Reading Assessment Guidelines Student Talk After the reading, talk to the student about some of the things she or he did during the reading. Reinforce and praise certain behavior with comments and questions that focus on specific behaviors. For example, after the student reads the text, you might focus on a self-correction and ask, "How did you know it was people and not persons?" Reading Observation Checklist In addition to the things revealed by the running record and retelling, there are other behaviors you should be identifying. The behaviors to look for will vary with the reading level. They include the following: Does the student have mastery of directionality, one-to-one correspondence, return sweep, and so forth? Did the errors made by the student make sense or sound right? Did the student attempt to self-correct? Did the student use the meaning, structure, and visual cues to identify words and get meaning from the text? Did she or he use them in an integrated way, or did she or he rely heavily on one particular source of information? Did the student make an attempt to read a word before asking for your help? How was the student's fluency? Did she or he just word-call? Did the student seem to recognize phrases? Were there many pauses? Were the pauses lengthy? How was the student's expression or intonation? Other Uses of Running Records You can use a blank running record form to perform a running record assessment on a non-benchmark book, or if you want to assess a reader's accuracy for the entire text of a book. The running record form that accompanies each benchmark book only tests the first 100 to 150 words of the text. You can do a guided reading assessment by taking a running record using a book that you believe is close to the student's developmental level. Assessing students' reading progress is key to moving them along at the proper developmental rate. The combination of information gained from analyzing a running record, qualitative analysis, and a student's retelling will help you select the appropriate book level for a student's reading instruction and/or practice. Remember, it does the reader little good to be placed at a reading level that is too difficult. Running records will help you match students with the appropriate level of reading materials Guidelines for Administering Benchmark Quick Checks Before administering the Benchmark Quick Check Quiz, administer the Running Record portion of the Reading A-Z passage that you feel is nearest to the student's instructional reading level. If the student's accuracy rate on the Running Record is 90 percent or above, have the student read the rest of the passage silently. When the student is finished reading, administer the corresponding Benchmark Quick Check Quiz. If the student's accuracy rate is below 90 percent accuracy on the Running Record, continue to work with the child at the current level before returning to the Benchmark Quick Check Quiz. Mark a correct answer on the Benchmark Quick Check Quiz with a plus. If the student answers incorrectly, write what the student said and mark a minus. You can give half credit if the student begins to answer the question but does not support it with details from the text or from his or her own thinking. Comprehension involves the ability to remember what one reads, to think about it, and to react. There are three types of comprehension questions: text-based, inferential, and critical response. Each question is labeled. After the student has answered all of the questions, mark the Comprehension Analysis chart at the top right of the page with the number of correct (plus) answers. Example: If the student correctly answers three out of the four text-based questions, mark a 3 on that line. Calculate the appropriate Comprehension Level by dividing the total points scored in all categories by the total points available in all categories. Circle the appropriate Comprehension Level. The answers given on the comprehension question sheets are possible correct answers. If the student responds in a way that answers the question, but is not listed as a possible answer, use your professional judgment and mark it appropriately. If the question has asked for one example from the text and there is more than one possible answer, any one of those answers is sufficient. The student does not need to list them all. However, if the question specifically asks for two examples, then two must be stated. Keep in mind you can give half credit. If students can state opinions for critical responses but are unable to discuss or support them, then the response is considered inadequate and would only receive half credit.