Unit 6 Whose dress is this

Unit 6 Whose dress is this?
Teaching contents 教学内容
Fun time
Cartoon time
Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标
1. 能熟练运用句型 Whose …is this / that? Whose … are these / those?
It’s/ They’re …’s. 进行对话。
2. 能通过游戏进一步正确运用名称所有格…’s 表述物品的所属关系,并能与其他
3. 能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点
教学重点:能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。
教学难点: 能通过游戏进一步正确运用名称所有格…’s 表述物品的所属关系,
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Revision
1. Free talk
T: Boys and girls, Are you ready for our English lesson?
Hello, boy! Your jacket is nice!
Hello, girl! Look at your sweater! You look great in red.
Hello, girl! Look at my skirt! Is it nice? So maybe you can say… How nice!
Kids, look at my skirt. Is it long?
2. Words review
What about my jacket! Is it cool?
T: We all look great, today. And look at the picture. They look great, too. They are in
the fancy dress party. What clothes are they talking about? Do you remember?
S: the dress and the gloves.
T: Yes, you are right. They are talking about the dress and the gloves.
Boys and girls, do you know any other clothes? Would you like to tell me?
S1: coat
T: Yes, you’re right. Here’s a coat! Say with me! coat / coat(出示单词卡片教学)
shorts ….
(单词卡贴在黑板上, 按单复数顺序摆放) Now, can you read these words? Let’s
try together! (带读单词)
3. Text review
T: They are talking about the dress and the gloves.
First, look at the dress. Is it beautiful?
So we can say… (引导学生说) It’s beautiful! / How beautiful.
Whose dress is this? (词条上墙)
Can you say with me? (引导全班说) Whose dress is this?
Who can be Helen? ———> It’s my cousin’s.
Yes, you are right!
Look at the gloves! (引导学生说) They are so big.
Whose gloves are these? (词条上墙)
Can you say with me? (引导全班说) Whose gloves are these?
Who can be Su Yang? ———> They are my father’s.
Yes, you are right!
4. Rhyme time
T: Now, can you say like this?
Hi, Helen! Hi, Helen!
Whose dress is this?
Dress, dress, it’s my cousin’s.
Hi, Su Yang! Hi, Su Yang!
Whose gloves are these?
Gloves, gloves, they’re my father’s.
T: Now, can you try this way?
Step 2 Fun time
1. Listen and answer
T: Hi, kids! Hi, kids! Whose sweater is this? Can you guess? (词条 Is it…’s? 上
S: Is it Dan’s? / Joe’s.
T: Now, let’s listen and try to find out the answer!
(播放声音文件) You’re right! It’s Joe’s.
2. Guessing game
T: Would you like to try this guessing game?
Here are 8 pictures about clothes on the blackboard. Let’s find out the owners one by
one. You can use “Is it…?” “Are they…?”
Step 3 Cartoon time
1. Watch and choose
T: Boys and girls, you are so smart! Whose clothes are they? We have known. Look
at the screen! What’s this? Whose T-shirt is this?
Yes, you are right! It’s Bobby’s T-shirt! Look at Bobby. Is he happy? No, he isn’t.
He is very confused. Why? What’s this? Look! It can move.
Now, let’s watch cartoon. Try to find out the answer.
It’s a ball. (图)
It’s a hedgehog. (图) (播放视频)
A or B? Great! It’s a hedgehog.
2. Listen and answer
Look! What’s the matter? (教师说 2 遍) This time, try to listen and find out.
(播放音频)Who can be Bobby?
S: My hand hurts. 教学
T: You know this story very well. Now, let’s read the story together.
3. Learn to say
(跟读录音)Picture one, which one wants to try?(指导语气)
4. Let’s read
Boys and girls, this time open your books. Let’s read in roles.
Would you like to show us? (请一组学生分角色朗读)
5. Let’s dub! 全班分角色给动画配音
6. Let’s act!
Now, it’s your acting time. Practice with your partner! OK?
Step 4 Consolidation
7. Let’s show!
T: So much for that. You know Bobby would like to make friends with the little
hedgehog. One day, he invites the little hedgehog to his home. He shows his
cloakroom to this new friend.
Look, there are so many clothes here. What are these?
Are they cool? So you can say “How cool!”/ They are so cool.
Whose shoes are they?
They are Bobby’s.
Now, use your imagination and guess what they may say? Try to act it out.
These sentences may help you.
Come in, please.
Look at my cloakroom.
What’s this?/ What are these?
It’s / They are…
So cool/nice/big…!
Whose … is this/ are these?
It’s…’s./ They're …’s.
Homework 家庭作业
1. 读 Fun time 对话,模仿 Fun time 用 whose … is this? Is it …’s. 的句子来做一
2. Cartoon time 版块内容跟读录音,模仿语音语调。
Teaching aids 教学准备
(含板书设计) 教学准备:多媒体,头饰, 单词卡