syllabus for latin ii

Welcome to Latin II, step two on the road to success on the Advancement Placement Latin examinations!
Latin II offers students a chance to become more proficient in reading and writing classical Latin. Students
in Latin II will begin to read Latin for content, and also for enjoyment. They will learn about Roman life
and about heroes of classical mythology by reading Latin passages describing them. Over the course of the
year, they will also begin to read passages from the prose of Julius Caesar and Pliny and the and poetry of
Catullus and Martial, literature that was written by Romans two thousand years ago.
Latin II students will study Roman history and government and will become familiar with the structure of
the Roman army which had so much influence on the Roman government at that time, and they will be able
to draw conclusions how Roman ideas on politics, army organization, colonization have influenced all of
western civilization for centuries. Students will continue to work on vocabulary enrichment through
knowledge of Latin roots. This has been proven to give Latin students an edge as they tackle unfamiliar
words in the reading passages of college entrance examinations. As their skill in Latin composition grows
and their know of the syntax of the Latin language increases , so will their understanding of the syntax of
their own language English and this should give them an edge when they encounter the new grammar
section which is being added to the revised SAT exam. In independent study assignments, students will
enrich their research skills and learn to develop their own unique talents in presenting findings of research
in a manner best suiting the project and those talents.
All students will use JENNEY LATIN II and ECCE ROMANI II as texts. It is presumed that they will
come to class with any assigned composition exercises completed and/or prepared to read any Latin text
assigned, relying only on a few definitions of difficult words they have noted in the passage, not on a
translation they have written out previously. When the homework assignment involves grammar or
vocabulary, these assignments are to be kept in the appropriate section of the student's Latin notebook.
Since successful reading of Latin depends on a good Latin vocabulary, there will be frequent pop quizzes
on vocabulary. Formal tests may be objective. including questions on Latin grammar and vocabulary, and
Roman civilization as well as questions based on content of passages written in Latin, or they may be tests
of translation. Grades will be based on the quality of daily work, test average (the average grade of pop
quizzes counts as one regular test grade), and the quality of an independent project involving Roman
civilization that the student will complete each quarter. Extra credit is given for practicing after-school with
the Latin Team. Final exams count for 20% of semester grades. In accordance with the School Discipline
Code, academic dishonesty on an examination or plagiarism in a research paper will not be tolerated. and
either will have serious consequences.
All Latin students at Jones have the opportunity to interact with Latin students from public and private high
schools throughout the Chicago and suburban area on a competitive and a social basis throughout the year
through the Latin Team, at CPS Latin Olympics and the activities of the Jones chapter of the National
Junior Classical League. Since Jones College Prep began in 1998, Latin students from Jones won the
Certamen Championship of the Olympics most years and have been Grand Champions of the Illinois
Certamen League on three levels.. They also awards in competition at the state JCL convention at the
University of Wisconsin , Madison and at a National Junior Classical League convention. We hope that
many Latin II students will become involved this year in these activities which bring Latin beyond the
Please confirm your understanding of course requirements by returning this signed syllabus to me in Room
300 or put it in my mailbox If parents or students have any questions about the class, they may contact me
at 773-534-8600x339 or e-mail me at AMDG13@AOL
Maureen Toner
Latin Teacher
Signature of Parent __________________________
Signature of Student__________________________