook teaches methods of data analysis to students whose primary interest is not in economics, econometrics, or statistics. It shows students how to apply econometric techniques in the context of real-world empirical problems. It adopts a largely nonmathematical approach relying on verbal and graphical intuition and covers most of the tools used in modern econometrics research e.g. correlation, regression and extensions for time-series methods. For further information and datasets used in the Computer Lab Universität Hamburg • Tor zur W elt der W issenschaft Von-Melle-Park 5 • 20146 Hamburg • www.uni-hamburg.de Exercises, see http://bcs.wiley.com/he-bcs/Books?action=index&itemId=0470713895&bcsId=4737 . 7. Computing: As part of the course, you will receive instruction in EVIEWS 6, a powerful and widely used software for statistical data analysis in a University Computer Lab (http://www.eviews.com/). 8. Assessment: Assessment will depend on a (closed-book) final examination. 9. Lectures: The six two-hour lectures will take place on 5 February 2010, 10 February 2010, and 19 February 2010 from 10.00 - 11.30 and 13:00 - 14.30 in room 1083a (VonMelle-Park 5). 10. Computer Lab Exercises: The computer lab exercises will take place on 22 February 2010 and 23 February 2010 from 14.00 - 15.30 and 16:15 - 17.45 in room 1004, VonMelle-Park 5, 20146 Hamburg. 11. A Few Words of Advice: Some students find that econometrics is intrinsically interesting. I hope that I can convey to you the insights that can be derived from econometric and statistical reasoning. Even if you are not directly interested in statistical methods, however, you can learn to appreciate and use statistics as a tool for understanding the large body of research that employs statistical methods. Many students approach mathematical material with apprehension. It would be dishonest to claim that statistics employs no math, but this course requires only the most elementary mathematics. Do not be put off by this minimal level of mathematics. You can do it if you try. It is a bad idea to fall behind in any course, but it is fatal to do so in this course. The course teaches skills and techniques, and the material is cumulative. Attend the lectures regularly and read the textbook on time. If you don´t do, you will almost surely not do well. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me or with the teaching assistants for the course if you are experiencing problems or have any questions or other course-related concerns. – 2 –