File chemical compounds hw1

Name _________________________
Chemical Compounds of Life
1. What do all organic compounds contain? ______________________________
2. Where do most organic compounds naturally occur? ______________________
3. If a compound is not organic, then it is _________________________________
4. What is the most important inorganic compound? ________________________
a. Why is this an essential compound? _____________________________
b. Why can water dissolve most polar substances? ____________________
5. Which types of compounds are more complex and why? ___________________
6. What is the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen in a carbohydrate? __________________
7. What are monosaccharides? ___________________________________________
8. How can you tell the chemical name for a sugar? __________________________
9. Why are sugars so important? _________________________________________
10. What occurs in the process of dehydration synthesis? _______________________
11. What is a disaccharide? ______________________________________________
12. What is a polysaccharide? ____________________________________________
13. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are all considered simple sugars. Why? _______
14. A polysaccharide stored by a plant is? ___________________________________
15. Where is excess sugar stored in a human? ________________________________
16. What is the stored excess sugar in a human called? ________________________
17. Why is maltose a disaccharide? _______________________________________
18. The addition of water to break down a complex molecule is called ____________
19. Name three types of lipids. ___________________________________________
20. What 3 elements are lipids composed of? ________________________________
21. What makes lipids different from carbohydrates? __________________________
22. What is the difference between a fat and an oil? ___________________________
23. What happens to fat that is stored by animals? ____________________________
24. How are lipids formed? ______________________________________________
25. Draw the structure of glycerol
26. What are the two parts of a fatty acid molecule? __________________________
27. Draw a carboxyl group.
28. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? ______________
29. What elements do nucleic acids contain? _______________________________
30. What are two kinds of nucleic acids? ___________________________________
31. What is a DNA molecule composed of? _________________________________
32. What is a nucleotide composed of? _____________________________________
33. What is a nitrogenous base? ___________________________________________
34. What are the 4 nitrogenous bases of a DNA molecule? ____________________
35. The shape of a DNA molecule resembles the shape of a ___________________
36. The DNA molecule in its coiled form is called a _________________________
37. What are three differences between DNA and RNA? _____________________
38. What are proteins made up of? ________________________________________
39. What elements do amino acids contain? _________________________________
40. The bond between 2 amino acids is called a ______________________________
41. What are enzymes? _________________________________________________
42. A substance that speeds up a reaction without itself being changed is called a
43. What is special about the names of enzymes? __________________________
44. Where are enzymes made? _________________________________________
45. List and describe 6 factors which affect enzyme activity.