Key Club Board Member Application Being a Board Member of Jenks Key Club is no small task. It will be your responsibility to recruit people to your project, arrange for sign up/documentation of hours served in your project, and deliver that documentation to the Secretary of Hours on the last day of each month. These responsibilities are in addition to your own completion of service hours, participation in the large club projects of Think Kindness and March Against…, and meeting attendance. (The Board is expected to attend all General Meetings and the Board Meetings scheduled 2 times each month.) By applying for this position, it is assumed that you understand these requirements. Name: ___________________________________________ Grade: ______________ Do you have transportation to events outside of school? Y/N Current GPA: ___________ Do you have an after school job? Y/N What Key Club project/projects have you helped with this year? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you participate in Key Club? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ What would you say is the biggest complaint you have with Key Club, and, more importantly, how would you fix it? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ What other clubs do you participate in as a member/officer? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ For the 2012-2013 school year, we are hoping to have 15-20 board members. Please identify and project you would be interested in coordinating. (Please circle no more than 3.) 1. Kids to Kids: East-Coordinate students volunteering at East Elementary 2. Kids to Kids: Southeast-Coordinate students volunteering at Southeast Elementary 3. Kids to Kids: West-Coordinate students volunteering at West Elementary 4. Kids to Kids: Freshman Academy-Coordinate volunteer hours with the Freshman Sponsor 5. Tutoring-Work with the math dept. and NHS to ensure that Key Clubbers are getting credit for tutoring 6. Grace Living Center-Work with the GLC to supply volunteers for the Day Care and Adult Living Center 7. Faith Based-Create a system so that those working in their religious communities can document service 8. Hospital Volunteers-Create a system so that those volunteering in hospitals can document service 9. Library-Coordinate with the Jenks Library to provide volunteers and document service from other libraries 10. Print Shop-Find 2-3 volunteers a day to go to the JPS Print Shop to help copy, and collate district papers 11. Pet PALS-Work with the Pet Adoption League to supply volunteers at adoption sites 12. Partners With Purpose-Autism Foundation program to connect mentor students with autistic students 13. Bridges Foundation-Jenks group helping adults with disabilities 14. Public Relations-Advertise the events of our club inside and outside of school (posters, news articles, etc) Is there a project that you don't see on our list that you would like to coordinate? What is it and how would you suggest getting it started? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________