LBD Ch. 17-21 Quiz

A Lesson Before Dying
Chapter 17-21 Quiz
Chapter 17
1. What is the name of the young deputy that talks to Grant?
2. Who/What does Jefferson hint at mentioning to upset Grant if he continues
“vexing him”?
3. What did the Sheriff’s wife say that made Miss Emma’s “coffee cup fall on the
floor and start calling on God”?
4. What did Miss Emma want out of her visit to the Sheriff’s wife? What did she
want her to get her husband, the Sheriff, to do?
Chapter 18
5. On one of the visits, Jefferson asks Grant if he wants to talk about
__________________--he does this to try to catch Grant off guard.
Chapter 19
6. Miss Rita’s son, Bok, liked to play with what?
7. After the Christmas play, Irene noticed that Grant didn’t look happy…and she is
right. What is going on in Grant’s mind that bothers him?
Chapter 20
8. When Grant is called to the Pichot’s house, what is strange for him about the fact
that the Sheriff and Henry wanted to talk to them at the front of the house?
9. When is Jefferson scheduled to be excecuted?
10. What is ironic about the date and time of Jefferson’s execution? (it is also an
11. Mr. Pichot says he will send who/what to Miss Emma to help her deal with the
news of Jefferson’s execution date?
Chapter 21
12. Who does Vivian say that she thinks is in love with Grant?
13. What did Vivian whisper to Miss Emma that “made her look at her the way she
did”? According to Grant, it is the best thing that she could have said.