New York City Department of Education Magnet Program District 25 & 28 JHS 185 Acceptance Essential Question: How are my views on acceptance of others shaped by people with disabilities? Suggested Time Frame: 5 weeks Theme: Medicine/Disabilities 1 Graphic Overview of Unit Suggested Time Frame: Essential Question: How are my views on acceptance of others shaped by people with disabilities? Unit name: Acceptance Mini-unit name: Rules pgs. 1-49 Mini-unit name: Rules pgs. 50-97 Mini-Units * It is recommended that each miniunit end with a standardized test that reflects the state / city assessment Mini-unit name: Rules pgs. 98-154 Mini-unit name: Rules pgs. 155-200 Unit’s Culminating Project: (briefly explain in 2-3 sentences): Students will write an essay in which they reflect on and explain how their views on acceptance of others in middle school have changed through reading about a character’s experiences with people with disabilities. 2 Stage 1- Desired Results Standards-Based Learning Goals: ESL 2: Students will listen, speak, read, and write in English for literary response, enjoyment, and expression. ESL 3: Students will l, s, r, w in English for critical analysis and evaluation. ESL 4: Students will l, s, r, w in English for classroom and social interaction. Concepts Big Ideas for this Unit Magnet School Theme: Acceptance of others Medicine How does the Big Idea in your unit connect to your theme? Disabilities affect the way people view and accept others. Enduring Understandings “Normal” is difficult to define. Overarching Essential Question: (this question should connect to your school theme) Rules of behavior are less important than acceptance of others. How are my views on acceptance of others shaped by people with disabilities? Content Students will know… Content and Skills Skills Students will be able to… -content vocabulary (disability, autism, paraplegic, speech disorder, normal, rules, behavior, embarrass, sensitive, clinic, occupational therapy, wheelchair, communication book, speech therapy) -define content vocabulary words -literary elements (characters, setting, conflict, theme, point of view, climax) -identify literary elements from the text -characterization -describe and analyze characters -summary - write a summary of the text -responses to literature -write responses to literature using text details -write a description of autism, speech disorder, and paraplegic -examples of disabilities 3 Stage 2- Summative Assessment Evidence If students understand, know and are able to do the items in Stage 1, they should be able to show their understanding by completing an authentic task found in the world beyond the classroom. Design the Culminating/Summative Task: Please note: The Essential Question and the Grasp are interconnected. The GRASP is a way for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding unit by answer of the Essential Question. Or you can say, they are answering the essential question through their GRASP. G- (goal) Your goal is to write an essay comparing how your views on acceptance of others have changed based on one person’s experiences with people with disabilities. R- (role) You have been asked to reflect on how your views on acceptance of others as a middle school student have been shaped by people with disabilities. A- (audience) Your target audience is your peers and your teacher. S- (situation) The context you find yourself in is a middle school environment where there is tremendous pressure to gain acceptance by your peers. P- (purpose and product) The purpose of this essay is to reflect on and share how your views on acceptance of others have changed after reading about one person’s experiences with people with disabilities. S- (standards for performance) Your work will be judged by the planning, organization, thoughtfulness of reflections based on the novel, and overall writing quality of the essay. 4 Student Task Essay prompt: How are my views about acceptance of others shaped by people with disabilities? Task: What does it mean to be accepted by your peers in middle school? How do you gain acceptance in middle school? How do disabilities affect the way people view and accept one another? In this essay, you will reflect on and explain how your views on acceptance of others in middle school have changed through reading about a character’s experiences with people with disabilities. Assessment: You will be graded on the planning, organization, thoughtfulness of reflections based on the novel, and the overall writing quality of your essay. 5 Rubric for Culminating Project 4 3 2 1 Essay clearly explains how your views on acceptance have changed through reading about people with disabilities. Essay explains how your views on acceptance have changed through reading about people with disabilities. Essay does now explain how your views on acceptance have changed. Relevance of details Details are relevant and fully support your ideas. Most details are relevant and support your ideas. Organization Ideas are Ideas are clearly mostly organized and organized. easy to follow. Grammar and punctuation Writing is mostly free of errors. Writing is still clear and easy to understand. Essay shows excellent effort and improvement through all drafts. Final essay is typed or written neatly. Essay somewhat explains how your views on acceptance have changed. It may or may not show how people with disabilities affected the changes. Some details are relevant and only somewhat support your ideas. Ideas are somewhat disorganized and may be difficult to follow. Writing has many errors that may make it difficult to understand. Essay shows some effort and improvement through the drafts. Final essay is written somewhat neatly. Essay shows little or no effort and/or improvement. Final essay is not written neatly. Project Component Reflection Effort and improvement Writing has some errors, but it is still mostly clear and easy to understand. Essay shows good effort and improvement through all drafts. Final essay is typed or written neatly. Details do not support your ideas. Ideas are disorganized. Writing has not been edited for grammar and punctuation. 6 7 Backwards Design Unit Planning Unit’s Essential Question: Mini-Unit Title (each mini-unit is approx 1 week long) Rules pgs. 1-49 Rules pgs. 5097 Big ideas of the mini-unit / concept statement (macro) Diversity Acceptance of others is a process Key Content /Knowledge (micro) Skills What should the students be able to do? List of Topical / Content Based Questions Mini-Unit Assessment (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams.) vocabulary (all content), literary elements (characters, setting, conflict, point of view), summary, lit. responses, definitions of disabilities define vocabulary, identify literary elements, write summaries, respond to literature, define disabilities What does it mean to be “normal?” vocabulary quiz, literary elements graphic organizer, disabilities multiple choice questions, short answer literature response Write a reflection on your views about people who are different. Literary elements (characters, conflict) characterization, summary, lit. responses Identify literary elements (characters, conflict), describe how a character changes, write summaries, respond to literature characterization graphic organizer, multiple choice and short answer literature response questions Write a reflection on how you view people with disabilities. Do you feel the same way as Catherine at this point in the story? How do I view people who are different from me? How does Catherine view people with disabilities? Does Catherine’s view of people with disabilities change? Explain Scaffolding towards the culminating project 8 Backwards Design Unit Planning Rules pgs. 98154 Acceptance of others is a process characterization, Describe how a summary, lit. character responses changes, write summaries, respond to literature How does Catherine’s relationship with David and Jason change? How does it stay the same? Why? Rules pgs. 155200 Acceptance of others literary elements (climax, theme), characterization, summary, lit. responses How does Catherine’s relationship with David and Jason change? Why? Identify literary elements (climax, theme), describe how a character changes, write summaries, respond to literature multiple choice and short answer literature response questions, Write a reflection comparing your views on people who are different now to your views before you started reading the book. Literary Would you have elements done what graphic Catherine did at organizer, the end of the characterization story? graphic organizer, short What did you answer learn about literature accepting response others from questions Catherine’s relationship with David and Jason? 9 Backwards Design Unit Planning Week 1 WHERE is the student going and what is expected HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Monday Content Focus: What does it mean to be “normal?” (pgs. 1-12) Hook: What does it mean to be “normal” in middle school? Daily Assessment: Write a clear definition of “normal.” Write Catherine’s definition of “normal.” Tuesday Content Focus: What is a disability? (pgs. 13-28) Hook: Do you think David is “normal” according to your definition? Daily Assessment: Define and give examples of disabilities. Write defining characteristics of autism and Jason’s disabilities from the novel. Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications TAILOR work to student needs Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Wednesday Content Focus: Identify literary elements in the novel (pgs. 29-32) Hook: Review definitions of literary elements. Daily Assessment: Literary elements graphic organizer Write defining characteristics characters’ disabilities. Thursday Content Focus: How does Catherine view people with disabilities? (pgs. 33-40) Hook: How would you feel if you had a sibling with autism? Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: How does Catherine view people with disabilities? Friday Content Focus: Identify literary elements (pgs. 41-49) Hook: Predict what might happen next in the story. Daily Assessment: Literary elements graphic organizer Weekly Assessment (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams): Multiple choice quiz, short answer literature response questions, literary elements graphic organizer What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the unit’s culminating assessment? Students will write a reflection, in the form of an organized paragraph, about their views on people who are different. 10 Backwards Design Unit Planning Week 2 WHERE is the student going and what is expected HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Monday Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 50-58) Hook: Describe Catherine. Daily Assessment: Character sketch graphic organizer Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications TAILOR work to student needs Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Tuesday Content Focus: Analyzing character changes (pgs. 59-65) Wednesday Content Focus: Analyzing character changes (pgs. 66-75) Hook: What does Catherine mean by her rule, “Pantsless brothers are not my problem”? Hook: Compare Catherine at the beginning of the novel to now. Daily Assessment: Character changes graphic organizer, short lit. response Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: How has Catherine’s feelings toward Jason changed? Thursday Content Focus: Conflict (pgs. 76-88) Hook: What does Catherine want? Friday Content Focus: Does Catherine’s view of people with disabilities change? (pgs. 89-97) Hook: How do you view people with disabilities? Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: What gets in the way of what Catherine wants? Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: compare how you view people with disabilities to Catherine’s view. Weekly Assessment (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams): Multiple choice quiz, short answer literature response questions, characterization graphic organizer What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the unit’s culminating assessment? Students will write a reflection on how they view people with disabilities. They will compare the way they view people with disabilities with the way Catherine views them at this point in the story. 11 Backwards Design Unit Planning Week 3 WHERE is the student going and what is expected HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications TAILOR work to student needs Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 98-103) Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 104-112) Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 113-123) Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 124-144) Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 145-154) Hook: Predict what Catherine will do to make it up to Jason for not going to the clinic. Hook: Describe Catherine’s relationship with David. Hook: Predict what might happen next in Catherine and Jason’s relationship. Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: Describe Catherine’s relationship with Jason. Hook: Describe how your views of David and Jason have changed from the beginning of the story to now. Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: Has Catherine’s Daily Assessment: relationship with David Short lit. response: changed? What is Catherine learning about Jason? Hook: Predict what might happen next based on the chapter title, “Solving one problem can create another.” Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: Has Catherine’s relationship with David and Jason really changed? Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: How does Catherine try to solve her problem? What does that mean for the way Catherine views Jason? Weekly Assessment: (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams): Multiple choice quiz, short answer literature response questions What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? Students will write a reflection comparing their views on people who are different now to their views before they started reading the book. 12 Backwards Design Unit Planning Week 4 WHERE is the student going and what is expected HOOK with needed skills to experience and explore Opportunity to REVISE and RETHINK their understanding Monday Content Focus: Building to the climax of the story (pgs. 155-161) Hook: Predict: Do you think Catherine’s problems are solved? Daily Assessment: Summary Allow students to EVALUATE work and implications TAILOR work to student needs Be ORGANIZED to maximize engagement Tuesday Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 162-177) Wednesday Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 178-185) Thursday Content Focus: Analyzing characters (pgs. 186-190) Friday Content Focus: Climax and theme (pgs. 191-200) Hook: Prediction Hook: Prediction Hook: Prediction Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: How has Catherine’s view of Jason changed? How has it stayed the same? Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: Why did Catherine invite Jason to the dance? Does that mean she views Jason differently? Daily Assessment: Short lit. response: What is Catherine learning about David? Hook: Prediction: How do you think the story will end? Daily Assessment: Did Catherine finally learn to accept David and Jason? How do you know? What do you think is the theme of this novel? Weekly Assessment (must be aligned to the NYS / NYC exams): Short literature response questions What have the students produced that scaffolds towards the units culminating assessment? Reflective paragraphs: Would you have done what Catherine did at the end of the story? What did you learn about accepting others from Catherine’s relationship with David and Jason? 13 Backwards Design Unit Planning Unit Resources Books: -copies of the novel Rules by Cynthia Lord for each student Websites: Discussion Guide: Teacher Materials: -graphic organizers from Teaching Reading through Differentiated Instruction with Leveled Graphic Organizers Other: n/a 14