File - Caesar Rodney High School

The Constitution of the Caesar Rodney High School Stage Crew and Thespians 2015-2016
The advisor is the final decision maker.
The executive committee consists of the president, vice-president, secretary,
historian, and business manager.
1) The president and vice-president act as liaisons between the advisor and the
students. They will organize and lead the thespians through various activities
throughout the year.
2) The secretary will attend all meetings, take notes, and provide these notes to the
3) The historian is responsible for updating the group about events via our Facebook
group page.
Becoming a thespian, both locally and internationally.
1) Dues: $30-First Year ($23 goes to ITS, $7 stays with CR), $10-Every Year
Thereafter, $5-Alumni.
2) Returning inducted thespians need to pay their dues by October 1. These
thespians will not be considered active until dues are paid. An inactive member
cannot participate in any Thespian activities (excluding productions). To continue
with thespian activation, the inducted thespian must participate in at least one
production per year.
3) To be considered for induction, a non-inducted thespian must acquire a total of
ten points, not necessarily in one year.
4) Once these points have been acquired, the non-inducted thespian will be invited
by April 7 to the induction ceremony in May (see VI) after paying their dues by
April 20.
5) If alumni wish to participate in yearly activities, they may pay their dues at any
time during the year. Once the $5 has been received, alumni will be allowed to
attend any and all thespian events.
Layout of Thespian Year
1) Beginning of the year meeting will be held by September 15. This will be an
introductory meeting for current thespians to discuss the general plan for the year
and read this Constitution.
2) Homecoming Float Construction- CRHS SCAT will participate in the
Homecoming parade by submitting a float for construction. The float will fit the
theme of that year’s Homecoming.
3) Annual caroling party with thespian secret Santa. Party open to inducted and noninducted thespians.
4) Inductions- The ceremony that officially integrates members into the society of
thespians, both formally and informally. Inducted thespians will choose a
“secret” theme and will organize and execute inductions. Eligible thespians will
become “Booties” and the inducted will be assigned to them as “Booters,” who
will entertain and train the non-inducted the week before inductions.
Induction Ceremony
1) Inducted thespians will arrive before inductees, dressed in costumes related to the
secret theme chosen in advance. They will set up the day’s events before the
inductees arrive.
2) Inductees arrive later in a school appropriate costume of their choice, as they do
not know what the secret theme is.
3) Activities commence throughout the day, correlating with the chosen plot.
4) Lunch provided and paid for by Booters for their Booties. At this time, Booters
reveal themselves to their Booties for the first time.
5) Activities based on the theme continue throughout the day until the plot’s
6) Dinner takes place in the cafeteria, which will be decorated to match the secret
theme and plot. Dinner is of the potluck variety, with the inductees bringing in
dishes for dinner. If required, inducted thespians may also provide food and drink
for dinner. During this time, awards are presented. Election speeches presented
during dessert (see VII.4).
7) Candlelight Ceremony- The story of Thespis is read by the president and the
advisor will present a speech. Each inductee signs name on thespian log and
Constitution, and lights their own candle.
8) Cleanup is done by all. No one leaves the building until final cleanup is
9) Elections (see below)
1) To run for office, an inducted thespian must have acquired 15 total points.
2) Those wishing to run for an office will submit proof of points and their intentions
& speeches by April 20 to the advisor. These will be reviewed by the executive
committee and the advisor. This is a single-blind reading, meaning the director
only knows which speeches are whose. If need be, they will select three
candidates from the collective. If not enough people are running for office, an
interim officer will be appointed by the advisor.
3) Speeches will be presented by candidates during dessert at the inductions dinner.
4) Pre-Made ballots will be distributed during dinner. These will be numbered. The
newly inducted and senior inducted thespians are allowed to vote. Returning
alumni may not contribute a vote.
5) Candidates win a position in the executive committee with a plurality of votes.
1) This constitution can be amended.
2) The process for initiating an amendment is as follows:
i. The person(s) wishing to make an amendment must do so in writing and
this must be given to the advisor.
ii. The advisor will convene the executive committee to discuss the proposed
iii. The executive committee will issue a decision.
1. If the executive committee votes to deny the amendment, no
further action will be taken.
2. If the executive committee votes to approve the amendment, the
members of the stage crew and thespians will be convened.
iv. The stage crew and thespians will vote on the proposed amendment if, and
only if, the amendment passes the executive committee stage.
1. If the stage crew and thespians vote to deny the amendment, no
further action will be taken.
2. If the stage crew and thespians vote to approve the amendment, the
amendment will take effect on the next induction day and will be
added to the constitution.