Introduction to literature 2010-2011, David Yellin Poems William

Introduction to literature 2010-2011, David Yellin
William Wordsworth: “We Are Seven”
William Carlos Williams, “The Red Wheelbarrow;” “Poem;” “This Is Just To Say”
Emily Dickenson, “The Message”
Lewis Carroll “Jabberwacky”
Rita Dove, “Fifth Grade Autobiography;” “My Mother Enters the Work Force”
Frances Cornford, “Childhood”
Adrienne Rich, Poetry and Experience
Robert Hayden, “Those Winter Sundays”
Theodore Roethke, “My Papa's Waltz”
Rita Dove, “Flash Cards”
Stanley Kunitz, “The Portrait”
Denise Duhamel, excerpt from “Girl Soldier”
Cecil Day Lewis, “Walking Away”
Lord Byron, “So We'll Go No More A-Roving,” Leonard Cohen's rendering of the poem
William Shakespeare, Sonnets XVIII, CXXX
Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods,” “The Road Not Taken”
Tom Lehrer, “ Love Song”
Edgar A. Poe, “Annabel Lee”
Old English Ballad, “Lady Diamond”
Adrian Mitchell, Fifteen Million Plastic Bags
Short Stories
Paul Villard, Information Please
Allan Sillitoe, Enoch's Two Letters
Sandra Cisneros, excerpt from House on Mango Street
J. D. Salinger, Down At The Dinghy
Jean Kerr, My Wild Irish Mother
Janet Frame, The Reservoir
Salman Rushdie, Good Advice is Rarer Than Rubies
Tillie Olsen, I Stand Here Ironing
*** Depending on available time, one or more of the following stories will be studied:
Peter Carey, American Dreams
James Joyce, The Dead
E. A. Poe: The Masque of Red Death
Saki, The Mouse
H. Melville, Bartleby The Scrivener
*** If the play chosen for English day is A. Christie's Mouse Trap, then a lesson will be devoted to
nursery rhymes and to the play.