Welcome New SAA Theatre Students 2013

Welcome New SAA
Theatre Students !
Here is some helpful information about the Theatre Department and our
expectations for Theatre Students at the Savannah Arts Academy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail Mrs. Verdis (395-1000
Ext. 722111) or andrea.verdis@sccpss.com or Ms Kizer (395-1000 Ext 722127) or
2” – 3 “ three ring binder for Drama Fundamentals class and one for Acting classes
hardback stitched (marble) notebook for each theatre class
an assignment book
pencils, blue or black ink pens, highlighter, scissors, glue stick, colored markers or
pencils, ruler
3 x 5 lined file cards in a Ziploc bag marked with your name
Theatrical Stage Make-up Kit (Ben Nye, Mehron, Stein Etc.)
(available online or at any local costume shop, ie. Acme Costumes – check with Mrs.
Verdis about color)
2 CD’s and a flash drive for theatre classes only
Theatre Department Portfolio – (theatre majors only) – Which will include an 8 x 10
color headshot, theatrical resume & documentation of productions arranged. Further
instruction will be given about this in the fall.
2 Large boxes of Kleenex
Be sure your name is on everything.
Comfortable clothes within the school dress code and practical shoes!
Often we will be sitting or lying on the floor, stretching and doing a lot of physical movement, so
clothes that allow you to move freely are a must. Girls who wear skirts or dresses should wear
leggings or shorts underneath. For safety reasons tennis shoes, jazz shoes or flats are requested.
Tight skirts or dresses, clunky-heeled shoes, high heels, sandals, heavy boots, clogs, flip-flops,
backless shoes, or slides are not permitted. Anyone not dressed appropriately will be asked to
sit out physical activities and have points off your daily class grade. Students are expected to
dress in ALL BLACK when serving on a production crew.
1. Students are responsible for all school materials in their care: books, scripts, props, costumes,
make-up kits etc. Any materials lost or stolen will need to be replaced by the student. Any
materials brought in by the student for a Theatre Arts class are the responsibility of the
student. Savannah Arts Academy and Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools will not be
responsible for any items stolen or lost.
2. Students are required to work on all school performances: either by acting in, working on the
production staff or serving in a support role. A schedule of performance and audition dates,
and rehearsals are distributed at the beginning of the school year. Students are expected to
attend all required rehearsals and performances. A student, who is in a production and misses
a performance because an emergency has occurred, must bring a note from his/her parent or
guardian detailing the reason for the absence. Missing a performance or not participating
in a production will mean a reduction in your grade. If not directly involved in the show
in the cast or crew, students are required to attend a performance of the production.
3. In order to work on a production all students must have a signed production contract on file
with the Theatre Department. You will receive this contract with your First Day of School
Class work & Homework
A weekly class work grade of 100 points will be given. This grade is based on attendance,
preparation, participation and behavior. Points will be deducted for tardiness, lack of preparation
or participation or poor behavior.
Quizzes, Tests, & Projects (10% - After School Productions)
There will be many acting and production opportunities for all students. All students are expected
to work on the theatre department’s after school productions in a variety of capacities throughout
the school year. Each term students will receive a project grade for this work worth 10 %.
9th Grade
Acting I
10th Grade
11th Grade
Theatre History
Acting II
Fundamentals of
Drama I
Technical Theatre I
Technical Theatre II
Musical Theatre I
(choose 2 courses)
12th Grade
(choose 2 courses or do
an internship in theatre
and take one course)
Advanced Drama
Technical Theatre III
(or IV by invitation)
Musical Theatre I (if
not taken in junior
Information about the International Thespian Society
What is the International Thespian Society?
The International Thespian Society (ITS), an honorary group for middle and high school
theatre students, is a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA). The mission of
ITS is to honor student excellence in the theatre arts. Thespian troupes are just a component
of a school’s theatre program. ITS membership offers many valuable benefits, services, and
opportunities to troupe directors and Thespians alike.
Thespian induction is a great motivator for students to become more active in their school’s
theatre program. Whether or not students pursue careers in the performing arts, the skills that
they learn through theatre and Thespian activities are invaluable and ensure that future
generations will appreciate and support the arts in our communities.
Benefits of Thespian induction
• Membership in the only international honor society for high school theatre arts students—a
recognized demonstration of achievement and a valuable addition to college and employment
• A one-year (nine issues) subscription to Dramatics magazine (a $35 value). The first issue
will arrive within 6 to 8 weeks for students inducted August through March. Students
inducted April through July will receive their first issue in September.
• The ability to renew the subscription at a special member rate ($14 as of 8/1/07). Note: All
Thespians are sent renewal notices before their subscription expires. This provides them the
opportunity to continue receiving the magazine at our lowest member rate, and is a lifelong
• Leadership opportunities at the troupe, chapter, and international levels.
• Eligibility for scholarships through EdTA chapters and the home office.
• Eligibility to apply for student grants, including the Doug Finney Festival Grants (juniors
and seniors), which are need-based grants to help Thespians attend the ITS Festival.
• Eligibility to audition at the Thespian Festival for admission to college theatre programs.
• Eligibility to submit original plays to the Thespian Playworks program.
• Eligibility to audition for chapter Individual Events programs and qualify for the National
Individual Events Showcase (NIES) at the Thespian Festival.
• Eligibility to receive Thespian graduation and honor items (honor cords, guards, point stars,
pins, etc.).
• Eligibility to advance to Thespian ranks of Honor, National Honor, or International
Honor Thespian.
How do you become a member?
• To become a Thespian, a student must earn 10 points, 5 of which should be acquired at
the school where he or she is to be inducted.
• Induction points should be earned in at least two of the listed categories, for example,
acting and production. (See back of this page for the Point System.)
Students may earn up to 5 points toward induction in the high school Thespian troupe
through participation in community, children’s, or professional theatre; in other theatrerelated disciplines; or through participation in middle school theatre that has a Junior
Thespian troupe.
Thespian membership is offered to all students who qualify. No student can be elected into
the troupe, and no student can be denied membership if he or she has fulfilled all membership
Georgia State Thespian Conference
Each year our Troupe #5952 goes to the annual Georgia State Thespian Conference in
February. We can take up to 30 students who are members of the troupe. If you are not a
member yet, but are sure that you will have the required 10 or more points for induction
by January 1 you may complete a registration packet and turn in your fee and dues and be
included on the list if you are one of the first 30 students to register. If you do acquire the
necessary 10 points by January 1 you will not be allowed to go to conference. If we have
anyone on the waiting list, then they will replace you and reimburse you for all fees and
payments. If there is no one on the waiting list then your membership fee will carry over to
next year, but you will lose all fees and payments for the conference. So… be sure you will
have the required points BEFORE you sign up for conference.
We are indeed fortunate to have a very active parent group called the SAA THEATRE GUILD.
You may become a member this evening by seeing one of our parent volunteers at the end of
tonight’s program. They will be happy to talk to you about our Fall Fundraiser, our annual “New
York, New York Auction” and other up coming events.
Theatre Parents have many opportunities to meet the required 10 hours of volunteer time to our
school per family here at the Savannah Arts Academy’s Theatre Department.: Attending meetings
and performances, volunteering at Theatre workdays, (usually the Saturday before a production),
serving on the Auction Committee, distributing posters, soliciting ads for programs, chaperoning
trips etc; just to name a few. The most important thing to know is that the success of the
Theatre program rests on your involvement. Parents and their active support are critical.
Attending productions and helping to promote them in the community is part of our theatre
parents’ responsibilities.
There are 4 levels of membership in the Theatre Guild: Basic Family Membership: $10,
Sponsor: $50 -$100 (includes 4 tickets), Patron: $101 -$500 (includes 2 tickets + 1 full page ad),
Benefactor: $501 - $1,000 (includes 2 tickets + half page ad for all shows) and Angel: $1,001 $5,000 (includes 2 season passes + full page ad for all shows)
Meetings are held on one Tuesday a month after the PTSA general meeting. Parents of theatre
majors are encouraged to come to the meetings to find out what is going on in the department and
how they can help. These meetings count toward your 10 required school service hours.