Click Here - Sahar Mounir

8, El Kamel Mohamed Street,
Zamalek, 11211, Cairo Egypt
Phone: +202-27362925
Mobile: +2-012-218-5832
Sahar Adel Mohamed Mounir
I wish to pursue my career in a reputable organization where my experience and interpersonal skills would make a positive contribution. I am professionally qualified, highly
initiative, responsible and dedicated. My extensive knowledge and skills cover credit and
marketing, investment, project management, community/business development and
advisory in trade facilitation and export promotion. I have track record working with
private sector, NGOs, technical offices of Ministers (government) and the civil
Faculty of Economics & Political Sciences, Cairo University, Egypt.
BSc. in Economics (grade: Good)
Centre Cultural Francais reached up to “classe 5”.
High School Certificate, Math Section, Port Said Language School
Alumni Advocacy Workshop at CEDPA premises in Washington, funded by Exxon
Mobil. Advocacy issue is to avail microfinance to literate women in Upper Egypt to
participate in the Economy and start their own businesses.
Global Women in Management (GWIM 50). Conducted by CEDPA and funded by
Exxon Mobil.
Rotary President Leadership training for active community service, vocational and
fellowship services.
E-Commerce Training Course for SMEs, arranged by ECOMMEX and National Bank of
Greece in Greece.
Environment Training Course arranged by Research Center at Cairo University, Egypt
International Capital Market Training Course arranged by Euromoney.
Initial Public Offer Training Course arranged by Euromoney.
Intensive Investment Course arranged by CIB.
Project Finance Advanced Course arranged by Euromoney (in England).
Student by correspondence at Sheffield School of Interior Design in NY.
Extensive full time credit course (Chase Manhattan Material) covering: Accounting,
Financial Statement Analysis, Lending Rationales, Projections, International Trade
Finance, documentation, Credit Policy Guide, Treasury, Industry Risks Analysis and
other related aspects.
Strong interpersonal, negotiation and excellent language Skills (Arabic, English,
French and currently learning Italian)
Capable of setting up any type of project, execute management, set work plans and
budget, HR, monitor and evaluate performance to achieve targeted objectives.
Expert in using Microsoft office programs. Good explorer at the Internet .
Capacity to plan, prioritize and deliver tasks on time
Ability to participate effectively in a team-based and cooperate with others.
Willingness to accept additional responsibilities.
Profound experience in technical know-how and drafting proposals for funding
Professional Experience
Jan. 2010 to date
Ministry of Finance - Office of the Minister
Project Management Executive
General Authority for Government Services
Duties Include:
 Develop best practices and tools for project/task execution and management.
 Project Management entailing the tendering process for furnishing and equipping a new
premises comprising 5 floors and transferring 300 staff.
 Establish management policies and guidelines to streamline workflow and facilitate
day-to-day different departments in GAGS (Procurement, Auctions, Inventory
Management, Information Technology, General Services and Finance &
 Drive strategic thinking and development through continuous analysis of government
needs, GAGS development plans, promoting completion and transparency in the area
of public procurement, industry & market changes, and regional & international
bilateral relevant agreements
 Define projects/tasks scope, goals, timelines, milestones, criteria and deliverables that
support business goals in collaboration with Chairman.
 Track project/task milestones and deliverables in liaison with assigned team members
on an ongoing basis.
 Develop and deliver progress reports, proposals, requirements documentation, and
 Determine the frequency and content of status reports from the project/task team,
analyze results, and troubleshoot problem areas.
 Estimate the resources needed to achieve project/task goals.
 Draft and submit budget proposals, and recommend subsequent budget changes where
 Effectively communicate project/task expectations to team members, manage their
expectations and critical path and influence them to take positive action and
accountability for their assigned work.
Determine need for additional staff and/or external resources and propose the
appropriate recruitments if necessary during.
Identify and resolve issues and conflicts within the assigned team.
Coordinate with other department managers for the utilization of required personnel
from within the organization.
Delegate tasks and responsibilities to appropriate personnel from the central
Proactively manage changes in project/task scope, identify potential crises, and devise
contingency plans.
Executive Director and Board member
Cotton Egypt Association
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Trade & Industry.
Founder of Cotton Egypt Association which is an NPO established to manage, promote,
license and monitor the usage of Egyptian cotton and the Cotton Logo which is a registered
certification mark around the globe.
 Supervised the entire process of the Egyptian cotton logo which comprises: designing,
registering the trade mark in Egypt and abroad, setting management mechanism,
evaluating promotion offers submitted from several marketing and PR local and
International firms, setting the rules and regulations, following up on usage of the logo,
revising all legal documentation and “Logo License Agreement” and arranging sources
of funds for the promotion campaign. Appointed as a member in the Cotton logo
Steering Committee.
 Assisted in the foundation and maintained full responsibility and accountability of the
overall performance of Cotton Egypt Association (established in 2005), took a leading
role in its development, promoting its initiatives to stakeholders, coordinating with local
and international trade organizations and carrying out the necessary support activities to
achieve the objective of the Association.
 negotiated the funding of the Association with the Export Development Fund and IMC,
drafted the proposal for funding and fulfilled all documents required to acquire needed
 Manage the Association within the framework of international best practices; through
efficient management of employees, service delivery mechanism and implementing a
performance evaluation system.
 harmonize the visions and strategies of relevant ministries, governmental organizations
and other NGOs and avoid overlap and duplication of outputs.
 Set the association’s bylaws, organizational chart and job description of the
Associations staff, in addition to the recruitment needed and on-going institutional
capacity building.
 Develop the work plan implementation progress indicators, milestones and a solid
impact assessment mechanism, monitoring and evaluation system.
 Set, promote, assist and develop a strategy for the Cotton Logo with special focus on
export of manufactured and semi-manufactured products.
 Coordinate with donors’ organizations to secure funding for technical assistance.
 Serve as Policy Advocator on behalf of Cotton Egypt to negotiate with all government
ministries, agencies, public and private organizations supporting the Cotton Sector.
 Supervise all financial, promotion, marketing, licensing and technical aspects of the
Office of the Minister of Trade and Industry.
Senior Technical Assistant to the Minister
Eng. Rachid Mohamed Rachid.
Office of the Minister of Foreign Trade.
Senior Technical Assistant to the Minister
Dr. Youssef Boutros Ghali
Achievements Included:
 Coordination of the Ministerial Committee for Production, headed by HE Minister of
Trade and Industry reporting to HE the Prime Minister of Egypt on all relevant topics
and studies referred for discussion with the 13 Ministers members of the committee.
 Headed the Cross Cutting Component of the Industry & Trade Advisory Unit "ITASU"
a USAID funded project. Responsibilities included Outreach, Planning, and Public
Awareness to build a corporate image for the ministry, Inquiries and Business
Assistance help desk to respond to investors' and traders' inquiries and efficiently
resolve their problems, Information and Communication Technology ICT to unify
source of data, Inspection reform to set a strategy paper with procedure and regulations
to be implemented, a follow up mechanism for the office of the Minister to track all
decrees issued in addition to Export promotion activities.
 Headed a team for refurbishing, restructuring and launching of Egyptian Export
Promotion Center new premises with new vision, mission and attainable objectives.
Prepared RFP for a "One Stop Shop for Exports" and "Reengineering the Export
 Coordination of the Traceability project and member of its Financial Committee to
assure the implementation of traceability on agriculture produce and bar-coding system
on Egyptian exports. The project involves communication with related ministries to
disburse the project's funds.
 Coordination of the Green Corridor Pilot project and member of Trade and
Transportation committee aiming at trade facilitation and attracting investment in export
related facilities. Prepared the MOU for cooperation between Luka Kooper Port in
Slovenia and Egyptian counterparts to facilitate regular shipping. Another MOU with
Trieste Port in Italy.
 Prepared RFP and negotiated with USTDA for funding a feasibility study for cool chain
system and member in the evaluation committee established to negotiate the grant
agreement, select and evaluate the contractors performance.
 Assisted in designing a logo for fresh produce (Food mark) and working on establishing
a mechanism for inspection.
 Supervised the establishment of the Cold Store “Perishable Terminal” at Cairo Airport.
Analysis of the feasibility study and cash flow projections of this BOT project,
facilitated a bridge finance loan, negotiated with APRP the tranche fund needed and
negotiated with Social Development Fund to finance the management contract with
 Initiated public awareness to importers, exporters and media through summarizing and
translating free and preferential trade agreements between Egypt and key trade partners
which are currently accessible through the Ministry's website
 Coordinated the outreach of the Integration of Supply Chain in Agro-sector in Upper
Egypt, in cooperation with the UNIDO, WFP and USAID.
 Prepared and published the "Exporter's Guide to West African Markets" and "Egyptian
Cotton Logo Manual Registration".
 Headed a teamwork to formulate and publish the “Egypt’s Export Development
Strategic Plan” (first volume) discussed in People Assembly and presented to H.E. the
President of Egypt.
 Coordinated match making opportunities for Egyptian producers and exporters through
Commercial offices (coordinated trade mission trips to USA, Italy, Slovenia and
 Elected as Egypt's delegate during the European Visitors Program EUVP for the year
2003 and negotiated with EU Parliamentarians and EU commission the trade barriers
facing Egyptian exports in the EU.
 Set TOR and SOW for projects to enhance Egypt’s exports and contacted several
organizations for project funding. Prepare correspondence with HE the Prime Minister
and other ministries to resolve import and export impediments and seek required
funding for projects
 Assisted H.E. the Minister in several high level and confidential assignments and
delegated to represent the ministry in study tours and workshops in USA, Italy,
Germany, Belgium and Slovenia.
 Prepared the “Egypt’s Export Impediments” document that is a reference to all projects
and decrees undertaken by the Ministry to resolve export impediments and facilitate
Offered for technical assistance and training to reengineer and develop the functions of
the Foreign Trade and Export Promotion related Sectors.
 Initiated the implementation of EDI computer system at El Sokhna port as a pilot project
for custom's automation to facilitate exports procedures by converting manual
registration of customs into barcode reading system and negotiated the upgrading of the
Labs at other focal ports.
 Provide technical assistance and negotiated/ evaluated proposals submitted by donors
such as; APRP, DEPRA, MEDA 2, EU TEP-A and GTZ.
 Followed up compliance of the USAID benchmarks assigned to Ministry of Foreign
Trade and completed all required documentation to acquire needed funds.
 Prepared the RFP negotiated the draft documents of the EU TEP-A program to support
the development of Egyptian Exports. The project was designated to sever governmental
sectors that facilitates trade and promotes exports.
Commercial International Bank CIB – Egypt.
Senior Manager - Headed the Multinational Sector
Corporate Credit Department after Heading the Regional Credit & Marketing
Department of North Cairo Branches
I built up 13 years of expertise in banking and finance at the Commercial International
Bank (CIB). Starting as an Administrative Assistant in Corporate Group, Head Office, I
provided assistance to Consumer Durable, Electronics, Paper, Textiles and Tourism
Industries in day to day servicing of credit customers' accounts and facilitating
customer’s smooth utilization of CIB’s products. Attended the intensive full year Chase
Manhattan Credit Course in 1989 and graduated in 1990.
Headed the Multinational Sector (a portfolio surpassing LE 2 Billion Egyptian). This
position entailed supervising the corporate accounts, banking services, companies share
valuation, legal advice and general consultancy, equity investment, IPO, merger or
acquisition amongst the multinational companies.
Moreover, my capabilities positioned me amongst the pioneer group heads in marketing
CIB’s products such as POS cards, CIL insurance, CIBC brokerage, credit cards and
other banking services specially tailored for CIB clients.
Proposed equity investment and supervised the establishment of new joint venture
companies between CIB and some of its prime clients amongst which were multinational
companies such as; ING Barrings, Legal & General, Bechtel and Vivendi.
 Appointed as member of Credit Committee.
 Appointed as member of Retail Committee.
 Appointed as CIB’s representative in the Board of Directors of “Egyptian Operating
& Maintenance Power Company”, a limited liability company between Bachtel,
Promoted to Senior Manager heading the Regional Credit & Marketing department of
North Cairo Branches (13 branches) with a loan portfolio surpassing 1.5 billion Egyptian
pounds. Acquired an external “A” signature for CIB.
Promoted to Manager, heading the Credit & Marketing department at Nasr City and
Heliopolis Branches. Participated in interior designing and furnishing of new branches
(El Nasr, El Shams and 10th of Ramadan).
Promoted to Assistant Manager and Headed the Tourism team.
Promoted to Senior Credit Analyst/Accountable Officer of the Tourism team, after
graduation from the credit course
Professional Memberships
2009 to date
Head of Membership Committee (Volunteer work in NGO)
Egyptian Junior Business Association.
Revisit membership classification to maximize services and overall potential EJB
Facilitate communication between members
Encourage new members to join committees and become actively involved
Engage more members to become Sponsors
Develop EJB membership induction/cancelation/ID issuance process
Evaluate current events in terms of timing, membership participation, pricing, sponsors,
profitability to maximize engagement of members and profitability to EJB.
Develop event outreach communication tools to be more effective and less tedious.
Plan and organize membership events with EJB and attract potential Sponsors sustainable
budgets for EJB events
Negotiate new events that are less costly, year round available and attractive to members
and sponsors
Review current publications & promotion material, sponsors to make them more
attractive to members and sponsors
Maximize visibility of EJB activities, and membership benefits
Activate/ renegotiate existing benefits and offers to maximize usage by members
Recognize members based on their contribution to EJB's sponsorship, activities and
business/personal achievements
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Divorced (no children)
Extracurricular Activities
Member of Who's Who international professional Association. Recognized as the professional woman for the
year 2009.
 Past Assistant to the Governor of Rotary International District 2450
President of Cairo Future Pharaohs Rotary Club during 2006-2007 and 2010-2011.
 Spent 25 active years in community service activities.
 Won a prize award for being the most active President (North Cairo Rotaract Club) for the years 1991-1993 of
the district including Egypt, Cyprus, Lebanon, Sudan, Bahrain and Jordan).
 Have great interest in attending courses, seminars, workshops, study tours and conferences (please refer to list
 Enjoy dealing with people from various nations, traveling and experiencing other cultures, food and music.
 Enjoy traveling. I have visited USA (7 states), Canada, England, France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Austria,
Holland, Belgium, Turkey, Switzerland, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Slovenia, Elate, Cyprus, Rhodes,
Bahamas, Mauritius and Seychelles Islands.
I was a resident in England for about 5 years.
HE Dr. Youssef Boutros Ghali, Minister of Finance, Finance Towers, Nasr City, Cairo Egypt.
Mr. Hisham Ahmed Hassan Youssef, Chairman of Egyptian Export Development Bank, 108 Mohieldin
Abulezz St., Mohandesine, Cairo, Egypt
Advocacy Workshop conducted at Cedpa’s premises in Washington and funded by ExxonMobil MayJune 2010.(project management, fund raising, public speaking, advocacy strategy procedures ..etc
Heimtextil Fair in Frankfurt to promote the Egyptian cotton logo 2005, 2008,2009 and 2010.
Global Women In Management (GWIM 50) conducted by Cedpa and funded by Exxon Mobil (full
month) during October – November 2009.
Quality and Standards of Cotton Workshop by UNIDO in October 2007, Bursa, Turkey.
Integrated Supply Chain for Agro-sector in Upper Egypt, in cooperation with the UNIDO, WFP and
USAID in Naga Hammady March 2007. “bridge the gap between farmers and retailers”
Launching the Consumer Protection Authority through a Workshop in Cairo in February 2007
launching the new law.
Debt to Swap Seminar organized by UNIDO in Rome in November 2006
Study Tour to Italy to inspect the Traceability application and attend Verona Fair in March 2005
Heimtextil fair in Germany in February 2005, as a representative of the Egyptian Cotton logo .
International Cotton Promotion Forum workshop on promotion of cotton worldwide, North Carolina in
May 2004
Headed the Egyptian delegation to Slovenia to sign MOU with Luka Kooper Port for trade facilitation in
October 2004
Business delegation to USA in October 2003 to negotiate SME funding and business development with
IMF, Exim bank and Women associations.
Represented Egypt in the European Visitors Program in Brussels in June 2003
Represented the Ministry of Foreign Trade in the Green Week and Fruit Logistica fair in Germany in
January 2003.
E-Commerce Training Course arranged by ECOMMEX and National Bank of Greece October 28 –
November 9, 2001 in Greece.
Egypt and its Prospect in the New World Economy seminar arranged by MDI in October 2001 at
Conrad Hotel, Cairo.
Trade Diplomat Discussion Series on WTO impact on Egyptian Economy arranged by United States
Agency for International Development USAID in October 2001 at Four Seasons Hotel, Cairo.
Cotton Pricing workshop arranged by APRP in August 2001 at Piramisa Hotel Cairo.
WTO impact on Foreign Trade workshop arranged by Faculty of Economics & Political Sciences in
June 2001 at its premises, Cairo.
Telecommunication workshop arranged by ECES center, at Gezira Sheraton Hotel, Cairo.
Barcode workshop arranged by EAN International at Intercontinental Hotel, Cairo.
Attended series of annual conferences arranged by Euromoney in Egypt.
Environment Training Course arranged by Research Center during May 1999 at its premises in Cairo
University, Egypt.
BO/BOO/BOT/BOOT workshop arranged by CIB in March 1999 at its Training Center, Egypt.
International Capital Market Training Course arranged by Euromoney in February 1999 in Egypt.
Initial Public Offer Training Course arranged by DC Gardner in January 1999 at Cairo & Alexandria
Stock Market Training Center, Egypt.
Commercial International Portfolio Management (CIPM) presentation arranged by CIB and ING.
Barings in October 1998 at its Training Center, Egypt.
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Development in Egypt Seminar arranged by Ministry of Economy
in association with USAID in June 1998 at Marriott Hotel, Egypt.
USDA Export Credit Guarantee (GSM 102/103) arranged by US Department of Agriculture Seminar in
March 1998 at Cairo Meridian Hotel, Egypt.
Multi Sector Support Program (MSSP) Workshop arranged by CIB in June 1997 at Cairo Safir Hotel,
KFW Program Workshop arranged by CIB in November 1996 at its Head Office, Egypt.
Project Finance Advanced Course arranged by Euromoney in September 1995 at the Euromoney
Training Center, High Field Park, Hampshire, England.
Office Manager at COMSYS, computer software office in 1987.
Summer training in 1985 at Letter of Credit Department at the Egyptian Arab African Bank