




Stage 1: Interphase (p. 96)


The regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo is called the __________________.


List three things that the cell is doing during interphase. a.___________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________


Circle the letter of the specific process during which cell copies DNA. a.

Interphase b. Cytokinesis c.

Replication d. Division

Stage 2: Mitosis (p.97-99)


Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about mitosis. a.

The cell makes a copy of its DNA b.

The cell membrane pinches in around the middle of the cell c.

The cell’s nucleus divides into two new nuclei d.

One copy of DNA is distributed into each daughter cell

Match the phases of mitosis with the events that occur in each.

Event Phase

___5. The centromeres split and a. prophase

chromatids separate b. metaphase

c. anaphase

d. telophase

___6. The chromatin condenses to form


___7. A new nuclear envelope forms around

each region of chromosomes

___8. The chromosomes line up across the center

of the cell.


Label the parts of the structure in the diagram below.

(Whole Thing)

Stage 3: Cytokinesis (p.100)


During cytokinesis the___________________ divides, distributing the organelles into each of the two new cells.


Is the following true of false? During cytokinesis in plant cells, the new cell membrane forms before the new wall does. ________________________________

Structure and Replication of DNA(pp. 101-102)


Why does a cell make a copy of its DNA before mitosis occurs?




Circle the letter of each molecule that makes up the DNA ladder. a.

Deoxyribose b. Glucose c. Phosphate d. Oxygen

Cell Division

Understanding Main Ideas

Fill in the blanks in the table below. Then answer the questions that follow in the space provided.

Phases of Mitosis






Chromosomes attach to spindle fibers.


16. __________________________


18. Which stage of the cell cycle usually lasts longest?

New nuclear envelope forms


19. During which stage of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?


20. During which stage of the cell cycle does the cell membrane pinch the cell in two?


Building Vocabulary

Match each term with its definition by writing the correct letter in the blank.

____21. Regular sequence of growth and a. interphase

division that cells undergo b.mitosis

___22. First stage of the cell cycle c. cell cycle

___23. Process in which DNA is copied d. cytokinesis

___24. Stage of the cell cycle during which e. replication

The cell’s nucleus divides f. chromosome

___25. Doubled rod of condensed chromatin

___26. Final stage of the cell cycle

Cytokinesis in Plant cells and Animal cells

Recall that all plant cells have a rigid cell wall. Because of this rigid cell wall, cytokinesis in plant cells in different from cytokinesis in animal cells. Study the figures below to see how cytokinesis differs in plant cells and animal cells.

In animal cells, as daughter cells pinch into two cells, there is a space between the cells called a furrow. As the furrow gets increasingly narrow, the spindle fibers are pressed into a tight bundle, called a stembody. The stembody eventually is cut in two as the new cell membranes fuse together.

In plant cells, pockets of cell-wall material, called vesicles, line up across the middle of the cell. The vesicles fuse together in two sheets to form new cell walls and cell membranes between the daughter cells.

Answer the following questions using the information above.


How does the furrow form in an animal cell? What is the furrow’s role in cell division?


What causes the stembody to form in an animal cell? What happens to the stembody when the cell divides?


What are vesicles? Which part of the plant cell do vesicles develop into?


If you observed a cell under a microscope during cytokinesis how could you tell whether it was a plant cell or an animal cell?
