The Earth Hour Murder Suspects! - Shot In The Dark Mystery Games

The Earth Hour Murder
Jefferson Deighton
The Mysterious Gentleman
A lawyer by day, Jefferson is a private person and has an appreciation for fine
things, especially the theatre. Although he enjoys his epicurean lifestyle,
Jefferson is known for whisking away to foreign destinations without informing
anyone of his plans. He is mysterious, secretive and intrigues all who meet
Sheriff Michael Angel
The Obtuse Sheriff
Michael Angel is the local sheriff, and is in control of the local prison as well as
his fleet of law enforcers. Despite this prestigious position, his small-town
Sheriff duties do not keep him very busy, so he spends most of his free time in
his office playing his Desperate Housewives video game and carving animals
from the bars of soap in the bathroom.
Tiyana Angel
The Forensics Specialist
Tiyana Angel, wife of Sheriff Michael Angel, has always been fascinated with
justice and has dedicated her life to forensics. As a forensic specialist, she is
one of the top agents in her field and has a mind like a sponge, able to absorb
anything she hears or reads and commit it to memory. In her spare time, when
she is not examining evidence, Tiyana enjoys pouring a glass of red wine and
curling up to watch the TV show CSI (to pick out the procedural errors the
show gets wrong).
Diana Ivory
The Entrepreneur
Diana is a budding florist. She only recently moved to the area and opened her
own flower shop in the downtown core. Diana loves being her own boss and is
enjoying her new life, especially attending the opera. She always attends social
functions alone and rarely speaks to anyone.
Katrina Rosenberg
The Event Planner
The epitome of style and class, Katrina used to be a nurse, but left it all behind
to become one of the city’s most respected and well-paid event planners. She
was in charge of putting together all of the details for the party tonight, and
her reputation precedes her. She loves all things expensive and rare – and she
can afford them!