In Class Lab #6


In-Class Laboratory Exercise #6

(turn in after completing)



Hand in the next two pages with answers to the following:

From Step 8:

Total number of applications served during the simulation:___________

Maximum flowtime of applications:_______________

Maximum number in Application Review queue: ____________________

Average time in the Application Review queue: _____________________

Average number in the Application Approval queue: __________________

Average time in the Application Approval queue: _____________________

Minimum time in the Application Approval queue: ____________________

Average Utilization of the Loan Officer: ____________________

From Step 10


Using the Expression Editor, what is the plot expression being used for number in Applications Review queue:


From Step 16: Have the Instructor or TA see your animation of the entities, queue, and resource, demonstrate the use of views, and illustrate your great banner and check-off here: _____________________________

From Step 20


What is the overall average Production (compute the average manually)?


From Step 23: What is the confidence interval for average Production produced by



From Step 27: What is the impact of this change on the system in terms of:


(c) flow time: ______________________________

(d) queues: _________________________________

Step 27: After re-running the simulation, what is the impact of this change on the system in terms of:

(a) Production: __________________________

(b) flow time: ______________________________


In-Class Laboratory Exercise #6

Lab Purpose: Gain experience with Arena in building of a simple model “from scratch” and examine its output. Understand modeling is an iterative process.

Simulation Problem: Student loan applications are processed by two people in the

Student Loan Office. First the loan Review Clerk examines the loan details and determines if the application is complete. If the application is complete, then the

Loan Officer examines the application to determine if the application satisfies all the criteria for a loan.

Applications arrive about every two hours randomly. Typically, the time for the loan review is one and three-fourths hours, while minimum service time appears to be about 1 hour and maximum service time is about 3 hours. The time for the loan approval is Lognormal distributed with a LogMean of 2.25 hours and a LogStd of

.75 hours.

Simulate the system for 40 consecutive eight-hour days.

First, construct a Conceptual model

What do the entities represent? _______________

What do the resources represent? _______________

Draw a flowchart in the space below of the applications arriving, being served, and leaving. Put the data associated with each process on the block diagram elements:

Step 1: Bring up Arena and start a new model. Attach the Basic Process Panel (if it is not already attached).


Step 2: Place a Create flowchart module on the model canvas. Put in the interarrival time specifications and other information in the dialog.

Step 3


Place two consecutive Process flowchart modules on the model canvas: one for the Application Review and the other for Application Approval. Specify the resources and the service times. Make sure the queue information is correct in the

Queue spreadsheet module.

Step 4


Place and specify a Dispose flowchart module.

Step 5


Be sure that the various Modules are connected – use the connect tool.

Make sure the “animate connector” button is pushed.

Step 6


In the Run->Setup specify Title, Analysts, date. Make the length of the simulation 40 eight hour days. Specify the base time units.

Step 7


Execute the simulation.

Step 8


From the Reports, write down:

Total number of applications served during the simulation:___________

Average flowtime of applications:________________

Minimum flowtime of applications:_______________

Maximum flowtime of applications:_______________

Average number in the Application Review queue: __________________

Maximum number in Application Review queue: ____________________

Average time in the Application Review queue: _____________________

Minimum time in the Application Review queue: ____________________

Maximum time in the Application Review queue: ____________________

Average number in the Application Approval queue: __________________

Maximum number in Application Approval queue: ___________________

Average time in the Application Approval queue: _____________________

Minimum time in the Application Approval queue: ____________________

Maximum time in the Applications Approval queue: ___________________

Average Utilization of the Loan Review Clerk:______________________

Average Utilization of the Loan Officer: ____________________


Step 9: Use the Plot Animate tool to plot (see Step 10 to determine the plot expression):

(a) number in Applications Review queue

(b) number in Applications Approval queue

(c) the number busy of Review Clerk

(d) the number busy of Loan Officer

Step 10


Using the Expression Editor, what is the plot expression being used for number in Applications Review queue:


Step 11


Run the simulation and answer the following by looking at the plot:

Does number in Applications Review queue increase or decrease with time?


Does number in Applications Approval queue increase or decrease with time?


Does the Review Clerk utilization increase or decrease with time?


Does the Loan Officer utilization increase or decrease with time?


Step 12: Using the View menu item, create three “views” of the model. Below are the “hot keys” and what the view should show (use the Arena “help”):

(a) view “o”: see overview of everthing

(b) view “m”: show model logic (just the flowchart modules)

(c) view “p”: show plots

(d) view “a”: animation only

Step 13: Use the Resource Animate tool animate the Idle and Busy states of the each resource. Use the picture library from c:\Program Files\Rockwell

Software\Arena\. Picture libraries have the extension .plb. Choose representations from these pictures. Be sure the “seize area” is checked and location. Size the pictures appropriately.

Step 14: Use the Entity module to add a picture for the entity. Size the pictures appropriately.


Step 15


Put a title and your name in white on a red background as a banner to the simulation using the drawing facilities within Arena.

Step 16: Show off your animation of the entities, queue, and resource, demonstrate the use of views, and illustrate your great banner: sign-off on hand-in pages.

Step 17


Change the Simulate module to make five replications.

Step 18


Execute the simulation (be sure to use “fast-forward” to avoid having to watch the animation).

Step 19


Write down the five average values for each replication/run below:

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5


(Applications competed)

Step 20


What is the overall average Production (compute the average manually)?


Step 21


What is the standard deviation of the average Production (compute manually)?


Step 22: Compute the 95% confidence interval for average Production manually?

( t




Step 23: What is the confidence interval for average Production produced by Arena?



Step 24 : Ignore now the animation and work only with the simulation model and the plots. The Loan Approval appears to be a bottleneck. The Loan Officer is overburdened and the Loan Approval queue is large. Let’s consider some changes.

Step 25: It is observed that 18 percent of the loan applications are incomplete and do not have to be reviewed by the Loan Officer. The Decide flowchart module can be used to “branch” entities. Use it to branch only 82 percent of the entities form the

Application Review process to the Application Approval process. Put the remaining

18 percent into another Dispose module.

Step 26: Rerun the simulation (one replication of 40 eight hour days).

Step 27: What is the impact of this change on the system in terms of:

(a) Production: __________________________

(b) flow time: ______________________________

(c) queues: _________________________________

(d) resource use: ____________________________

Step 28: Closer examination of the Application Approval process reveals that the processing time follows a more complicated form than first thought. The proper time is given by the following expression (in hours): (1 / (1+Number in Approval Queue))

* (Normal whose mean is 2.5 and whose std dev is .7). Use the Expression Builder to enter this value into the Delay time expression of the Application Approval process.

Step 27: After re-running the simulation, what is the impact of this change on the system in terms of:

(a) Production: __________________________

(b) flow time: ______________________________

(c) queues: _________________________________

(d) resource use: ____________________________

