Forensic Science Course Expectations

Conceptual Physics Course Expectations
Adam Jordan Hauser
Phone: 214-324-3607 ext. 313
Fall Tutor Times: 7am-8am Tuesday and Thursday; Activity Schedule time. Additional times.
(appointment times must always be made to ensure my availability)
Mission Statement: The science department fosters the development and acquisition of
knowledge of natural phenomena obtained through critical thinking and the scientific method
to instill a lifelong appreciation of God and His creations.
Hewitt, Paul. Conceptual Physics. New Jersey: Pearson, 2009.
ISBN: 0-13-364750-1
Course Description:
819-conphy; Conceptual physics is designed to provide a comprehensive introductory
content of physics; to ignite interest, assist understanding and to reinforce relationships
of the key concepts of science with hands-on laboratory work, critical thinking skills,
and problem solving exercises.
The Class web site is linked to the Bishop Lynch High School web site for faculty. The web site
will be used throughout the course to post/ show assignments, class notes, due dates, syllabi for
each unit, and any other necessary documents.
Goals / Objectives:
Students will have on completion of this course, a basic understanding of the techniques,
mathematical reasoning and concepts in the field of physics. Students will be able to
demonstrate an ability to effectively follow procedures, use basic scientific equipment and
techniques and to apply scientific and critical thinking skills.
Required Materials:
All note from web site
Text book and lab manual
Use of a calculator
3- ring binder / with notebook paper
45% exams, 30% Lab, 15% Homework, 10% Quizzes and in-class discussions
Exams: Exams will cover all previously assigned material, including: text, presentations, notes,
labs, and videos.
Labs: Students may at times work in groups; however, all students are responsible for their own
work, lab reports, and behavior.
Homework: Students will have several homework assignments that they will complete on their
own. Corse readings assignments, course research, and other class assignments may determine if
a student is prepared to pass quizzes and exams. Students who don’t do their own work will
have great difficulty passing quizzes and exams and may be subject to additional consequences
as outline in the student handbook. (see academic-dishonesty)
Class Conduct:
All the rules and regulations from the Student Handbook apply. Labs are taken very seriously
and no horse play will be tolerated in any form. Immediate attention / consequences from
instructor will be provided.
Make-up Policy: see Science Department Policy listed below.
Bishop Lynch Science Department’s Make-Up Policy Concerning Student
Absence Without Prior Knowledge, i.e. Illness, Family Emergency
Student must contact the classroom instructor upon returning to school for the missed assignments.
Students have five school days to complete and return in all assignments. All work not made up within
five school days will be given a zero for each assignment, including tests and quizzes.
Lecture Notes: Students are to retrieve the class lecture notes and the homework assignments from
other class members or the assignment calendar. Instructors will be available to discuss or explain class
lecture notes and/or homework assignments. Please make arrangements with the instructor for an
Homework Assignments: Students are to obtain the assignment upon returning to campus and are
allowed five school days to complete and return it for credit.
Laboratory Exercises and Reports: Students are to complete an alternative writing assignment
consisting of three pages on the misses Laboratory Topic. Contact the instructor regarding the correct
format and number or references required for the alternative written Laboratory exercise/report
Tests and Quizzes: Students are to complete the scheduled Test or Quiz within five school days of
returning to the campus. Please make arrangements for the administration of the Test/Quiz via the
instructor, counselor, or study hall moderator.
Projects: All previous scheduled due dates will apply and must be completed within the allowed five
school days for credit.
Absence With Prior Knowledge, i.e. Fieldtrips, College Visits, Family Trips
Student must contact the classroom instructor at lease five school days before the occurrence of the
event. At this time, the instructor may confer with the student about the upcoming assignments. All
assignments/projects must be completed before the scheduled event. If the assignment/project is not
turned in before the date of absence then a zero will be posted for each assignment/project.
Lecture Notes and Homework Assignments: Students are to retrieve the class lecture notes and the
homework assignments from other class members or the assignment calendar. Instructors will be
available to discuss or explain class lecture notes and/or homework assignments on an appointment
Laboratory Exercises and Reports: Students are to complete an alternative writing assignment
consisting of three pages on the laboratory topic. This written assignment must be completed and
turned in before the projected absence date. Contact the instructor concerning the correct format and
the number of references required for the alternative written laboratory exercise/report assignment.
Tests and Quizzes: Students are to complete the scheduled test or quiz before the anticipated absence
date. If it is not completed before the date of the event, then a zero will be credited.
Projects: All previous scheduled requirements due dates will apply and must be completed before the
anticipated absent date. Failure to meet the project date will result in a zero.
“By signing this form: I acknowledge that I have read and agree to abide by all the
following: rules and regulations stated in the student handbook, Science Department
Policies, as well as the course expectations for the Conceptual Physics course.”
Date ______________________
Student Name (printed) ________________________________________________
Student’s Signature ___________________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Name (printed) _______________________________________
Parent / Guardian Signature ___________________________________________
Date Signed __________________