Celebrating the Bill of Rights American Studies Project – Unit 6, The New Nation (50 points) Project Due Date: _________________________ The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the U. S. Constitution. These important rights were added shortly after ratification, and came after much debate between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists. James Madison, the Father of the Constitution authored them with much input from George Mason and other delegates to the Constitutional Convention. To increase your understanding about one of these important amendments, please select from the following project choices: A. Create a 3 Dimensional monument to one of the first ten amendments. Attach a 2-3 paragraph report about the historical roots to this amendment and why it is important today. Include a properly cited bibliography. B. Create a collage with a variety of visuals depicting one of the first ten amendments. Your collage may include hand-drawn images or ones from a magazine or internet sources. Attach a 2-3 paragraph report about the historical roots to this amendment and why it is important today. Include a properly cited bibliography. C. Write and perform an original song or poem about one of the first ten amendments. Your song or poem should have 2-3 verses. Include information about the historical roots to this amendment and why it is important today. Include a properly cited bibliography. D. Write a letter to George Mason about one of the first ten amendments. It should be 2-3 paragraphs and include information about the historical roots to this amendment and why it is important today. Include a properly cited bibliography. Suggested Resources and Web Sites: U.S. Constitution Users Guide to the Bill of Rights Bill of Rights for Kids www.billofrights.org Name ______________ Celebrating the Bill of Rights Project Rubric Grade _______ Needs Improvement (30-39 points) Project construction lacks neatness, effort and creativity. Satisfactory (40-44pts) Project is neatly constructed and shows satisfactory effort and creativity. Awesome! (45-50pts) Project is neatly constructed and shows outstanding effort and creativity. Words of Amendment are missing or unclear on project. Amendment is written clearly on the project. Amendment is written clearly on the project. Historical Roots information is missing. Historical Roots information is present, but is brief or non-specific. Historical Roots information is thorough and accurate. Information about importance of Amendment is missing. Project has several writing, grammar, or spelling errors. Bibliography is incomplete or missing Information about the importance of the Amendment is present, but is brief or non-specific. Project has few writing, grammar, or spelling errors. Bibliography is included. Information about the importance of the Amendment is thoughtful and specific. Project has few to no writing, grammar, or spelling errors. Bibliography is included and done correctly. Project Checklist: _____Research one of the first ten amendments from the Bill of Rights. (See List of Amendments in ASN and Suggested Resources.) _____Include the words of the amendment on your project. _____Include information about the historical roots of the amendment. For example, where in history did the framers get the idea for this amendment? _____Include information about why this amendment is important today. _____Check project for neatness, effort, creativity, correct grammar and spelling, _____Attach a properly cited Bibliography that includes two different sources. Only one source may be an internet website. Do not use Wikipedia. See ASN Info for Bibliography format.