RECENT DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS compiled by Joseph J. Lauer (Michigan State University) The U.S. and Canadian theses listed were below reported in Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI), vol. 70, no. 12-vol. 71, no. 2 (June-August 2010). Each citation ends with the order number, if any. See UMI Dissertation Publishing at for abstracts and other details. This is the 87th quarterly supplement to American and Canadian Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses on Africa, 1974-1987 (1989). Print supplements in ASA News stopped as of July 2009. Agriculture Issa, Salissou. Nutritional value of sorghum for poultry feed in West Africa. Ph.D., Kansas State U., 2009. 3389834. Kikoti, Alfred P. Seasonal home range sizes, transboundary movements and conservation of elephants in northern Tanzania. Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts Amherst, 2009. 3379977. Kushnir, Hadas. Lion attacks on humans in southeastern Tanzania: Risk factors and perceptions. Ph.D., U. of Minnesota, 2009. 3389333. Moghari, Nick M. A survey of Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) communities' attitudes toward human-lion conflict and lion conversation [Uganda]. Ph.D., George Mason U., 2009. 3388088. Schmitt, Jennifer Ann. Improving conservation efforts in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania: An examination of knowledge, benefits, costs, and attitudes. Ph.D., U. of Minnesota, 2010. 3391010. Sul, Woo Jun. Microbial community analysis assessed by pyrosequencing of rRNA gene: Community comparisons, organism identification, and its enhancement [Ghana]. Ph.D., Michigan State U., 2009. 3395487. Anthropology Adams, Matthew J. The Early Dynastic through Old Kingdom stratification at Tell Er-Rub'a, Mendes. Ph.D., Pennsylvania State U., 2007. 3393747. Anonyuo-Nwaenyi, Felicia Chigozie. Beyond the economic impetus for migration: Pre-migration cognitions, subjectivities, and occidentalisms in the African postcolony [Nigeria & Senegal]. Ph.D., U. of Florida, 2009. 3385900. Anyidoho, Paul Kwabla. Ideologies of language and print media in Ghana. Ph.D., U. de de Montreal (Can.), 2008. NR56740. Beyin, Amanuel Yosief. Archaeological investigation of the Buri Peninsula and Gulf of Zula, Red Sea coast of Eritrea. Ph.D., State U. of New York at Stony Brook, 2009. 3388554. Collins, Rodney William James. From coffee to manhood: Grounds for exchange in the Tunisian coffeehouse, ca. 1898-2008. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3386135. Foerster, Steffen. Feeding ecology, social behavior and physiological responses to stressors in blue and Syke's monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni and C. m. albogularis) [Kenya]. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3388442. Garcia Sanchez, Inmaculada Maria. Moroccan immigrant children in a time of surveillance: Navigating sameness and difference in contemporary Spain. Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles, 2009. 3388148. Garoon, Joshua Paul. "Animals I never saw": Community-based natural resource management & health in a Game Management Area of northern Zambia. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U., 2009. 3395664. Henry, Amanda Georganna. Plant foods and the dietary ecology of Neandertals and modern humans. Ph.D., George Washington U., 2010. 3389716. Kumar, Ankita. Health at Hierakonpolis, a predynastic settlement in Upper Egypt. Ph.D., U. of Arkansas, 2009. 3395627. Lepre, Christopher J. Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleogeography for hominin remains from areas 130 and 133, Koobi Fora, Kenya. Ph.D., Rutgers U., 2009. 3387126. Marlar, Michelle. The Osiris Temple at Abydos: n archaeological investigation of the architecture and decorative elements of two temple phases. Ph.D., New York U., 2009. 3380220. Poe, Demelza J. The prevalence of osteoarthritis in wild vs captive great ape skeletons. Ph.D., U. of New Mexico, 2009. 3390825. Pokempner, Amy Anne. Fission-fusion and foraging: Sex differences in the behavioral ecology of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) [Uganda]. Ph.D., State U. of New York at Stony Brook, 2009. 3388575. Richmond, Jesse. Experts and Australopithecines: Credibility and controversy in the science of human evolution, 1924-1959 [South Africa]. Ph.D., U. of California, San Diego, 2009. 3386841. Rolingher, Louise. Edible identities: Food, cultural mixing and the making of identities on the Swahili Coast. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR55605. Schulthies, Becky Lyn. The social circulation of media scripts and collaborative meaning-making in Moroccan and Lebanese family discourse. Ph.D., U. of Arizona, 2009. 3387386. Snaith, Tamaini. Group size and food competition in red colobus monkeys: Addressing the folivore paradox [Uganda]. Ph.D., McGill U. (Can.), 2008. NR53852. Sundal, Mary B. Difficult decisions: Karimojong healing in conflict. Ph.D., U. of Kansas, 2009. 3390974. Teichroeb, Julie A. Determinants of group size and composition for Colobus vellerosus at BoabengFiema, Ghana: Ecological versus social factors. Ph.D., U. of Calgary, 2009. NR54486. Weiss, Lindsay Moira. Fictive capital and economies of desire: A case study of illegal diamond buying and apartheid landscapes in 19th century southern Africa. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3393600. Wheeler, Sandra M. Bioarchaeology of infancy and childhood at the Kellis 2 cemetery, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. Ph.D., U. of Western Ontario, 2009. NR54351. Williams, Christian A. Exile history: An ethnography of the SWAPO camps and the nation. Ph.D., U. of Michigan, 2009. 3392629. Namibian Biological Sciences Bolin, Jay Francis. Ecology and molecular phylogenetics of Hydnora (Hydnoraceae) in southern Africa [Namibia]. Ph.D., Old Dominion U., 2009. 3391663. Crowley, Brooke E. The stable isotope ecology of Madagascar's lemurs. Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Cruz, 2009. 3394666. Goicoechea, Jose Luis. Structural comparative genomics of four African species of Oryza. Ph.D., U. of Arizona, 2009. 3386854. Murray-Hudson, Michael. Floodplain vegetation responses to flood regime in the seasonal Okavango Delta, Botswana. Ph.D., U. of Florida, 2009. 3385974. Ndiritu, George Gatere. Ecology of protosteloid and myxomycete amoebae and their relation to land use regimes in the Aberdare region, Central Kenya. Ph.D., U. of Arkansas, 2009. 3395609. Njuru, Peter Gikuma. Physical and biogeochemical gradients and exchange processes in Nyanza Gulf and main Lake Victoria (East Africa). Ph.D., U. of Waterloo (Can.), 2009. NR55553. O'Leary, Jennifer K. Effects of fishing and trophic interactions on tropical reef builders: Coralline algae and corals [Kenya]. Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Cruz, 2009. 3394698. Rakotoarisoa, Jean Eric. A phylogenetic and phylogeographic study of the endemic species complex, Eliurus antsingy and Eliurus carletoni (Rodentia: Muroidea: Nesomyidae), in western and northern Madagascar. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3395972. Rioux Paquette, Sebastien. Le genetique au service de la conservation d'une espece menacee endemique a Madagascar, la tortue radiee Astrochelys radiata. Ph.D., U. de Montreal, 2008. NR53549. Spearman, Lauren Ashley. Studies in the taxonomy and biodiversity of South African orthopteroids. Ph.D., Rutgers The State U. of New Jersey – New Brunswick, 2009. 3386823. Business Administration Joshi, Chetan. Employment discrimination against visible minority immigrants [South Africa]. Ph.D., U. of Western Ontario (Can.), 2009. NR54299. Moulton, Sheldon Clive. Taking the GLOBE study further: n examination of racial and ethnic influences on conceptions of what a prototypical leader should be in the South African context. Ph.D., Regent U., 2009. 3392553. Cinema Johnson-Evans, Teresa. History, genre, politics: The cinema of Yamina Benguigui [Algeria]. Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh, 2009. 3384827. Yaro, Abdou Salam. L'image de l'enfant dans le cinema post-colonial en Afrique de l'ouest Francophone. Ph.D., U. of Florida, 2009. 3386020. Earth Sciences Abdel-Fattah, Zaki Ali. Sedimentology, ichnology, and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle-Upper Eocene succession in the Fayum Depression, Egypt. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR53970. Bibi, Faysal. Evolution, systematics, and paleoecology of bovinae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from the late Miocene to the recent [Ethiopia & Kenya]. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3395758. Creighton, Steven. The influence of mantle metasomatism on the oxidation state of the lithospheric mantle [South Africa]. Ph.D., U. of Alberta, 2009. NR54037. Jones, Joshua P. Subband investigation of continuous volcanic tremor [Ethiopia]. Ph.D., U. of Washington, 2009. 3394258. Myers, Timothy Scott. Late Jurassic paleoclimate of Europe and Africa [Dem. Rep. of Congo]. Ph.D., Southern Methodist U., 2009. 3390621. Stiegler, Melanie Thompson. Bridging the gap between deep-mantle and surface processes: The sedimentology and petrology of komatiitic tuffs of the 3.5-3.2 Ga Onverwacht Group, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa. Ph.D., Stanford U., 2009. 3395858. Economics Adhvaryu, Achyuta Rasendra. Essays on the adoption of new malaria therapy in Tanzania. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3395747. Beyene, Tefera Tibebu. The impact of transition from a command to a market economy on the financial performance of the Sub-Saharan airline industry: The case of Ethiopian Airlines. Ph.D., Walden U., 2009. 3379790. Cheng, Ka Ming. Three essays in tourism, trade, and economic growth [Mauritius]. Ph.D., Auburn U., 2009. 3386190. Ismail, Ayman. Private equity and venture capital in emerging markets: A case study of Egypt and the MENA region. Ph.D., Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., 2009. 0822293. Liverpool, Lenis Saweda. Using asset poverty measures to understand poverty dynamics, poverty traps and farmer behavior in sub-Saharan Africa: A focus on rural Ethiopia. Ph.D., U of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 2009. 3392198. Murekezi, Abdoul Karim. Essays on the effects of coffee market reforms, supply chains, and income improvement in Rwanda. Ph.D., Michigan State U., 2009. 3396002. Twinemanzi, Tumubweinee. Interest spreads and the margin setting behavior of commercial banks: Evidence from Uganda. Ph.D., U. of Texas at Dallas, 2009. 3391641. Waktola Geda, Tsedale. Globalization and neo-liberalization: Challenges and opportunities to enset crop-based agricultural communities and their farming system in Ethiopia. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR55350. Education Amandikwa, Anselm Azubike. Agwa bu mma: Character formation as the principal goal of traditional education (toward a balanced educational framework for the Igbo people of Nigeria). Ph.D., Fordham U., 2009. 3394534. Basham, John S. A study of the perceptions of career American missionaries in the countries of Kenya and Tanzania relating to their overseas field-based orientation experiences. Ed.D., U. of Nebraska Lincoln, 2009. 3388952. Begashaw, Belay Ejigu. Communication factors affecting African policymakers' decisions about agricultural biotechnology [South Africa, Malawi, & Ghana]. Ph.D., Texas A&M U., 2009. 3384197. Brooks, Melanie Carol. Teaching in the United States and Egypt: A case study exploring the life and work of a Muslim convert. Ph.D., Florida State U., 2009. 3385236. Evivie, Loretta Gbemudu. Challenges faced by African international students at a metropolitan research university: A phenomenological case study. D.Ed., U. of North Carolina at Charlotte (AFRA), 2009. 3388961. Evoh, Chijoke Josiah. Collaborative partnerships and the transformation of secondary education through ICTs in South Africa. Ph.D., New School U., 2009. 3388832. Miranda, Helena. Enacting algebraic meanings: Educating mathematics teachers' awareness [Namibia]. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR55437. Mpuang, Kerileng D. Deaf education teachers' perceptions of issues in deaf education in Botswana. Ed.D., Ball State U., 2009. 3389985. O'Hern, Darren M. Indigenous and Western knowledges in science education: An ethnographic study of rural and urban secondary schools and classrooms in Kenya. Ph.D., State U. of New York at Buffalo, 2010. 3391068. Ogunremi, Sandra. An examination of the effectiveness of mosquito nets distributed by charitable organizations across different cultural groups in Nigeria. D.H.A., Central Michigan U., 2009. 3388644. Osman, Sirad Warfa. Identifying the organizational changes taking place in Somali community-based organization (CBO) in response to new patterns of immigration: Implications for adult community education. Ph.D., U. of Minnesota, 2009. 3389351. Spaulding, Lucinda. "Education will be our mother": An exploration of resilience mechanisms relating to the educational persistence of Sudanese refugees. Ph.D., Regent U., 2009. 3388398. Wakaba, Philip Ndungu. Preserving traditional Agikuyu music: The development of a comprehensive teaching guide [Kenya]. D.A., Ball State U., 2009. 3390221. Fine Arts Henderson, Clara E. Dance discourse in the music and lives of Presbyterian Mvano women in southern Malawi. Ph.D., Indiana U., 2009. 3380085. Geography Faria, Caroline. Imagining a New Sudan: The diasporic politics of body and nation. Ph.D., U. of Washington, 2009. 3393970. Ndiaye, Ramatoulaye. Geographic information science: Contribution to understanding salt and sodium affected soils in the Senegal River Valley. Ph.D., Kansas State U., 2009. 3389850. Neimark, Benjamin David. Industrial heartlands of nature: The political economy of biological prospecting in Madagascar. Ph.D., Rutgers, 2009. 3387172. Health Sciences Atherly, Deborah. Preventing congential syphilis in Mozambique: Assessment of the health and economic impact of syphilis diagnostic tests in antenatal screening programs. Ph.D., U. of Washington, 2009. 0822335. Bezabih, Afework Mulugeta. Multiple micronutrient deficiencies in adolescent school girls from Tigray, northern Ethiopia. Ph.D., Oklahoma State U., 2009. 3390953. Bradley, Heather M. Psychosocial motivations for repeat HIV testing among Ethiopian women. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U., 2009. 3392288. Cockburn, Lynn. The responses of Bamenda disability organizations to HIV and AIDS: A multiple case study [Cameroon]. Ph.D., Walden U., 2009. 3379879. Fox, Ashley M. The HIV poverty thesis re-examined: Poverty or inequality as an underlying cause of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa? Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3388441. Green, Babatunde Olabode. Kateri and beyond: A mixed-methods study of a rural health care program in Nigeria. D.H.A., U. of Phoenix, 2008. 3393484. Harrowing, Jean Norma. The impact of HIV education on nurses and nurse-midwives in Uganda. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR54049. Holub, Christina K. Parental/caregiver influence on sexual risk behaviors among HIV-positive young people in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ph.D., U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009. 3387721. Kimmel, April Dawn. Efficiency and equity concerns for HIV treatment scale-up in developing countries [Cote d'Ivoire & South Africa]. Ph.D., Harvard U., 2010. 3395434. LeBlanc, Ralph E. Evaluation of Plasmodium falciparum transmission blocking immunity induced by candidate vaccine antigens Pfs25 and Pfs48/45 and naturally induced immune responses in Zambian children. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U., 2009. 3395663. Medina, Daniel C. Non-parametric early-warning systems for major infectious diseases in Mali. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3393471. Montgomery, Maggie A. Effectiveness of sanitation in preventing risk of trachoma in rural Tanzania. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3395797. Newman, Jamie E. Psychosocial characteristics of patients in a family-centered HIV care and treatment program in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Ph.D., U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009. 3387753. Okeke, Edward Nwabugwu. An empirical investigation of why doctors migrate and women fail to go for screening. Ph.D., U. of Michigan, 2009. 3392904. Parker, Carol A. The lived experience of HIV-positive Tanzanian orphans. Ph.D., Walden U., 2009. 3379870. Polis, Chelsea B. Predictors and safety of hormonal contraceptive use in HIV-infected women in Rakai, Uganda. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U., 2009. 3392371. Stewart, Scott R. Orphans, poverty and human capital in sub-Saharan Africa. Ph.D., U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009. 3387775. Sutcliffe, Catherine Gayle. The care and treatment of HIV-infected children in sub-Saharan Africa [Zambia]. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U., 2009. 3392406. Trent, Tererai Mafukidze. Metaevaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention intervention evaluations in Sub Saharan Africa with a specific emphasis on implications for women and girls. Ph.D., Western Michigan U., 2009. 3392163. Wolpert, Beverly J. Estrogen, catechol-O-methyltransferase genotypes, and bladder cancer risk in Egypt. Ph.D., U. of Maryland, Baltimore, 2009. 3387999. History Barak, On. Egyptian times: Temporality, personhood, and the technopolitical making of modern Egypt, 1830-1930. Ph.D., New York U., 2009. 3380301. Betts, Mellissa Jeanne. Namibia's no man's land: Race, space, and identity in the history of Windhoek coloureds under South African rule 1915--1990. Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles, 2009. 3388143. Brooks, Michael E. Prester John: A reexamination and compendium of the mythical figure who helped spark European expansion [Ethiopia]. Ph.D., U. of Toledo, 2010. 3394987. Carter, Tracey Lynn. The historical role of griots in Gambian politics. Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles, 2009. 3394937. Dowdell Thompson, Angela. Real men/savage nature: British big game hunting in Africa, 1880-1914. Ph.D., U. of Michigan, 2009. 3392951. Emre, Side. Ibrahim-i Gulseni (ca. 1442-1534): Itinerant saint and Cairene ruler. Ph.D., U. of Chicago, 2009. 3386987. Farahane, Matias Jaime. The farm sector: Issues and evidence from Mozambique. Ph.D., State U. of New York at Binghamton, 2009. 3380258. Gomez-Rivas, Camilo. The Fatwas of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd to the Far Maghrib: Urban transformation and the development of Islamic legal institutions under the Almoravids [Morocco]. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3395760. Goodman, R David. The end of domestic slavery in Fes, Morocco. Ph.D., Indiana U., 2009. 3386679. Gordon, William Edward. Cultural identity of the 25th Dynasty rulers of Ancient Egypt in context: Formulation, negotiation and expression. Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles, 2009. 3388108. Guerin, A Mackie. 'Beneath the Muslim peel': Racial science, French native policy, and the question of nationalism in colonial Morocco, 1900--1939. Ph.D., U. of California, 2009. 3380424. Hurley, Matthew Martin. Sanctuary lost: The air war for "Portuguese" Guinea, 1963-1974. Ph.D., Ohio State U., 2010. 3393195. Ismail, Fatma Talaat. Cult and ritual in Persian period Egypt: An analysis of the decoration of the cult Chapels F and G on the lower level and the roof chapels E1, E2, H1, and H2 of the Temple of Hibis at Kharga Oasis. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U., 2009. 3392314. Minkin, Shane Elizabeth. In life as in death: he port, foreign charities, hospitals and cemeteries in Alexandria, Egypt, 1865- 1914. Ph.D., New York U., 2009. 3380224. Murillo, Bianca Anna. Market relations: Retailing, distribution, and the politics of consumption in Ghana, 1930-1970s. Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara, 2009. 3385768. Rahman, Sayeed Sajjadur. The legal and theological thought of Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (310-386 A.H./922-966 C.E.) [Tunisia]. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3392550. Sanogo, Aboukabkar Sidiki. The history of documentary in Africa the colonial era. Ph.D., U. of Southern California, 2009. 3389559. Smith, Sharon Clarice. Planned grandeur: A commensurate study of urban expansion in early modern Italy and Mamluk Egypt. Ph.D., State U. of New York at Binghamton, 2009. 3389190. Walker, Charlotte Marie Elizabeth. Legal revolutions and evolutions: Law, chiefs, and colonial order in Cameroon, 1914-1955. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3395954. Wheat, David. The Afro-Portuguese maritime world and the foundations of Spanish Caribbean society, 1570-1640. Ph.D., Vanderbilt U., 2009. 3392541. Yates, Brian James. Invisible actors: The Oromo and the creation of modern Ethiopia. Ph.D., U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009. 3395552. Information Science Chakraborty, Joyram. A cross-cultural usability study on the internationalization of user interfaces based on an empirical five factor model [Zambia]. Ph.D., U. of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2009. 3389002. Language Khalfaoui, Amel. A cognitive approach to analyzing demonstratives in Tunisian Arabic. Ph.D., U. of Minnesota, 2009. 3387271. Seck, Mamareme. The structure of Wolof Sufi oral narratives: Expanding the Labovian and Longacrean models to accommodate Wolof oral tradition. Ph.D., U. of Florida, 2009. 3385992. Law Ukhuegbe, Solomon O. Human rights decision-making in emergent courts: The Supreme Court of Nigeria, 1961-2000. Ph.D., York U. (Can.), 2009. NR54110. Library Science Kenosi, Lekoko. Records, the truth commission, and national reconciliation: Accountability in postapartheid South Africa. Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh, 2009. 3384830. Literature Abdelwahed, Waiel. Servants in the house of the nation: Fictions of truth in twentieth century Egyptian literature. Ph.D., New York U., 2009. 338015. Alis, Celine D. Water, walls and dreams: Society and poetics of space in "At the Other End of Myself" by Marie-Therese Humbert, "Pagli" by Ananda Devi, and "Blue Bay Palace" by Nathacha Appanah [Mauritius]. Ph.D., U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2009. 3394551. Antrim, Elizabeth Twitchell. Relief work: Africa in the American novel since 1960. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3395750. Free, Melissa. "That indefinable something besides": Southern Africa, British identity, and the authorial informant, 1883-1924. Ph.D., U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009. 3392017. Jaji, Tsitsi Ella. Africa in stereo: Comparative Black acoustic imaginaries in poetry and film from Ghana, Senegal and South Africa. Ph.D., Cornell U., 2009. 3388014. Keita, Mamadi. Revolt and its expressions in the works of Williams Sassine [Guinea]. Ph.D., U. of Maryland, College Park, 2009. 3380152. Longou, Schahrazede. Violence et rebellion chez trois romancieres de l'Algerie contemporaine (Maissa Bey, Malika Mokeddem et Leila Marouane). Ph.D., U. of Iowa, 2009. 3390179. McClanaghan, Jen. The Cairo Letters. Ph.D., Florida State U., 2009. 3385283. McCormick, Paige Reece. "Shall these bones live?" A textual materialist study of the 1950-1975 Chinua Achebe corpus. Ph.D., U. of Alabama, 2009. 3390574. Mears, Mary D. Choice and discovery: An analysis of women and culture in Flora Nwapa's fiction. Ph.D., U. of South Florida, 2009. 3394171. Ndibe, Okey. History and memory in the fiction of Chinua Achebe, John Edgar Wideman, and Zakes Mda. Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts Amherst, 2009. 3379998. Ndwaniye, Augustin. Enseignement et apprentissage de la litterature francaise a l'Universite Nationale du Rwanda: Entre la tradition et l'innovation, 1970-2005. Ph.D., U. of Western Ontario (Can.), 2009. NR54321. Palmer, Felicity. Beyond freedom and constraint: Alternative intimacies in the novels of Yvonne Vera, Calixthe Beyala, and Amma Darko. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3393470. Rivera Perez, Marianela. North African immigration in contemporary Spain: Representations of the struggle for integration and power. Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside, 2009. 3389679. Schjott, Annica. Rewriting the past: Memory, history and narration in four novels on the Maghreb. Ph.D., Northwestern U., 2009. 3386475. Simpore, Karim. The myths and the role of women in the quest of African, Cajun, and Caribbean identity: Yennega, Evangeline and Telumee [Burkina Faso]. Ph.D., U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2009. 3394562. Singh, Julietta C. The edible complex: Postcolonial narrative and the politics of eating [Ghana & South Africa]. Ph.D., U. of Minnesota, 2009. 3394524. Mass Communications Elmoudden, Sanae. Imbricated spaces of offshore call center work in Morocco: A discursive exploration of place and space in globalization. Ph.D., U. of Colorado at Boulder, 2008. 3337496. Goldie, Janis L. Morals, process and political scandals: The discursive role of the Royal Commission in the Somalia Affair in Canada. Ph.D., U. of Calgary (Can.), 2009. NR54431. Njoroge, Dorothy Wanjiku. Publicizing the African cause: Evaluating global media discourses regarding the celebrity-led "Make Poverty History" campaign. Ph.D., Southern Illinois U. at Carbondale, 2009. 3390864. Music Eisenberg, Andrew J. The resonance of place: Vocalizing Swahili ethnicity in Mombasa, Kenya. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3388445. Rathnaw, Dennis Michael. Waiting for gumbo: Cargo cults, media and the bikutsi of Cameroon. Ph.D., U. of Texas at Austin, 2009. 3390000. Skinner, Ryan. Artistiya: Popular music and personhood in postcolonial Bamako, Mali. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3393606. Physical Sciences Jeuland, Marc. Planning water resources development in an uncertain climate future: A hydro-economic simulation framework applied to the case of the Blue Nile [Ethiopia]. Ph.D., U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009. 3387726. Sakulich, Aaron Richard. Characterization of environmentally-friendly alkali activated slag cements and ancient building materials [Egypt]. Ph.D., Drexel U., 2009. 3394782. Thomas, Matthew C. High spectral-resolution infrared remote sensing of Saharan mineral dust: Ground and satellite-based estimations of dust optical thickness, scattering, mineralogy, radius, temperature and climate forcing [Senegal]. Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara, 2009. 3390791. Political Science Arsenault, Amelia Hardee. Connected: Information and state power between the United States and South Africa. Ph.D., U. of Southern California, 2009. 3389421. Conroy-Krutz, Jeffrey. Political information and electoral behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa [Senegal & Uganda]. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3386138. Desta, Lishan. Determinants of military expenditure: The case of the post-Cold War years. Ph.D., U. of Texas at Dallas, 2009. 3391609. Kevlihan, Rob. States of insurgency: Conflict transformation in civil wars through social services [Sudan]. Ph.D., American U., 2009. 3386277. Kouadio, Bertin K. From stability to insurgency: The root and proximate causes of the September 2002 civil war in Cote d'Ivoire. Ph.D., Florida International U., 2009. 3394819. Mawuko-Yevugah, Lord Cephas. Governing through developmentality: The politics of international aid reform and the (re)production of power, neoliberalism and neocolonial interventions in Ghana. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2010. NR55972. Mbeke-Ekanem, Tom. The public experiences and attitudes of Nigerian governments since independence. Ph.D., U. of La Verne, 2009. 3395316. Meehan, Nathan. Infected justice: The impact of HIV/AIDS on the police in Anglo-phone Sub-Saharan Africa. Ph.D., State U. of New York at Albany, 2009. 3387833. Openshaw, Matthew Scott. The health impact of limited armed conflict: Individual-level evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Ph.D., U. of Texas at Dallas, 2009. 3391626. Paxton, Nathan Andrew. Learning to live?: Organizational learning and state HIV policy development. Ph.D., Harvard U., 2010. 3396019. Rajkumar, Deepa. Moving Sudanese stories: Voices that contest the dominant refugee discourse(s). Ph.D., York U. (Can.), 2009. NR54103. Rigalo, Krista-Anne. The politics of ritual: Exploring discourse regarding the use of ritual in northern Uganda. Ph.D., George Mason U., 2009. 3388089. Rubin, Lawrence Peter. Why Arab states fear Islamist regimes: Threat perception and soft power politics [Egypt]. Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles, 2009. 3394935. Thomson, Susan M. Resisting reconciliation: State power and everyday life in post-genocide Rwanda. Ph.D., Dalhousie U. (Can.), 2009. NR56430. Psychology Bilali, Rezarta. The effect of group identity on memories of past conflicts [Burundi]. Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts Amherst, 2009. 3379939. Clarke, Leah K. Making meaning of refugee resettlement experiences: The acculturation attitudes of Liberian women. Ph.D., U. of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2009. 3387589. Kairigi, Alice Nkatha. Testing a multidimensional model of eating disorders in Kenyan college women. Ph.D., U. of Utah, 2009. 3388691. Keith, Jessica Anne. Models of evaluating the clinical significance of depression treatment in developing countries: he case of group interpersonal psychotherapy in rural southwestern Uganda. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3388422. Kroch, Rachel. Living with military-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): A hermeneutic phenomenological study [Somalia]. Ph.D., U. of Calgary (Can.), 2009. NR54472. Okafor, Bernard E. The relation between demographic factors and attitudes about seeking professional counseling among adult Nigerians living in the United States. Ph.D., U. of Akron, 2009. 3393059. Ramsay, Lauren Jill. A multilevel examination of the antecedents of procedural, distributive, and restorative justice expectations and related outcomes in the context of strong preferential selection in South Africa. Ph.D., Michigan State U., 2009. 3395452. Stein, Traci Reina. Moderators of treatment response in Northern Ugandan adolescents undergoing group interpersonal psychotherapy for depression. Ph.D., Columbia U., 2009. 3393459. Religion Bakker, Janel Kragt. Encountering the church in the Global South: Sister congregation relationships and their impact on parishioners in select Washington, D.C. area churches. Ph.D., Catholic U. of America, 2010. 3391190. Blumell, Lincoln H. Lettered Christians: Christians, letters, & late antique Oxyrhynchus [Egypt]. Ph.D., U. of Toronto (Can.), 2009. NR55695. Bradford, Justin Tolly. Remaking indigenaity: Indigenous missionaries in the British Empire, 1820-1875. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR55805. Djungandeke Pesse, Pierre-Hilaire. Le leadership de Nehemie comme paradigm pour la reconstruction en Republique democratique du Congo Analyse sociale et hermeneutique chretienne de Nehemie 2--5. Ph.D., U. de Montreal (Can.), 2008. NR53535. Gathere, Patrick Kimani. A review of literature on transformational leadership behaviors and associate ministry staff job satisfaction with implications for independent evangelical churches in Kenya. Ed.D., Biola U., 2009. 3391967. Iricinschi, Eduard. The scribes and readers of Nag Hammadi Codex II: Book production and monastic paideia in fourth-century Egypt. Ph.D., Princeton U., 2009. 3388064. Kamau, Charles Ng'ang'a. An examination of preaching that relates to social issues among selected Kenya Assemblies of God Churches and prosperity preaching in Kenya. Ph.D., Mid-American Baptist Theo. Sem., 2009. 3388876. li-M, Fohle Lygunda. A model of missional leadership training in a context of brokenness: A case study of the Restoration Missionary Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo. D.Min., Asbury Theo. Sem., 2009. 3394343. Nouhi, Mohamed Lahbib. Religion and society in a Saharan tribal setting: Authority and power in the Zwaya religious culture. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR55591. Ssenakula, Luke. Born again in Uganda: A study of the conversion experience of young adult Ugandans. Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union, 2009. 3388825. St. Vil, Cassandra J. Training up the child: Youth participation and cultural pride in Black majority churches in Britain [Nigeria]. Ph.D., Howard U., 2009. 3389479. Weagba, George Klay. Suggested strategies for resolving intragroup church conflict through leadership in the Liberia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. D.Min, Asbury Theo. Sem., 2009. 3394348. Social Work Boakye, Francis Manu. Women's health and social justice: Understanding the health experiences of northern rural Ghanaian women. Ph.D., U. of Calgary (Can.), 2009. NR54463. Sociology Asare, James B. Ghanaian immigrant children in the Bronx: A case study in acculturation. D.A., State U. of New York at Albany, 2009. 3390125. Bangha, Martin Wultoff. Dimensions of pre-HIV/AIDS mortality in Cameroon. Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania, 2009. 3395680. Hays, Cassie M. A sociology of safari: Techne and travel in Tanzania. Ph.D., Yale U., 2009. 3395768. Jurdi, Rozzet. Dynamics of contraceptive utilization in three Arab countries: Advances and challenges in promoting women's reproductive health [Egypt & Morocco]. Ph.D., U. of Western Ontario (Can.), 2009. NR54300. Matsinhe, David Mario. Cleaning the nation: Anti-African patriotism and xenophobia in South Africa. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR53994. McDonnell, Terence Emmett. AIDS streetscapes: A social iconography of HIV/AIDS campaigns in Accra, Ghana. Ph.D., Northwestern U., 2009. 3386445. Menyah, David. The informal sector revisited: Botswana's developmental state and micro-enterprise development. Ph.D., U. of Minnesota, 2009. 3389345. Odumosu, Toluwalogo B. Interrogating mobiles: A story of Nigerian appropriation of the mobile phone. Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2009. 3385659. Patrick, Sarjo Sanneh. A study of food insecurity and rural development in the Gambia: The impact of rural weekly markets (Lumos). Ph.D., Kansas State U., 2009. 3389855. Rutakumwa, William Rwamahe. Uganda's poverty alleviation strategies: A policy analysis. Ph.D., U. of Alberta (Can.), 2009. NR55607. Thomas, Jason. The demographic impact of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Ph.D., U. of Washington, 2009. 0822316. Theater Wrolson, Joy L. Re-inventing memory and reforming performances: A genealogy of panic theatre in Zimbabwe. Ph.D., U. of Kansas, 2009. 3390976. Theology Hagaba, Jane Catherine. Principles for developing inculturated theology in the diverse African context: Steps beyond traditional heritages. Ph.D., Duquesne U., 2009. 3379921. Kamau, Joseph Kariuki. Human development as integral development: The social teaching of the Church in an African context [Kenya]. Ph.D., Duquesne U., 2009. 3379922. Lwamba, Enos. The safari motif in the development of theology in Africa. Ph.D., Mid-American Baptist Theo. Sem., 2009. 3388880. Urban & Regional Planning Salama, Hussam Hussein Samir. Place production in globalizing Middle Eastern cities: A study of Cairo and Dubai. Ph.D., U. of Southern California, 2009. 3389557. Women's Studies Motapanyane, J Maki. The politics of feminism in South Africa: Gender consciousness and political agency in the twentieth century. Ph.D., York U. (Can.), 2009. NR54097.