Review what a coordinator leads and supports from the section. Mark how comfortable you are with each of these activities on a scale from 1-5. 阶段回顾协调员的领导工作和支持工作。 请根据你在下列每一项活动中的舒适度进行打分(分值1-5)。 Activity活动 Leads Supports 领导工作 支持工作 Communicating with the IB for authorization, self-study and evaluation X 与国际文凭组织沟通授权、自学和评估事宜 Communicating with parents, guardians, and the wider community about the school’s IB programme(s) X 与父母、监护人和更广阔社区交流学校的国际文凭组织项目 Developing the school’s mission, vision and strategy X 发展学校使命、愿景和战略 X Developing and promoting key pedagogical elements in the programme(s) (ATL, ATT, Learner Profile, etc.) 发展与提升项目的关键教学要素(ATL学习法、ATT教学法和培养者 目标等) Documenting and monitoring in-school assessment X 记录并监督校内测评 Ensuring teachers’ access to IB frameworks via the Programme Resource Centre X 确保老师通过项目资源中心获得国际文凭组织教学框架。 Fostering ongoing teacher and learner collaboration in the programme(s) X 在项目中培养持续的师生协作关系 General professional development (not mandated by the IB) X 整体职业发展(有别于国际文凭组织规定的内容) X Guidance to learners on next steps in their learning or transitions beyond the school 学习者校外的后续学习与转变指导 IB-mandated school policy development X 国际文凭组织规定的学校政策发展 Informing the school community of and monitoring IB-mandated professional development X Comfort level 舒适度 告知学校社区并监测国际文凭组织规定的的职业发展情况。 Interaction with the IB (including programme updates, X subject changes and general communications) 与国际文凭组织互相交流(包括项目更新、学科变化与整体沟通) Monitoring learners’ admission and access to X IB programmes 监测学习者招生与加入国际文凭组织项目的情况 X Monitoring progress of alumni or students who transition to other programmes 监测校友或转换其他项目的学生的进展 Monitoring the implementation of core components X of the programme(s) 监测项目核心模块的执行情况 Pedagogical leadership across the school X 全学的教学领导 Pedagogical leadership in the school’s programme(s) X 学校项目的教学领导 Scheduling or timetabling X 制定工作议程或时间安排表 Supporting administration of IB-mandated assessments 支持国际文凭组织规定的测评管理 X