AP/IB Biology Syllabus

IB Biology Syllabus
11th and 12th grade
Dear Parent and Student,
The 2011-2012 school term has is about to a good start and I am very pleased with the young
men and young ladies I have met in my classes. I have enclosed in this letter information that will help
any AP/IB student make the grade. Please read through this package of material, initial each page, and
sign and date the back sheet. Another copy of this will be issued to the student when this copy is
returned. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail if you have any concerns or questions throughout the
year. This is just a preliminary outline and it will change according to interruption in the school year
due to testing and other unforeseen events. The Charger Challenge will be done during October,
November, and December for juniors only. A hard copy of this information will be sent home to be
signed and returned during the first full week of school. Use the webpage to download copies.
Curriculum Outline:
Junior Year
Topic 1
Statistical Analysis
Topic 5
Ecology and evolution
Option D
Option G
Ecology and conservation
Topic 6
Human health and physiology
Topic 11
Human Health and physiology
Topic 9
Plant science
Senior Year
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
The chemistry of life
Genetics (Chromosomes, genes, alleles, mutations, theoretical genetics and
Topic 7
Nucleic acids and proteins
Topic 8
Cellular respiration and photosynthesis
Topic 10
Genetic (Meiosis/crosses/linkages/Polygenic inheritance)
Review of all topics
All curriculum topics include internal assessment laboratory exercises, which are kept in a laboratory
portfolio notebook. Attached to this document is a copy of the grading procedures for the internal
assessment component. Charger challenge allows the students to appreciate the environmental, social
and ethical implications of science. It may also allow them to understand the limitations of scientific
study. The exercise is required of all diploma candidates. Failure to show evidence of participation in
charger challenge automatically keeps you from getting the diploma and results in a failing condition
for the IB test (instead of a 1-7 score you get an F). The exercise is a collaborative experience where
concepts and perceptions from across the science disciplines are shared. Students should be prepared
to allocate 10-15 hours to the exercise. More information about the charger challenge will be given out
at the appropriate time period.
Grading Procedures:
o All tests are worth 200 points.
o Labs are graded on the IB scale (24 points) and on a 0-100 scale for my grade book. Students
are given a chance to redo labs when time is available to improve their grade.
o Essays are given a point value based on the number of criteria assigned to the essay. Students
are given the criteria and the numerical weight of the essay when it is assigned.
o Projects are assigned periodically and follow the same point values explanation as essays and
notices are sent for parents to sign so that they are aware of the work to be completed.
o Students will be required to complete one outside reading during the 11th grade year and one
during the 12th grade year. (400 points)
o Tests, daily work, essays, projects and outside reading account for 66% of the total grade. Lab
Reports count for 24%. Biological Assay (Midterm) counts 10% and Final Examinations count
15%. Student grades will have a five point bonus added at the end of the semester.
o Late work will not be accepted unless accompanied by an excused absence notice from the
office. Students should not be absent just because they have a major paper or project for
Biology or another class. Do not procrastinate.
o All papers should be printed at home. Do not bring a disk to school to print out a paper.
o If you are having trouble completing a paper or project, see me before the day it is due.
Classroom Rules:
o Be polite!
o Do not come to class late without an excuse.
o Be ready to work when the bell rings.
o Come to class with all your materials.
o You are responsible for acting appropriate in class. I will not tolerate disruptions to my
teaching. I will not tolerate the students who disrupt the learning environment of their
classmates. If you disrupt class, you will be asked to leave and go to the appropriate
First Offense...teacher/student conference
Second Offense…detention (teacher) and parent called
Third Offense…principal’s (major) detention and parent conference
Fourth Offense…Referred to IB Coordinator and appropriate administrator.
Class Requirements:
o For this class you will need a 2-3 inch notebook with loose-leaf paper. You will need a small
ruler, color pencils, black/ blue ink pen, pencils, and index cards.
o You will need to spend about 30 minutes to an hour each night going over notes and reading
through material in your book.
o All final drafts of papers, projects, and laboratory exercises will be typed in 10/12 fonts and
double -spaced. Graphs and charts may be hand draw in ink or created on the computer. No
work is accepted late.
o Rough drafts may be redone to improve grades. Occasionally a student may be offered a
chance to retake a test or redo other work when the teacher deems it is necessary.
Lab Safety Information:
Students taking a lab class will adhere to the following rules as set forth by the Bibb County Board of
o I will watch a lab safety video; take a lab safety test and pass that test with a grade of 80 or
o I will wear appropriate clothing in lab including goggles, gloves, and lab apron when requested
to do so by the instruction given in lab.
o I will conduct myself in a responsible manner while working in the laboratory.
o I will never try to conduct a lab experiment without proper supervision.
o I will never take chemicals or other substance from the laboratory without the knowledge and
consent of the teacher.
o I will never eat or drink while doing a lab.
o I will know the location of first aid / safety equipment and have knowledge of how to use each.
o I will read and follow all written and verbal instructions when completing a laboratory exercise.
Student’s Name: _______________________________________
Parent’s Name(s): ______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________City ______________Zip _______
Home Phone: __________________ Emergency Contact: __________________
Parent’s E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________
I, _______________________ have read the information contained in this package of
(Parent name)
material and understand what is expected of my student over the next two years.
Parent Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________
I, ______________________have read the information contained in this package of
(Student name)
material and understand that it is my responsibility to follow all rules and instructions as given by my
Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: __________________
____My student is allowed to have picture published.
____ My student is not allowed to have picture published.
Please return this copy and another copy will be issued to you for your records.