Good News Club® Rules - Child Evangelism Fellowship

Good News Club® Rules
Be sure to establish rules at the very beginning of your Good News Club® year so your club runs
smoothly and accomplishes your purposes. Here are some basic rules:
 Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
 Don’t talk when someone else is talking.
 Raise your hand if you have a question.
 Listen to God’s Word.
Ups Rules
The Ups rules are fun, easy to use and easy for children to remember:
1. Sit Up. Everyone needs to sit up so we know you are ready for class to begin.
2. Look Up. We use lots of pictures during club. Look up so you’re sure to see each one!
3. Listen Up. God has something special to say to you today. You need to listen up so you
will hear God’s message to you. Also, you’ll want to hear directions so you don’t miss
any fun things!
4. Hand Up. You may know an answer to a question but if you don’t raise your hand, I
can’t call on you. So when you want to talk, remember to raise your hand!
5. Zip Up. When it isn’t your turn to talk, you need to zip up your lips. This will give time
for everything we want to do in class today. And you won’t want to miss one thing!
Review these rules for the first several weeks of club and when new students come. Show the
handy posters then display them for reference.
—by Nancy Becker in Evangelizing Today’s Child magazine, March/April 1999.
Copyright © 1999 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc.
Do What’s Right Rule Drill
After explaining the club rules, tell the kids you have a fun way to help them remember to follow
them. First blow a whistle. This signals the kids to stand up, march in place and repeat after you
in loud, military style:
Teacher: We will not forget the rules!
Kids: We will not forget the rules!
Sound off!
We may be young but we’re no fools!
We may be young but we’re no fools!
Sound off!
That’s right!
Jesus wants us to obey!
Jesus wants us to obey!
Sound off!
Jesus helps us—do right!
We’ll honor Him this simple way!
We’ll honor Him this simple way!
Once the kids get the hang of the drill, use it to bring back order when club gets a little wild!
—by the staff of Evangelizing Today’s Child magazine, March/April 2003
Copyright © 2003 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc.