PERSON SPECIFICATION Essential (E) or Desirable (D) Assessed via Application (A), Interview (I) Presentation/Tas k (P/T) Degree or equivalent E A Teaching qualification E A Assessor Award(s) D A Management experience in a post 16 educational setting at an appropriate level D AI Experience of self-assessment and associated quality improvement planning and performance management E AI Experience of managing, or contributing to, processes for monitoring and improving learning, teaching and assessment (e.g. lesson observations, learning walkthroughs, improvement planning, coaching) E AI A successful track record of teaching in a post 16 setting E A P/T Innovation and development across a range of academic and/or vocational areas within a post 16 educational setting E AI Proven ability to analyse data and write accurate and wellevidenced reports/overviews E A P/T Experience of OFSTED Inspection D AI Experience of HE QAA Higher Education Review and/or IIP D AI E I Personal attributes required Qualifications: Experience: Knowledge, skills and abilities: A high degree of motivation to lead learning, teaching and assessment development. The ability to analyse data, identify underperformance and plan coaching and CPD opportunities to improve standards of learning E A I P/T Up to date knowledge of current developments in learning, teaching and assessment E AI Strong leadership skills and a creative approach to problem solving E AI Knowledge of the requirements of different curriculum areas E AI Ability to establish effective working relationships with staff across college E AI Flexibility stamina and reliability to work under pressure and to meet deadlines. E AI Ability to use ILT to a high level for appropriate word processing; spreadsheet; database; presentation; and learning, teaching and assessment purposes. E AI Ability to plan and coordinate complex processes E AI Excellent interpersonal and negotiation skills and ability to communicate complex information, instructions or procedures effectively. E AI Commitment to the College Single Equality Strategy, safeguarding and Prevent E AI A proactive approach to College Health and Safety matters wherever and whenever applicable. E AI Involvement with relevant external networks and groups D AI Full UK Driving Licence D A Other: