Tech Competencies Grades K-2 - Burlington

Burlington-Edison Student Technology Competencies
Grades K-2
Technology Expectations
and Instructional Strategies and Support
Performance Indicators
A major component of the NETS Project is the development of a general set of profiles describing technology-literate students at key
developmental points in their pre-college education. These profiles reflect the underlying assumption that all students should have the opportunity
to develop technology skills that support learning, personal productivity, decision making, and daily life. These profiles and associated standards
provide a framework for preparing students to be lifelong learners who make informed decisions about the role of technology in their lives.
Numbers in parentheses following each performance indicator refer to the standards category to which the performance is linked. The categories
Basic operations and concepts
Social, ethical, and human issues
Technology productivity tools
Technology communications tools
Technology research tools
Technology problem-solving and decision-making tool
Burlington-Edison School District Student Technology Competencies
Based on ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S)
Spring 2007
1. Basic operations and concepts
1.1 Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (e.g., monitor, printer)
to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and other technologies.
Students will:
1.1.1 Turn the computer on and off correctly (K-2)
1.1.2 Use the mouse (move, click and drag, double click, right click) (K-2)
1.1.3 Understand keyboard basics (letters both upper/lower case, numbers, enter, space bar, delete
and symbol keys) (K-2)
1.1.4 Insert information into a template (K-2)
1.1.5 Use basic text, paint, and graphic tools (K-2)
1.1.6 Print (K-2)
1.1.7 Log in/off of a networked computer (1-2)
1.1.8 Insert text into a word processing document (1-2)
1.1.9 Insert graphics into word processed documents (1-2)
1.1.10 Use spell check tools (1-2)
1.1.11 Toggle between two applications (2)
1.1.12 Use formatting features purposefully (text styles, colors, fonts, and size) (2)
Burlington-Edison School District Student Technology Competencies
Based on ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S)
Spring 2007
1.2 Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology.
Students will:
1.2.1 Be able to name basic computer parts and other technology tools (monitor, keyboard, mouse,
hard drive, projector, scanner, document camera, jump drive, and CD Rom) (K-2)
1.2.2 Recognize, use, and be able to name desktop toolbars, icons, and menus (K-2)
1.2.3 Open files or applications correctly (1-2)
1.2.4 Save files to a specific folder on the server correctly (such as district I:Drive space) (1-2)
1.3 Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources (e.g., interactive books, educational
software, elementary multimedia encyclopedias, Internet) to support learning.
Students will:
1.3.1 Be able to use Internet browsing software (Explorer) effectively (open, close, find favorites, use
links, arrows, and scrolling tools) (1-2)
1.3.2 Use bookmarks and hyperlinks to access specific pages on the Internet (K-2)
1.3.3 Develop experience using approved search engines to look for information (1-2)
1.3.4. Learn how to type in site addresses to access various on-line resources (2)
2. Social, ethical, and human issues
2.1 Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when using
technology in the classroom.
Students will:
2.1.1 Be able to follow directions while using technology tools (K-2)
2.1.2 Work in collaboration with peers and students from other grades (K-2)
2.1.3 Learn to teach others about technology tools and appropriate use (1-2)
Burlington-Edison School District Student Technology Competencies
Based on ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S)
Spring 2007
2.2 Demonstrate positive social and ethical behaviors when using technology.
Students will:
2.2.1 Learn and abide by the BESD Acceptable Use Policy (K-2)
2.2.2 Know details about ethical use of the Internet and other technology tools (K-2)
2.2.3 Learn to show respect and care for equipment (K-2)
2.2.4 Understand the consequences for using technology tools inappropriately, such as: accessing
inappropriate sites on-line (K-2)
2.2.5 Know what to do if inappropriate sites are accessed accidentally (K-2)
2.2.6 Discuss and begin to learn about copyright issues surrounding electronic media (2)
2.2.7 Begin to develop an understanding of on-line safety (K-2)
3. Using Technology tools for productivity.
3.1 Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities.
Students will:
3.1.1 Begin to develop word processing skills by learning keyboard layout and functions (location of
letters, numbers, symbols, and other key operations) (K-2)
3.1.2 Use technology tools to develop skills in all academic areas (K-2)
3.1.3 Use tech tools to print, post, and publish works to share with extended audiences (1-2)
3.2 Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family
members, or student partners.
Students will:
3.2.1 Learn about presentation tools while creating class projects (K-2)
3.2.2 Learn to use various presentation tools and how they can be used to share work with others,
such as Power Point (1-2)
3.2.3 Learn to use basic media tools and work to include graphics/images and sound into
presentations (1-2)
3.2.4 Create one or more curriculum-related multimedia projects with assistance (1-2)
Burlington-Edison School District Student Technology Competencies
Based on ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S)
Spring 2007
4. Using technology tools for communications, research, problem-solving, and decision making
4.1 Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs, writing tools, and digital
cameras, drawing tools) for problem solving, communication, and illustration of thoughts, ideas, and
Students will:
4.1.1 Learn how technology tools can be used to learn about various topics (K)
4.1.2 Begin to use technology tools to research and learn about various topics (1-2)
4.1.3 Begin to learn how technology tools can be used to solve problems and make decisions in the
classroom and in the real world setting (1-2)
4.2 Gather information and communicate with others using telecommunications, with support from
teachers, family members, or student partners.
Students will:
4.2.1 Begin to use technology tools to extend communication beyond the classroom, with teacher
support, to utilize video conference opportunities and other on-line resources (K-2)
Burlington-Edison School District Student Technology Competencies
Based on ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S)
Spring 2007